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Chapter 1 Dvd Night

Chapter 1DVD Night

“0ne day Shenna was going pick Natalie with her car and Rain was staying clean up the house and Piper bring movies out. Chris watching and help Rain with it.”Sheena come to see Natalie hello there “hello come in ready yeah we have to the store first Okay when my Sheena car talking so how are you doing sorry didn’t have DVD night last week were working so much taking so time off now my boyfriend is come this week.”Oh ok. Lima was in the store with Lana. Sheena was getting some chips and some cake because Rain boyfriend bother this week want cake. Sheena got other some things Lana saw Sheena. “ guess who I saw who Sheena she here. Lima look where I saw her maybe dreaming Lana maybe so” Sheena and Natalie was finish going thought clark. Sheena phone ring hello hey rain got the suff okay got two case of pop I need some moreYeah cake for you boyfriend oh thank’s your welcome.” Dom gift last weekend me and Elijah anverisy gift last week too. coming now okay bye pay there cashier” Lima was got somesuff for apartment live few block’s before Sheena and Rain Chris and Piper. When Sheena car off they when. Knock that the door Rain Hey sweet heart Dom you are here yep come day early, Elijah hey Rain When is Sheena coming back from the store okay he said, Sean when hug Piper was happy. Billy come in. Sheena out of here car and Natalie help bring thing’s in the car You said saw Sheena through “ did maybe wasn’t her when to the her apartment living together “ima have fight with her parent’s so. living with Lana her best friend,

Sheena come in the house come in the kitchen I guess who, Elijah, hey baby miss you so much I are you early. Kiss her this for the store want come with me to the a store need get stuf for supper I we are making supper, okay can Natalie yeah sure tell piper go with movies. oh having DVD Night cool. watching movies okay be back hey be back Elijah go to the store with him okay not starting get Piper Sean setting my DVD For me okay be fine Piper. be back okay do want car Elijah yeah hey here Elijah get some flowers for Rain Yeah sure okay thank’s. Sean DVD works now what wrong wires wasn’t right now DVD okay that Sean Piper was hugging him they are out for awhile, Elijah and Sheena going for 2 years half, Piper and Sean was more then Dom and Elijah. Poor Billy still single no happy. when then store Lana and Lima was still there shopping for food. so did for auveriys nothing much I’m sorry didn’t call he said was busy. It’s okay I was working that day anyway okay. wow going phone was late when home for work. 12-7am in the morning wow long yes fun. Rain tried it was first day this made sure every thing ready in morning had fun. give few taking time off. we here. what are getting don’t know. every close yeah I know close. Lima saw Sheena looking at fruits hey do have a Dollars’s yes I do I know be back her said Sean walk in hello with dom and Rain Natalie and Piper were Sheena look at fruit. Hello Sheena lana hi lana didn’t saw for awhile yeah I know be. so how are you doing good who guy you with my boyfriend oh ok haveboyfriend yes how is Rain. doing good yeah who that with guys Dom and Elijah Dom is Rain boyfriend, oh and Elijah is mine boyfriend so how is boyfriend he doing good. See you later bye Lana left hey Lima there you Sheena is here saw se is the fruit Lima look around saw okay let going should around. there when, over hello Lana over again so what been up to nothing much. not much with me Lima was other row behide listening in. so did talk lima few month ago when ask me questions about Rain why is not didn’t be nice here, she call me Rain answer the phone ask for me. I guess who you who, Lima want talk you again. about something didn’t phone didn’t have time . busy have go my boyfriend bye Lana. Bye lana nothing much rain and Sheena have boyfriends really who Elijah and Dom. don’t who are. that it’s was busy when you call nothing it. Hey Dom hello getting some fruit I’m were is Elijah over there with Sean talking about, What about oh can’t tell you that. So what you Sean talking about nothing secret wait see. get some fruit’s okay. Elijah look at meat hey rain hello I guese who I saw who Lana my old friend didn’t want be friend becasue was me Lima something like that really not sure don’t her don’t care about her.

