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my World Senvce 1

(The girls awaken in an alternate world floating, in a small boat, through a lake of water that seems to have no end. The only guy on the boat is Nick and he lifts himself from the spot where he lay on Gabrielle. Evil laughter is echoing around all of them)

Gabrielle: (gazes into Nick’s eyes) Nick?

Nick: (seems to be fighting off something) I have to go.

Gabrielle: (pulls herself up) What’s happening? Where are we? (Gabrielle takes a hold of Nick’s arm for protection)

Nick: (yanks back, in a demanding voice) Let me go!

Gabrielle: (stares at Nick in confusion) What’s going on with you?

Nick: (grumbles) I don’t know.

Gabrielle: This was your doing you know! I never forced anything on YOU.

(Nick glances over the edge of the boat and before Gabrielle can react he leaps into the water. The rest of the girls scream at the new action.)

Rain: (gripping the edge of the boat) Where are we? (Devyn reveals herself at the surface of the water and lifts an arm to grasp the edge of the boat. She now reveals a head of flaming red hair with yellow tips and deep crimpson eyes. The girls eye her as if she is a stranger to them; except for Gabrielle)

Devyn: This is my world… (looks around) well it would’ve been, but an emotion interrupted the transfer and sent us here.

Destiny: Your world?

Devyn: That’s right.

Gabrielle: (confused and shaking) Why would you do this to us?

Devyn: Astrick knows now what you are, what you are meant to do.

Gabrielle: This is crazy!

Devyn: Just as crazy as me being an alien, right Gaby?

(Gabrielle helps Devyn into the boat and tries to absorb everything around her)

Gabrielle: (softly, but firmly) You seem to know more about this then we do.

Devyn: I know more, and I’ve known more ever since you took me in. In fact I’ve dreaded the very day those guys were to enter your lives, especially yours, Gaby.

Gabrielle: What’s supposed to happen?

Devyn: Your destiny. (gazes to Destiny, Rain, Chastity, and returns her eyes to Gabrielle) Your destiny will destroy me and I didn’t want that to happen. You trust me don’t you?

Rain: (reaches forward to hug Devyn) Just because you’re different, doesn’t mean that we would destroy you.

Devyn: I never meant any of this, you know. It was just for safety’s sake.

Destiny: We’ll believe you faster than we’ll believe the Backstreet Boys. I can’t believe they’d actually do something so conniving.

Devyn: Good, you should not trust these men. All men are the same, in it for one thing and one thing only. They aren’t any different just because they’re some famous singers. (to Gabrielle) I know for a fact that Nick will break your heart as he has broken others.

(A boat sails close to the girls’ boat and Nick leaps from it to attack Devyn. They both go over the edge and Gabrielle jumps over the edge. Cut to the rest of the “Boys” laughing and getting ready to attack the girls)

AJ: Astrick was right about you. You are all followers of the evil Madness.

Destiny: (glaring) She is not evil, you are!

Rain: Yeah, stay away from us unless you want to get hurt.

Howie: That’s not much of a threat coming from such a timid little mouse. What can you do to us?

Chastity: She will kick your ass with the help of all of us!

Howie: (laughs) Oh COME ON! You’re just fans!

Rain: We may be fans… but we’re damn devoted ones!

Destiny: (shaking her head to Rain) Rain, no.

Rain: (shrugs) What? We are.

Destiny: We’re not trying to give them compliments. They’re going to try and hurt our friend.

Rain: (glares at the “Boys”) Oh… yeah right. Well you’ll have to come through us, first.

(Howie jumps off the boat into the water in order to reach Rain, but she jumps into the water as well. Rain is caught by Howie from behind and they sink under the water. They burst to the surface just as everyone ends up in the water with them to try and help Rain)

Rain: (firmly, to Howie) Let me go!

Howie: Oh so now you reveal some kind of spine.

Rain: (gasps) I have a spine, I’ve always had one.

Howie: You can’t fight me, Rain. This is a lost cause that you will not admit.

Rain: (struggling) You can’t scare me. You’re a Backstreet Boy and I think there’s something saying that you guys are not allowed to act scary.

Howie: Where does it say that?

Rain: I don’t know, I think I read it somewhere.

Howie: I don’t think anything is getting done here.

Rain: If you don’t want me to fight, which seems kind of useless, than don’t hurt Devyn.

Howie: You’re a follower.

Rain: I like to say, friend. It sounds nicer.

Howie: You’re making this very hard.

Rain: I don’t think I should be making it easy.

Howie: Devyn is EVIL.

