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Sence 5 *A Time To Heal*

(This scene continues in the same place as scene 4- with Nick crumbling to the floor, exhausted and in pain. Howie and AJ take each of Nick’s arms to bring him to his suite where he is laid out on his bed. Howie and AJ leave quietly.)

Howie: We’ll give him some time to sleep it off.

AJ: Man, that must be rough.

(Howie nods and they exit, closing the door. Awhile goes by and Nick awakens to a bright lamp light shining over his head. Brian has entered the suite and is standing over Nick with concern on his features)

Brian: Hey Nick.

Nick: (focusing on Brian’s face) Huh?

Brian: How ya feeling, man?

Nick: (groans) Like I was kicked in the stomach by an evil girlfriend. (lifts up) She was evil, man and I should’ve been ready for it. I didn’t even have my amulet on.

Brian: (rests Nick back down) Calm down now. You need to rest.

Nick: I’ll be ready the next time.

Brian: I don’t even want to think about their bein’ a next time.

(The door creaks open to allow Astrick and Laura into Nick’s suite. Astrick approaches Nick with a look of reprimand on his face)

Astrick: Nick, you always have to be ready.

Nick: (turns his head to look at Astrick) Yeah, I know and I would’ve been, but…

Astrick: There are no buts, Nick. You could’ve been killed.

Nick: I’ll try not to let it happen again, Astrick. (rolls his eyes)

Astrick: I know what you’re doing, and any kind of feelings you have for that girl, drop them because she is your enemy now.

(Laura interrupts and pushes past Astrick)

Laura: (to Astrick) He has no feelings for anyone, but me.

Nick: (guiltily glances to Laura) Yeah…

Laura: (in her own reprimand) NOW! Where were you? Why did you leave me alone to find Jennifer?

Nick: (shakes his head) You weren’t alone. Naomi and Maria were with you.

Laura: You should’ve been with me, but you weren’t. Now I demand to know where you went and why you didn’t ask me to come!

Nick: I was searching for Kevin…

Laura: You could’ve asked for my help.

Nick: I…

(Brian immediately grabs Laura by the elbow and leads her to the door swiftly)

Brian: He doesn’t need this right now. Nick needs to rest cause he’s been through a lot tonight.

(Astrick leans closer to Nick)

Astrick: You’re thinking of a plan to help Gabrielle, aren’t you?

Nick: It was my fault she’s even in this mess. I think she deserves the whole hero thing.

Astrick: She is Madness’ lackey and you can’t help that.

Nick: I’ve been up against Madness before, I’m sure I could challenge her again. Gabrielle is an innocent and I have to save her before Madness damages her for good.

Astrick: You’re not a sorcerer, Nick. You don’t have the power to defeat Madness.

Nick: I DO and I WILL. (goes to escape the bed)

(Astrick grabs him roughly by the arms and thrusts him back down)

Astrick: You can’t kill Madness so stop trying to take on the fight alone. (lets go of Nick to pull back)

Nick: We need to rescue Gabrielle from the trance she’s under. The only way to do that is to KILL Madness and I know that. If we don’t kill her Gabrielle will never be free and once Madness is busy playing with her she’ll probably destroy her and I can’t let that happen.

(Nick looks up at Astrick)

Nick: Tell me you’ll help me, Astrick. You know more than I do about this enemy and you could do a lot more than I could.

Astrick: We’ll see…

Nick: (shakes his head and in a firm tone) NO. Say you’ll help me, promise it, Astrick. We need you and you know it so HELP.

Astrick: Why must I…

(Nick thrusts his hand out toward Astrick)

Nick: Come on, man.

(Astrick hesitates before he takes Nick’s hand to shake)

Astrick: I promise.

Nick: (lets go) Thank you.

(More visitors enter- Reese followed by Brian who is trying to pull her back)

Reese: (firmly) Nick, I heard what happened. Have you told the truth to your girlfriend yet?

Brian: (pulling Reese to him) Please, Reese he’s…

Reese: A player!

Nick: (turns away from the visitors) You don’t know what happened and you couldn’t understand if you knew.

Reese: Tell Laura, than.

Nick: (mumbles) I can’t tell her I slept with someone else, neither could I explain why.

Reese: You slept with the fan! (turns to glare at Brian, returns her glare to Nick) You slept with her and you hardly knew her.

Nick: I told you I can’t explain it.

Reese: This is whacked! What’s gonna happen next? (brings her eyes to Brian) Are you going to cheat on me with someone else without explanations.

Brian: (flushes) Of course not, darling. (swallows back hard)

Reese: (points to everyone including Astrick) All of you are screwed up and that’s all I’m going to say! ( Reese storms out followed by Brian)

(Astrick leans down to Nick, examining his face)

Astrick: There’s another reason for saving Gabrielle isn’t there?

Nick: (annoyed) I feel guilty for bringing her into this.

Astrick: Feelings are not all you have for the girl.

Nick: Come on Astrick.

Astrick: Your fight was weak because you care about her. You’re falling for her.

Nick: (bolts up) SO what if I am? What does that change?

Astrick: You can’t let emotions play a part in this, Nick. You could get yourself killed.

Nick: Words won’t erase feelings.

Astrick: You have to. You must or they will control you. (turns to the door and sighs) Humans always let their feelings get in the way.

(Astrick exits)