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Scene 6 *The Search Begins*

(A week passes with no sign of Gabrielle from the night she attacked. Nick is lying in bed, trying to figure everything out, even his rondevous with the good Gabrielle. As his eyes slip closed he hears Gabrielle’s voice. He bolts up in bed, ready to grab his amulet when he sees the figure of Gabrielle beside his bed)

Gabrielle: (distant) I’m so sorry…

Nick: This is all my fault…

Gabrielle: (sadly, she walks to the edge of the bed) Nick, listen…

Nick: I shouldn’t have let this happen to you. There has to be a way to…

Gabrielle: No. (sits)

Nick: (moves a little closer to Gabrielle) I never got to thank you for saving Brian’s life.

Gabrielle: Or for threatening AJ’s, right? (laughs awkwardly)

Nick: He’ll be okay. I’m sure he knows it wasn’t you.

Gabrielle: But I remember it, like it was me- spell or no spell.

Nick: (softly) I’m going to make this right, Gabrielle. All you have to do is tell me where you are and how we get there.

Gabrielle: No, that’s exactly what Devyn wants.

Nick: I have to save you.

Gabrielle: (smiles tearfully) There’s nothing to save, Nick.

Nick: (presses his fingers beneath Gabrielle’s eyes) I can do it… we can do it and I’m not letting you tell me otherwise ya got that? I started this, I’m gonna finish it.

Gabrielle: You’re not supposed to be saving the bad guy.

Nick: (leans forward to kiss Gabrielle’s lips softly) I’m not, I’m saving you.

Gabrielle: (sighs and crumbles into Nick’s arms, crushing her cheek to his chest) I don’t have very long to stay.

Nick: (husky) Why did you come here? (drags his fingers gently through Gabrielle’s hair)

Gabrielle: To tell you goodbye. The next time you face me I won’t be… me and whatever I am you have to destroy.

Nick: (chokes) No.

Gabrielle: For the safety of the amulets and of the warriors, you must do it. I know that you can’t let your emotions get in the way of this job if it is to protect the people who need it most.

Nick: (demanding) How do I break the spell?

Gabrielle: You can’t.

Nick: If I kill her?

Gabrielle: (panicked) I beg you not to go up against her. She’ll be expecting that. Destroy me and she just might perish with me.

Nick: Can we leave the destruction of a warrior out of this, PLEASE?

Gabrielle: It’s the only way.

Nick: There’s always another way.

Gabrielle: Not this time.

(brings Gabrielle down onto the pillows, and he leans down over her to stroke the loose strands off her face)

Nick: (breathing heavily) I won’t let her have you.

Gabrielle: Emotions, Nick…

Nick: Yeah and there’s nothing you or Astrick can do to get rid of them. Besides I like how they control me. (smiles and crushes his lips to Gabrielle’s) Let them control you…

(The kiss strengthens and deepens with each passing moment and Gabrielle surrenders to the emotions crashing within her. She cries out and pushes Nick back roughly)

Gabrielle: No!

Nick: (concerned) What’s wrong?

Gabrielle: (struggles under Nick) Let me go! Nick let me go NOW!

Nick: (rolls away from Gabrielle) I’m sorry…

Gabrielle: (lifts up and her body jerks. She is trying to fight the spell) Nick, grab your amulet. (her body jerks more from one side to the other) QUICKLY!

Nick: (reaches back to grab the amulet off his bed post) Gabrielle…

(Gabrielle turns to face him; her eyes a frightening red)

Gabrielle: (sadly) Goodbye.

Nick: (lunges forward to grab Gabrielle) NO! Come on Gabrielle stay with me, okay?

(Gabrielle’s eyes close)

Nick: (shakes Gabrielle) No! wake up! Come on, babe stay with me. (shakes her some more, framing her face in his hands) She can’t have you. Are you listening, she can’t have you!

Gabrielle: (opens her eyes) Nick?

Nick: Hey. (smiles compassionately) I thought I lost ya there for a sec. (laughs)

Gabrielle: (smiles back) Me too. (sighs and throws her arms around Nick)

Nick: (gasping heavily) I can protect you, Gabrielle and nothing like this will happen again.

Gabrielle: (raspy) I love you.

Nick: I… I uh…

Gabrielle: (pulls back, holding Nick’s arms) You have a girlfriend and I know that, but I’m sure something could be done with her.

Nick: (narrows his eyes) What?

Gabrielle: Well me, being a warrior I’m sure it would be a piece of cake to destroy her. (laughs)

Nick: (tries to escape) Damn it!

Gabrielle: What? (tightens her grip threateningly) Something wrong, love of mine? Did I scare you?

Nick: (gasps in pain) It’s a spell!

Gabrielle: (smiles wickedly) Feels good. (leans forward to lick Nick’s cheek) Tastes good too, needs to be tenderized, though. (thrusts Nick into the wall)

(We see Nick crash onto the bed with the amulet crushed in his fingers. He loops it around his neck and rubs it. Immediately, he transforms)

Gabrielle: (crawls over Nick, leaning down to face him) Mmm, I have you alone.

Nick: (grabs Gabrielle’s arms) Yeah too bad it’s fair. (throws her off the bed and we hear a crash and evil laughter)

Gabrielle: You call this pathetic attempt, fair? (lifts up to dust herself off)

Nick: (jumps in front of Gabrielle) Whose pathetic? (thrusts a swing at Gabrielle, but she catches it)

Gabrielle: (laughs loudly) YOU! The last thing I ever expected was for you to fall for me.

Gabrielle: (crushes Nick’s hand to his chest) Your heart. You’re in love and it’s killing you.

Nick: (punches Gabrielle and she reels back) You think so? (glares at her)

Gabrielle: Come on Nick, bring out the weapon. Kill me and get it over with.

(Nick reaches for his sword and pulls it out of it’s sleeve. He holds it to her, but his hand is visibly shaking)

Gabrielle: (wraps a hand around the point of the sword and pulls it to her stomach) Come on, now that you have the chance. DO IT!

Nick: (stares at the sword) I…

Gabrielle: Coward! (presses herself deeper)

(Nick pushes her away from the point of the sword and he throws it down to the floor)

Nick: NO!

(From behind him, we hear the voices of the warriors and Gabrielle runs to the bay window and pulls it open to leap out. Destiny, Rain, Reese, Chastity, and the rest of the guys enter all poised to fight the demon. Nick turns to face them, distraught)

Nick: I let her go.

(Scene ends in a black out with everyone looking shocked)