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NEWMy Dreamy Dragon Fanfiction

updatedGhost Town

NEWOut Of The House

NEWThe Movie

NEWThe Movie

Clay's Dream>/p>

NEWEvil Mother And Daughter

NEWThe Nick Carter Concert

NEWDay Came By Night

NEWSpeical Gift

NEWThe Castle


Harry Potter And Evil Twin

Coming Soon

Blackrose Seris

Cruel World Fanficton.

Angel, Gang Fanfic.

Diluah,Gang Fanfic.

Out Contorl

Shaman Fanficion.

Inuyasha Fanficton

Salior Moon.

Love Fanficton

Golden book*(~Harry Potter~)

~Nightmare's Verison~

~Journary Home~

The more coming Soon stories coming hope like stories have my site thanks enjoyed my site more, stories coming chapter write bring ghost town

~Chapter 16.~Fall Time~

~Chapter 17.~Speical News~

~Chapter18.~Winter is Here~

~Chapter 19~NEW Evil~

~Chapter 20~Night Mare's~

My viurls-Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Dark Dreams-Coming Soon

New A House-Coming Soon

Darkness days-Coming Soon

Summer Night-Coming

Nick's New Dreams-Coming Soon

Coming Soon My site

Crazy World


The Place

Last Time

Crazy World-Coming Soon

Darkress Dream's-Coming Soon

Breaking Heart-Coming Soon

The Cold~CComing Soon~>

Host Fanfiction

Laura V.C Fanficton

NEW~We're The Backstreet boys

~Fear It Self~

NEW~Wake Call Up~

NEW~Forgive and Forget~

NEW~Mysty Knight~

NEW~Love Never Dies~

NEW~Witch's Curse~

NEW~Word's Apart~


NEW~The Hunter~

NEW~The Risk~

~Sleep Chamber~

~Secret Keeper


~The Mirror

>copyright Laura V.C

Coming SOon

oing sencen 9-10 We're

Hello every change my laydout picture hope like it wow okay really took alot for work doing this layout, my chick imange and my host fanfitin there put anyway stories please Email thanks hope like tagboard my tagboodp more coming soon in yeah new, one Storie Write ther Black Rose hope like thanks Vera-Anne

Write Up's Stories

NEW No Time Stand Still-Kira look time going check time post it stop every one doing no time said guy look green glow at

Moonlight-It's about a girl and friend made is music busy and brothe and his sister Moonlight made new resturant Call hot plate and his sister singer meet backstreet boys are going out with one number so did friends, go when two girl have girl friend in srpict and these to girls trying break them apart becasue can't get busy music world and Resturant world tried break them up to get them back no thing is working how loyal backstreet Boys to there girl in this srpit-Vera-Anne/p>

Evil Mother and Daughter-This story is about this mother had 3 two Daugther she like them so locked in bastment no reason life there one day come out Kandace first daugther is most importment perosn mother don't care hapen them feed some store knowing charther's mother is not good in Star and Dree Chargher two guy come save them living in bastment when long time can't remeber when it's started Cater was Kanadace boyfriend feel love with Star sad what happen help get away father find later in story that what happen to daugther. I want dectory story to V.C Andwers love book good Autor this remind me Flower in Aritc good book, read-Vera-Anne

No Wind- wind said, Vina walking home, when home that them stop after no happy wind this vashied no one what happen got really hot.,

The Glass-Haylia was found what mother 10 years anustery come up, fell this a class

White Hall-A hall was paint with while tell stories why paint white charter Carrie re sercher about, history and someone when miss no know what happen.

Broken Window Behide The Glass- There was speical glass behide Window no want there Locke going fine ou why there fine something about it.

Double Life- Vera and brother Chris found had twin's don't know after parent in fire looking, yeah letter''s in in mail coming reuomin in Flordia fine out Had twin.

Sam Pass(LFTR)- Sam in hobbit home think about Frodo have Dream about girl only safe Sam fine slay my orch no who was in world in there friend's don't know where is.

Black Sky-Shine was in his look sky was black look thurder shower tonight new roommate moving tonight names Varla some about speical in when fell love her

Ghost Town-Kira and Madison and Shana okay was when place when when town no see people okay was nice town put no where are.

Midnight Pass-This Story about Midnight look around news okay artic fine out dead in fire 10 years ago but okay wasn't there okay somethinkg one secret family out pass when young no some one didn't best friend

City Of AngelThis story this sciencist found place call Crystial light okayAngel live there world there peaceful okay place peoeple vist okay there then something happy some one like more mad not Queen geting make then plan destory world okay I'm burn Sciensot lab okay 200 people vashish one in fire no where one did why okay Harry burn very okay few peopel come over 600 peoeple work 200 don't know other when lost in lab okay place fine in threw chapter alright

Flames 10 friend meet some there don't know are fine 10 people okay found this time power go evil destory thee world and never get run like it okay but one some fell love one in that ground friends

Best Singer Contest Sara and Rose entery sing conset okay best friend Siena did fun okay

Family Secret's Shira look threw picture something didn't know never saw him who no body okay will tell said Father come with go here hello, my son from first married she did 6 years old re married your mother him why okay gift okay rase okay want found him yes do alright what name Cloud wow okay like like him smile.

Out Out this about girl when new story okay meet guys nice okay like him people call in freak it

Walking in A Door this is store is about girl Lilan got new job no like it okay but best job boss good work i'm feel close in I'm then when depost other job really good okay in no one like them when in walked alright in doorway.

NEWThe Castlehello, this is about vera and Chris Rose and Sara parent vasish in fire no when okay River have secret never vera and Chris sara rose derma new about but didn't saything knew believe. I'm tell vera birthday

Hello, there write up coming soon hope like this page Vera-Anne:);)

NEW Black Rose Shiura in room, look arounnd when store she black Rose brohght pretty color, where River yes look her, something rine, make, best Li and wow like it Where from Store river had werid...

Harry Potter And The EVil Twin- Harry found out had brother but new where back Hogward brother was Evil Herimone found out them was evil ask, know's how turn evil.

Day Came Bye Night- Prince has spell on way break it a ture love and this Vera love Prince Name is Darrin want break it okay.

Broken Love-girl boyfriend broken didn't want chest her if school so where can back change was hurt, about it, some is different about him didn't understand what happen.

Crystal Light-It's world no one know think's gone only science's study and, then something happen was descory about Angel are really..


Harry Potter And The Pyshert Stone

~Like it when read book realy good now think J.K Rowling was fasntast job this book going throught was cool reading was all about watch the movie was Awsome like it. Like the character in the story and the course all the cast did was wonder job on it.This move was good too.