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Chapter 2 Evil Back

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"I'm when bed laydown dreamer friend over, night okay stay don arms guys think more friend, I love it him alriht ask, in morning, vera woke, verison alriht screamer dreamer friend alright what Keifer, gun down River vera what keifer, alright then Sara nicemee finala lright night fell okay yes Rose going Keifer yeah wow cast 24 here hey look anything Jade lovve cried" hey bug doing god talking hello, sorry my girlfriend,Rose there, "hi sister oh yeah didn't brother yeah yes do mom dad yeah aclttty with mo with parent mother not do well alright what happen in cant alright dreamer alright had verison again, worry never fire come didn't alright then."

Next morning got downstairs I'm Keifer no green light okay okay damit back wasn';t think Kim going in in what happen ys vera power never make ling people trust cast 24 alright Kim ask question in ask, few month oh Kim not same day found touch was back nornal wasn't hair, color, I know alright then call name bit nut not and oh Kim wow oh like me scared wow Kim have mage go magic thanks alright tony clam down becasyue touch. so have magice get magice time alright okay like tony clam do call my name I know yes do alright then Elisha Carlos yes bodyguard hi kim learm power, I know think something iknow vera news in, I know floirdi 24 in hit okay stt fire, don't know think oh then okay hello, everyone my king evil back my I know back danogut look magic where okay alright newstton floride come stay did no, I know my demon friend hunt down every night day get power this world now cried kim Vera river listen, hello, see ask Jez get guys look fine me okay bette good, I know 5 and other sorry 24 desotry no, get no keep, wowokay run world no bye.

Shocked I kow got in not happen turse storm read him alright take last in dreamer with, love safe you, this time alright hten I know group veraalright over not alone alright knock guys hey Rez alright i'm destory I kow world don't like it okay think bing think I know, Evil suck toold ass I know so dreamer vera closeer my friend Rez something dreamer poctore night okay poecote guys hurt get window yeah yes oh aw really don't like eigher Bluyen do okvy hair love wow nice hair, blyen Rez vera did wow much not blyen no okay like my dad now Blyen, alright I know

Vera sit down, look read sleeping let sleeping i know guys Keifer rest eyes
The next morning vera there, look down alrigh tyes fine sara Angel, and Sara let run donw Sara waht wrong look saravera, just left I know then walked Keifer, Cherry I know hello,doing is Sara sand vera ten talking I Angel want okay becasue going work dreamer alone, I know Sara then so talking me Angel talked youalright wny just leave alone alright then alright need talkig want talked do i know sara, think just cute oka where vera with Dreamer alrigh I know sure safe okay then bit okay Dreamer alright not okay Vera siting my seft dreamer talking Angel found tree keep with you tried alright bye.

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