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Night Mare's

this store is about illness make go coma when in dream something else in world people look diffrent something are not evil friend are want, go this world destory give world keep Vera, help strong and Amerila and Sara Rose help with power better there Chapter 2 coming thansk Vera-Anne

Written by Vera-Anne 2006

Night Mare

Chapter In Dream

Vera Night Mare

In Dream something happen Dreamer best firend love smuch in some didn't like him heart cried Dreamer no please I know something Demon Vera,movie. alright said Dreamer call Dreamer hekp not you he said look alright excasue alright reason didn't not work evil home alright Dreamer other girl alrigh then Sara In Night mare same one alright love passison don't know like evil he said pouir girl yeah Angel look feeling alright life..,

Amerila in coma in now becasue deomon kick ass on Chris clam down magice not dark... not coma along she said weak In power starga sorry River alright guys in careful

Vera come demon hurt day look diffrent okay look alright bing cool alright relaly good In Dreamer lok eyes flashing loook here

Deomon oh aw cute look Not, you side get thew brain don;t think hosw nice in touch going here... River threw thank alright strong alright wow like new poswer Dreeamer thanks alright... how vera with people wake alright hello coffe Dreamer yes look what happen you not, evil coruse no, not evil don't know alright then...

Help cried back Dreamer gone, sorry chris burn wow Chris thanks not evil promise safe life alright give that yeah sure felleding again... never everyone gone, night no nightmare

In Night Mare get when do destory body evil not dead but in coma get world in destory evil need help vera alright sure

more comig soon