When come the guy made supper it's ready after supper Sheena when check her site nothing was on here site so she left. sean when check there he sharing with sheena becasue don't want make have one to many fan my crashing down use got 25 new email Lima Street And Lana Walker. frist check then read.

Dear Sheena Hello how are you doing I'm doing fine what been up too nothing much. can my site you site for me I like you site look great like Rain site too. have go work now bye Lima Street Ps please Write back soon

hello there so did Rain give you message to you I call you other asking for a job need more hours becasue othere work not give it. thank Lima Street

Dear RainHello why don't want be my friend more didn't why won't be my friend I'm sorry didn't mean all those thing before was just upset, then now not upseted now because sorry please be my friend sorry don't know email tried old one but never come back. so how are you doing I'm doing good talk you later Lima Street.

Dear PiperSorry don't have email address ask sheena before didn't want give to me. thanks.

Dear Every Onehello there what is Natalie promblem she acting like a bitched think should go back to school. think should updated your site, natalie not good friend, that think should act you ages like 5 years old. Lima Street.

Sean look read okay few from Lana Walker.

Hello Sheenahi not your friend any more becaue what you said about my friend was wrong goodbye. Lana Walker

Hello again think you fucking bitched need grow up like don't have make friend like you really rude and mean don't wany ou more. thanksLann Walker.

Sean still looking at the emails more.

Dear SheenaLana deodn'y you more be friend becasue what have said about me calling names, I know you have calling me name. Lana And Lima

Dear SheenaHello it's Amanda and Kristen from work hey want come to my wedding my sister getting marrind Sara want you come so happy oh yeah not bring Lima not friend with her any more was talking about me behide my back. was bad amanda was upset you my cousin get mad family moving really this weekend wedding be here. I will call or email when wedding going have it not sure. think it's March 25 or 26, have ask my sister again. Rain and Piper too and Chris. going my boyfriend too sorry did anything work is busy know I gald off this weekend taking some time off becasue my sister might come sooner. when help when wedding plans. Kristen say hi you sorry about last week had cancel fine out her grandmother has cancer doing really good. had sureryy few day. Kristen really sorry about didn't mom told at her left her. was busy today wow course friday, I saw rain today work in morning herard taking time off call you tommrow I'm off byethank Amanda Star

Dear SheenaHello it's kristen not friend Lima And lana more hurt me really bad amanda was piss off about told what happen this really happen was after work I when see Lima New Aparment live not off from you think want close. didn't say my brother says hi you miss you at work with his cases. Doing a hard one really sad. block number and her email. don't write me any more. I gald after that okay her aparment. about Amanda like mad told amanda said ask her don't like something like that. have go now.Kristen Wicked

Hey Sheena hello Sean got 5 from Lima Street yeah sure got two from Lana Walker some were nice and some were bad was being a bitched don't like her deosn't like Natalie. course mad bitched her out. we don't like her. oh amanda Star and Krisrwn Wicked email oh amanda her sister geting married doesn't know yet. not friend with Lima and Lana Kristen told you that saying thing about amanda. piss thanks. Sean check other one. then ring sheena anwswer hello. Sheena you speaking hey it's Amanda. going call you late it's okay. yeah heaed sis getting married yes Sean told me. read my email sharing with me. Sweet heart told not friend Lima and Lana no I'm not being bitched about it. asking about rain why being bitched because Amanda said not you friend any more Leave them alone. be big fight why are friend then, hurt calling you name. No they didn't amanda way when what fucking bitched. Excause sorry Rain not swearing Lima asking question if have boyfriend not call Kristen ask her that Sheena Person life. Don't going on. Sean was on compture

Magical Loyris Message (MLM) Hello Sheena

Sheena: this not sheena

Kristen who is this then

Sheena It's Sean.

Kristen. Hello Sean

Sheean:Hello to you how you doing

Kristen. I'm doing good, today

Sheena: she not phone I don't know talk told her who email

Kristen cool.

