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Red Sunday

Myspace, Myspace Graphics, Myspace Backgrounds

This is a screenplay written for a woman who made the hardest decision of her life Red Sunday

Written by Laura V.C

This was written for a true story about a mother struggling with a very tough decision. At the end of this story I was in tears. I hope this touches you the way that story touched me.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


(The scene opens on a beach with a mother and daughter, dragging a small boat into the water. )

Daughter: Why are we doing this?

Mother: Because it will be fun, an experience.

Daughter: For who? Me or you?

Mother: Are you scared?

Daughter: A little. You’re not?

Mother: Terrified.

Daughter: You don’t have to do this.

Mother: It will be fun

Daughter: And scary.

Mother: Which is part of the fun.

Daughter: (attempts to climb into the boat) What day is it?

Mother: Why?

Daughter: I just want to know.

Mother: Sunday.

Daughter: (shrugs) We shouldn’t be doing anything. You know why? It’s a Sabbath day.

Mother: Get in the boat. It’s not like you’re doing this alone.

Daughter: I’m trying-- (struggles)

Mother: (doesn’t help) It really doesn’t matter what day it is, you know. All that matters is that this is the day we experience a new life.

Daughter: (sarcastic) Not really a new life.

Mother: Get in the boat.

(The daughter finally climbs into the boat, causing it to rock in the shallow water)

Daughter: (sarcastic) You’re right, this is fun.

Mother: We need to go a bit further.

Daughter: Not too much further. I like the shallow water. If it gets too deep I--

Mother: I’m here.

Daughter: Fear is too.

(The mother takes the oars and begins to row the boat away from the shore. She looks to be struggling and the daughter cowers by the edge with uncertainty in her eyes)

Mother: This was my choice.

Daughter: And I didn’t have one.

Mother: You don’t need one.

Daughter: I thought you loved me.

Mother: I do love you.

Daughter: I thought you’re supposed to protect me.

Mother: I do that too.

(As they drift out further, waves lap at the side of the boat.)

Daughter: I don’t like this, mother, take us back.

Mother: I can’t.

Daughter: Why not?

Mother: Because this is the choice I made.

Daughter: What about my choice?

Mother: You don’t get one.

Daughter: I want one.

Mother: I want you to know how much I love you.

Daughter: It’s Sunday. Do you know it’s Sunday?

Mother: I love you, my daughter.

Daughter: (goes to stand up in the boat) I’m scared! Mother… please, it’s Sunday…

(The mother pushes the daughter out of the boat and both mother and daughter scream.)

Mother: Oh my god…

Daughter: How could you do this? You said you loved me! You said you would protect me! (flails helplessly in the water)

Mother: I want freedom. I want to live my life. If you knew how I lived my life, you’d understand. If you ever met my mother you’d understand.

Daughter: I don’t-- how could you? (sputters) How could you--

Mother: I never wanted this. I wanted to protect you. I wanted to love you. This was very hard. (cries) If I could do it all over, I would do it all over. I would. You have to know that. You have to.

Daughter: (dying) I wanted a name, mother, I wanted a name.

Mother: I have to go. I can’t bear this anymore. I can’t-- I’m sorry, please forgive me.

Daughter: If I had a name-- please-- if I had a name, would you love me?

Mother: (forces the boat around, and drops her head. She can still hear the sounds of her daughter, dying.) I feel like I’m dying--

Daughter: Don’t leave me--

Mother: Forgive me--

Daughter: I’m dying--

Mother: I’m dying--

(The sun is setting and the sky is red, throwing a blood red stain over the water. The daughter is gone and the mother sits up, grasping feebly for the oars. She is making her way to the shore when she sees a woman with her son. They are carrying a boat to the water. The son spots her)

Son: What day is it?

Mother: (comes to the shore) What?

Son: What day is it?

Mother: (climbs out of the boat) Sunday. What’s your name?

Son: Don’t know.

(The mother yells as loud as she can to the mother of the son)

Mother: Give him a name!

2nd Mother: What?

Mother:For godsakes, Give him a name!

(The mother turns and watches as the second mother climbs into the boat with the son and float slowly towards the sunset)

(Fade to black)
