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Chapter 3 The Letter Box

shenna, wake oh mail just left in yah there box was there didn't who,send hurt oh there friend oh shenna on more found oh right then thanks Tex no promblem left knew mail and eyes 1 box oh wow big oh must Kristen eyes look for yeah who song, this oh don't know Shenna open everyone name out it okay didn't writte and she said

Everyone Eyes box's oh yeah look bill and knock door, right hi tex prety good check alright find with alot guys I know don't know think should stay my son's later oh right find Tex oh yeah then I know, right, Sean, amake Dom and Elijah and make right then knock door then hi this big oh first oh sorry oh thiank right, oh Tex saw hi thanks Nick no promblem hey coming tonight ask, Chris yeah friend's don't know mind right,

"Box look then right, after breakfast Dom, right find, Elijah wasn't there eyes look blue give look evil look and right about."

Shenna when mall, hi Amanda pretty good how work good she said, oh wait for walked hi Shenna and Amanda hi Lana pretty good, oh right lima Amanda Shenna here fellow then hey speaking Dom, right didn't know right nosue oh Sean no, not nose oh right Piper Rain box's two right then see later call found right oh when I know in when wow big's come today.

Shenna oh everyone letter.

Dear Rain, how are you pretty good, how work my work friend other best friend word was didn't write back for few day now, don't know guess might this and think email peroson 3 day 1 week, and not 4 months believe 4 month right wrong some dump something guess not, and my best friend, world say this bye Lana think read people letter by Lima and Lana

Dear Kristen don't know what done you if and mean, oh mean back ,and think write letter nice leter bitch letter and think alright right then, and anyone last week saw you and didn't know hi me about there Kristian bitch and need look over seft goodbye Lima and Lana

Dear Piper hello, Pipper here didn't know live me, didndt turst me about it found stuff and then mad you right becasue make upset dare you ddn'tknow mean good bye limaand hi Lana, this, now, Lima really upset say don't konow goodbye

Dear Amanda this amanda when saw work other didn't know wait us don't know other peorson don't know who, didn't know wunderstand wheren't busy right, this lana and lima out rage right with...

Dear Natile and right, now mad you becasue just dis miss yesterday dare you do that good bye Lima landa Dear Shenna how are you pretty good wow, don't know think shoukd friend Amanda, Kristien, and Piper and Rain or and Natile good friend, are you trust more trust then need people can't friend with now, wioth friend believe lie and becasue Amanda about this about mean and think should friend, and then right, and this lana and lima this right, going here they push away then not you bye Lima and Lana. Wow Shena, oh told laught about h believe Amanda about me no, wasn't talked Lima and Lana me bad stuff now, lie there where bad new oh yeah righ believe guys becasue them right oh letter keep toh Shenna right Amanda, right keep I know right oh think Rain remmber number oh oh know abpuit Piper keep therem ore stuff. Back to box of letter wow open oh stuff give don't kow them pain you and Shena, and didn't know glad Shena give oh give right keep right then Shena, oh letter everyone. Dear Everyone hello were mad you everyone kristen piper, Amanda and Rain and Natile are you mad and becasue what le Shenna stuff nothin shoul;dn't friend, oh tonight me Shenna good out pick oh at her at 7pm sharpe see then worry Lana dress oh nice pretty right good give back oh box's seond give back you rest juck stuff good bye, thank's Lima and Lana

What ever not true don't know good idea Shenna good then found doing right then good idess oh knock hi Kesly how Shenna pretty thnks Sean knock Sean 1 hrs alright goind aleight Amanda talked abaout oh alright then talkonmd friend right then Shenna getting madd now, right then who guys just friend's she said right then anymore Sean hello, Hi shenna going 1 hrs right who 1 other she said, oh then everyone, and right bye Lima and Lana this not enough don't yelled Amanda sweet peroon my other what still friend Lana yes friend odn'trigh Lima right, oh Lana mad oh pick us them Lima and I and Amanda Natile Piper and Kristin Rain, right choice hisorry hi Rain coming home now ight pick me told wasn't oh ride coming thnk oh hi rain doing ready walked that day,

Shenaa pick then for us believe Lima can't believe Lana

Rain drive upset doing today bitch gous told who choice Lima amd Lana then or guys Rain pick guys choice friend's with right upset right really not fair yeah I know right Sean hi Seanright home now, oh then right, thanks, right bye Sean worry yes twice right andthen going store Sean stuff him right call home helo, talked Sean sure hey Sean phone hi this Sean pretty good Shenna far way ,right, Sean hi there yes this talking me what talking, oh don't know this is shean right hi shenna just talked 1h right then need cart oh with Rain call me, oh pick up something wrong don't know what happen tonight tell get home right right then then Sean, right then tell talked me oh mad wasn't fault right then later didn't know long way with right yeah sure not mad you sean right bye. I know right guys talked Shenna think piss off right didn't know good time when out, didn't good suck orlando, oh yeah bad now, right Sean do whath appen not allonme with Rain think getting oh knock door, hi Shenna sorry home right where don't know home with Rain all kow orlando right Lana and Lima left right, oh girl oh then orlando when care Shenna, oh believe then for pick su Shenna don't know home latrer back 9pm something let orlando,. oh carma dark out someone fellow hi wonder pick get right oh think thanks no promblem Shenna House's Rain 5 mintues right pick us for Lima and Lana, right, not fair what fair don't know really whath appen, Rain two girl bestfriiend lima and Lana told Shenna pick them or us oh so she us good, oh friend Shenna along time so pick right, oh one Chris out friend yeah maybe talked Shenna wow pretty tonight thanks guys Chris sister dress up tonight elijah wear with going with Shenna are going didn't know say me oh wow Shenna say elijah orlando pick two girl hi do them yes eccaueme yes Liam and Lana don't know then nothing with me right, oh Shenna what sau me talking my frend's cool with clam right oh then sorry Shenna wasn'ttalked mush live hi right then talked tommrow then right, Rain believe Excasue me, yes Lima and lana about sister oh movie with best friend did Lana right Rain about sister so right Rain answer question about sister oh right, what going Shenna upsetr Lima and lana something mean her upset Shenna doesn't Lima and lana here oh right wow must something, wrong yes stop talked us 4 month, Pipper and I wheren't movie Shenna alot live us didn't not aparemnt didn't like idea

Alright didn't moviw with right don't know what happen right yeah Chris Lim and lana Shenna fight then about then Sean right, oh Sean about yesh Kristen why not friend anymore what happen not fair, and becasue Piper didn't trist Lima something diffrent Lana told oh movie 7pm and Lima told 5pm oh something oh twist she siad, Lana, didn't know big then Liam and lana, Chris, right must I know Chris about oh so Sean big box Lima and lana givee bad new letter really. oh gray thing room oh then then oh right Chris talking think must what happen, I know not busy, 2 hrs are coming now yes are right Shenna cook smell good oh yeah tell Sean oh get paw oven paw's oh have paw's right