Sheena: Kinda read letter

Kristen that fine

Sheena: both like Lima

Kristen: That bitched

Sheena: I'm is bitched didn't believe that Sheena boyfriend.

Kristen:What course have boyfriend, have picture today together

Sheena: wow

Kristen: She give on of boyfriend.

Sheean: that good nice too.

Kristen: Lima need grow up becasue this sticking for them not being her

Sheena: don't like them wrote eamil Sheena tonight. and this Lana walker

Kristen: That's was Sheena but she lie to Sheena was friend Lima. told 4 months before was friends.

Sean A: oh deer why do that not rude you think should didn't like what Sheena said about her calling name something like that.

Kristen: That bitched, email today


Sean: okay

Kristina look emai reading?

Dear Kristen Hello are you doing I'm not friend amanda any more being rude asking question About Rain, this want know.USe Sticking up for them don't was not good feriend to me very rude and thing shouldn't friend them, amanda said they are my friend Lima don't care what you about them Sheena nice manger . not good all bitched, the all gay one lovers self. so what you some thing I'm online now.Lima

Kristen: Read this Sean

Sean Okay

Kristen: What bitched Excasuse Me

Sean: What bitched really rude send that telling how me bring friend with


Dom and Rain up staries taking Piper was going out Star And May be home later.

Kristen okay email right.

Sean okay... <[>Dear Lima And Lana Hello there Lima sorry not friend more either what did my cosin very rude at work that was mean and think what was right you this goodbye don't email any more.Kristen.

Kristen Hey Sean are there

Sean I'm still here

Kristen: what bitched wrong with her.

Sean don't worry about it that rain alway say.

Kristen yeah...

On the phone sorry Dom said this want calling my parent coming still thing every parent dawm, going movie half hour. okay fine, this Amanda back on live. cell when off. Hey Amanda it' s lima do you kristen why can't throught Kristen phone don't lima. Amanda hang up on turn off cell phone. Sheena tell when off maybe. hello back sorry Lima didn't know why can't throught only can't throught Kristen Block going that tomrrow. have go Dom need phone maybe come over tommrwow sure call me okay bye Sheena.


Sean hello Kristen

Kristen still here look at site.

Sean: got from Lima

back to email's From Lima,Walker

Dear Sheena hello there do you Kristen number her cell off this just call fews aga don't know what happen. thannk Limaback to MLM

Sean Hey Kristen

Kristen right sean got you email back from Lima

Sean what did you said.

Kristen don't me my frinend i'm friend with Amanda.

Kristen:his wrote, lima sorry hurt my cousin and should know what old friend are you doing right not busy should they don't know your personal life. right sorry can't friend you saying thing be hinde my back I know talking me to. good bye Lima and Lana..

Sean wow Like that. have go now watching right

Kristen getitmg of too tired from work.

Sean bit tried from our trip this back today.

Kristen going sheena tommrow.

Sean yeah sure be fne tell sheena

Kristen bye,

Sean shut every compture Thank you shuting my comture down Sean your welcome Sheena Kristen coming over torroworw Amanda is coming too. Sheena what doing here. can get a drink Elijah why don't you and rain in okay come Sean come what want bring drink okay, Elijah girl in the kitchen I will. talking Sheena read a Newpaper. Sheena when kicten got drink okay here you thank you promise back you and Rain can't go in yet. have my paper back elijah not fair tall them me. Elijah have paper no can't have back why not can have back come here okay prosmise going in the kitchen, kiss her back. Rain down stairs can't the kitchen kick my Elijah or Sean okay don't know doing something in there. Sean come out ready to you finnal waiting for ever. have close you eyes no spenking a peak Sheena can't see, okay eyes wow, so beauitful out here. Eliah thre this wait Rain, Elijah call right here. didn't all for us me course do like yeah beauitful Kiss her again, something over here. oh wow made place for the your a dog so cute. Pip like it. Pipen Rain and Piper cat. Hey Sean found Piper I miss you today yeah sweet there. Do like back yard yes I do want something speical. come let go in now.