Rain: Devyn isn’t the one trying to strangle me right now.

Howie: She will be…

Rain: How could she be when we’re her loyal followers? Doesn’t she need us?

Howie: I can’t hurt you…

(We hear a loud splash and we see Nick and Gabrielle come up in a struggle. She is thrashing about in his grip)

Gabrielle: The last thing I will let you do is hurt my friend!

Nick: You can only stop me for now!

Gabrielle: I will stop you if it takes me to my last breath.

Rain: (Howls) Go Gabrielle!

(Devyn surfaces, and climbs into the boat, sailing it towards a shore that begins to appear as she paddles. Everyone slowly stands in the shallow water.

Gabrielle: DEVYN!

(Nick goes to attack Gabrielle when she changes into her warrior form of a tight black outfit with a silver skirt, gloves and belt. A sword is hanging in a gold sleeve on her hip and she faces Nick head on. She is now a warrior. Everyone is looking at her, including Nick who can’t seem to take his eyes off her. She has lost the glasses and her hair is free of it’s elastic)

Destiny: Oh my god…

Brian: (panicked) Astrick was right! Nick do something before she does, don’t just stand there!

Nick: (gazing at Gabrielle) You look amazing… (rubs his eyes)

Gabrielle: (shakes her head) What’s happening? Why… (Nick pulls out his sword shakily)

Nick: Come on, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle: (glances to her sword and slips it out) I…

(Nick slams his sword into hers and she gasps. In realization she fights hard against him, leading them to the shore)

Nick: (quietly trying to strike up a bargain) I think we could be on the same side here.

Gabrielle: (through gritted teeth) How could you think that we’re on the same side when you are trying to hurt my friend?

Nick: You have no idea what she could do to you. (presses his sword to hers so that he can lean closer)

Gabrielle: She’s my friend.

Nick: She’ll betray you the moment she gets a chance. You’re just pawns to her.

(Gabrielle shoves Nick back with her sword)

Gabrielle: (hisses) You don’t know her!

Nick: (slashes his sword against Gabrielle’s, knocking it from her grip. Swiftly, he snaps a hand out to snatch her arm) I don’t have to know her.

(Close up on Destiny as she notices the struggle between Nick and Gabrielle)

Destiny: (screams) GABRIELLE!

(Destiny begins to transform into a warrior revealing a cascade of blond waves bound up as a ponytail on her head, wearing a tight yellow outfit with a blood red skirt, gloves and belt. Two lazer blasters are shown on each of her hips in black holsters. She slings them out to target Nick)

Gabrielle: (protesting) No!

(glances to Nick and realizes that for him not to be hurt she has to shove him to the ground. Destiny shoots off the lazer blaster and Gabrielle throws Nick down to avoid the shot)

Rain: (in a voice of panic to Destiny) What are you doing? You could’ve killed Gabrielle!

Destiny: Nick was trying to…

(Gabrielle lifts with Nick and stares at Destiny)

Gabrielle: We can’t do things this way. I can still determine the good guys from the bad guys and the Backstreet Boys can’t be bad.

(Destiny places the blasters into their holsters and lowers her head)

Destiny: I don’t know what’s going on. I’d swear I was dreaming.

Gabrielle: (approaches Destiny) It’ll be okay. We’ll do whatever it is we have to do to…

(Before Gabrielle can finish Brian sneaks up from behind and knocks Gabrielle into the shallow water)

Brian: (angrily) You won’t do nothing else to help out that alien witch! Leanna told us to trust no one!

Nick: (approaching quickly) BRIAN stop it!

Brian: (glaring at Nick) We have our chance to destroy the witch and you want me to leave the follower alone. Did you even listen to Leanna?

Nick: She’s a FAN!

Brian: She’s one of Madness’ followers!

Nick: Not by choice.

(Gabrielle bursts out of the water to run towards the shore away from the guys. She scoops up her sword just as Devyn catches her)

Devyn: You’re on the right track, Gaby. Gabrielle: (turns in plea) Make this stop! I don’t want to do this… (gasps on tears)

Devyn: (sugary sweet) This is your destiny.

Gabrielle: (shakes her head) No… (firmly) I won’t hurt them. (runs) I can’t… not even for you.

(cut to Nick)

Nick: (calling in concern) GABRIELLE!

(cut to Destiny fighting off AJ)

Destiny: Gabrielle!

(Rain and Howie glance her way)

Rain: Gabrielle?

All the girls: GABRIELLE!

(We see a figure in the distance, ending the scene in the water)