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Scene 11 *Too Close To The Enemy*

(We see Nick coming out of the elevator onto the executive floor where he walks down the long hall towards his suite- there is a close up on his face, showing his confusion and sudden realization of Astrick. Without warning there is a scream that echoes to him and he bolts into a run heading straight to his suite. He practically breaks through the door in his panic and there is a shot of Gabrielle, turning with shock on her face)

Gabrielle: Nick?

Nick: (steps closer) Are you okay, I heard a scream?

Gabrielle: (walks into Nick's arms with a small smile of gratitude) I thought I saw someone in here. I mean… I felt the presence. I know when it's you because I feel comfortable.

Nick: (pulls Gabrielle back) You can't stay here, you understand Gabrielle? This is too dangerous.

Gabrielle: Nick…

Nick: (shakes his head) No, I'm getting you all out of here before bad comes to worse and I lose you again.

(Gabrielle turns Nick to her)

Gabrielle: (firmer) Nick.

Nick: (exhales) What?

Gabrielle: There's something I haven't told you, yet.

Nick: (pulls her through to the suite door) Tell me later, I'm sure that…

Gabrielle: (stops Nick at the door by crushing her hands to his shoulders) It's important and it must be said.

Nick: Why?

Gabrielle: Because I love you, and… you trust me. Nick… I knew who and what Devyn was before you ever came into the picture.

Nick: (understanding) You knew that she was an alien? That's not…

Gabrielle: No, I knew that she was Madness.

Nick: (narrows his eyes on Gabrielle) What?

Gabrielle: I was trying to protect her image. All of us were.

Nick: You were working for Madness. (releases Gabrielle)

Gabrielle: Ever since I was five I knew who she was. She told me that she knew someone was coming for her… to kill her. I promised that I would never allow it if that time ever came.

Nick: What about now?

Gabrielle: I don't want anyone to die, Nick. I just can't kill by free will and I don't think I'll ever be able to. (shamefully, she turns part way from Nick) As much as I love you there's a part of me that cares about Madness. I don't think I'll ever be able to defeat her.

Nick: (broken voice) You sound like you're giving up.

Gabrielle: I just… can't hate a friend.

Nick: What happened to Madness? Tell me what Astrick did to her.

Gabrielle: No…

Nick: Yes… tell me. (grabs her shoulders)

Gabrielle: (upset) You hate him now, don't you?

Nick: I didn't say that.

Gabrielle: Your eyes reveal it.

Nick: He wants to hurt you, I think I have a right to…

Gabrielle: Hate is how they will win, how all your enemies will.

Nick: What are you talking about?

Gabrielle: That is how they fight, if you do the same you are just like them and you lose.

(Nick gazes at her in half understanding and embraces her, burying his face in her hair)

Gabrielle: (softly) Their baby…

Nick: Rindi?

Gabrielle: (closes her eyes) Yes. Astrick killed him and turned away from Madness when she needed him the most. She knew love once, but heartbreak scarred deep. Now she only knows pain and love… doesn't exist.

(Gabrielle gasps and her eyes fly open in terror)

Gabrielle: I can feel him.

Nick: Astrick?

Gabrielle: He's here, Nick. He's here for me.

(In the middle of the room we see Astrick appear with a smirk on his face as the couple separate to stare at him)

Astrick: (directs his finger to Gabrielle) You don't know nothing, warrior!

Nick: (grabs Gabrielle to pull against him) She knows more than you'll ever expect, Astrick and you won't lay a hand on her or any of the others.

Astrick: Stay out of this, NICK! (glares at Gabrielle)

Gabrielle: (choking) You want to protect yourself from your guilt! The only reason Madness is the way she is now is because of you! COWARD!

Astrick: You fool! Emotions will be your death!

Gabrielle: You ran away, didn't you? Madness loved you and you RAN!

Astrick: (laughs sardonically and shakes his head) You just don't get it, do you?

(Close up on Gabrielle's evil look towards Astrick)

Astrick: This isn't about Madness or me… this is all about you, and your weakness.

(Nick holds Gabrielle closer, just as the door busts open and there stand all the warriors including the girls- dressed in their outfits and holding their weapons in threat)

Brian: (steps forward) You sure about that?

Astrick: (turns to face Brian) You wanna join this little scherade too?

Brian: Tell us the TRUTH!

Astrick: Here's the truth, the COLD and awful truth. Love is blinding; you're not seeing the truth because you refuse to look past that love. (points to everyone) It controls you till you can't see anything, but that. (chuckles) But you know what? I learned better. (to Nick) It's too bad you are still vulnerable. (He vanishes and to follow is Gabrielle who screams)

Nick: (panicked) GABRIELLE! NO! (turns to the others) He's going down. Who's with me?

(With that last question we cut to the group turning- all warriors and all willing to fight for a warrior of their own)

Nick: (growly tone) He won't win. This is not how it ends.

(This scene comes to an end)