Come this week, what is it come wow did this for me, Happey Averinrty so beauitful in here yeah me and Sean did it. Yeah Rain wow Dom happy anvery sorry about me and elijah weren't here. working she said I know want phone you much come here Dom kiss her Elijah come here what here you go. Open this hold get your come when room full of her clothes. Elijah here you she said to him you thank you here said, sean and Piper was laying out him fell asleep. put blacket around. Sheena open gift from a Elijah open it oh wow what come so beauful Elijah didn't have get this want to he said here it one around her necklace. kiss thank you beauitful give you rest gift tommmrow okay. come down going watched movies okay. Dom give her wearing it oh wow nice necklace rain yes got from Elijah got look got from Dom wow cool getting other part tommrow me too wonder could be. I know what elijah hug me talking Rain, have wait tommrow, for other part out, gift yes you do have wait okay. Dom out when down Piper sound guy so sleep thing going movie tommrow,be fine. yeah piper work tonight.

yeah taking bed What are you doing kitchemd getting drink didn't look in white bag no keep Dom out her want see cake brought him for bithday yes. going have party for him yes good Idea dom leave house yes give him Rain who give me other dom can't tell what doing this wait see on saturday day is saturday Early morning yes. Rain do work no took weekend off. okay going take out have upset party tommrow okay yes all going at Keley's okay 7:30pm yes. okay going movies tommrow yeah I'm tried all work yesterday. taking time off they know. I yeah going work right want time off too going when go tuesday, work don't off could go thing around the house. yeah come to be now going bed said Dom okay coming to love birds in morning okay. bye good night see Elijah so what reading think movie I'm doing later in year, I can be in it don't know she down have back nn kiss him on lips. good night going bed see in later. Stay here with me. wait for me ging be too. Sean was reading a book. Elijah kiss be back Elijah yeah yes took my necklace off. don't like wearing neck.

Sheena Wake up the next morning Elijah was sleeping still went do stair, the phone ring, Hello hi Amanda sorry call so early it's okay this got up now. this me up right going get a drink can come aroumd 1pm year sure can phone Kristen when she coming over tonight. okay Sean told me was coming over today okay I can told that going over her now. have pick stuff my clothes. she forgot ask yesterday yeah heard was busy yes was when left. Okay yeah call for come okay. oh yeah could help wedding idea okay my parent love there wedding how are you doing they are good, they are coming next week. Yeah hurt what with Kristen greandam yeah she give me doing good,okay bye.

Sheena hang up the phone hi Piper sorry woke no getting ready for work. oh work yeah sure at 8am be off at 4 yeah. are taking off need no think so right now need the money, doing hour tuesday be up tuesday Night okay. do want take my car yeah sure thank's Sheena. your welcome. see you later night yeah okay going back bed I know having movies with the guys tonight okay, When back to bed Elijah was so cute when he sleep. when on bed. feel a sleep Elijah woke up it's was around 11:00am got up when down stairs. when the kicken was woke Elijah was there come down stair good morning Hello Sheena. Had good sleep yes I did have good sleep, when close hug miss so much. I know mis you too I'm here you awhile I know this have wait when Rain and Dom get up, leave the house could upst for Birthday your birthday next months I know. So when are birthday he ask my in june. birthday in summer yeah. Look love birds Sean come hey what wrong nothing. upset Piper not her no, she at work. oh home at 4pm, when 8-4 okay. yeah happy with new job. Elijah going make breakfast you sit down. okay Sean can go your compture yeah sure. don't have ask you know hey what you doing her getting a some jucie okay. What making for breakfast I don't yet okay there stuff in capboard. oh thank's other day we all when shoppimg. that cool yeah thinking wasn't it Sean come in on a month ago, because told have wait our movie doing together, what sean with yes. Andy writing 11 right now. cool wow didn't guy move yeah Sean like the idea of it. like the book, what call Day Come By Night. wow I know Sean was the compture check our mail. sharing with Sheena. there 15 news. email one from Amanda Star and Kristen Wicked.