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Introducing Madness

p>(Here is where we see the doors of the Holiday Inn Hotel in Winnipeg open. Entering are five fans of the Backstreet Boys: Gabrielle Resnick, Destiny Shadows, Rain Storme, Chastity Heartick and walking confidently with them is Devyn. All around them are crowds of fans.)

Gabrielle: (Gazing around the hotel) How are we supposed to find the Backstreet Boys in this fan gathering? There must be hundreds of fans looking for them inside and out.

Devyn: (snaps her fingers in the direction of the right corridor) Follow me. (smirks to herself)

Destiny: (follows with a shrug) No way do you really know where they are, Devyn.

Devyn: (with an air of confidence) Of course, they’re guys. One thing I know about guys is that they are always eating or at least most of the time they are. They should be in the restaurant, more than likely disquised.

Gabrielle: COOL! (She glances to the others)

Rain: (shyly) I don’t know, maybe we shouldn’t bother them while they’re eating.

Gabrielle: (laughs) We won’t. We’ll just peek inside. They’ll never see us.

Chastity: I want them to see US.

Rain: (lowers her head) I don’t…

(Voice cries out from the lobby)


Gabrielle: (glances around) What was that all about?

Devyn: (sweetly) I don’t think it was anything for us to get worried over.

Gabrielle: (curious) I’m gonna check it out.

Devyn: Why?

Rain: Yeah why?

Gabrielle: Why not? (grabs Rain’s arm) And you’re going with me. You need some excitement in your life Rain before you shrivel up like a toad.

Rain: Curiosity killed the cat, Gabrielle.

Devyn: She has a point, Gaby.

Gabrielle: (shrugs) This cat will die happy, than.

Destiny: Plus it’s better to be satisfied than curious.

Rain: It’s better to be alive than dead.

Gabrielle: (dragging Rain) Come on. (to Devyn and others) Hey save us seats all right? That’s if… you get in. (laughs)

Devyn: (scowls) Hurry up, Gaby.

(We follow Gabrielle and Rain into the crowded lobby where people are now setting out their sleeping bags for the long night. Gabrielle begins to scower the lobby and finally she sees a man near the library. She goes in that direction, not paying attention as she goes, pulling Rain along.)

Rain: Gabrielle wait…

(We see Gabrielle crash into a stranger dressed in a long trench coat with a low brimmed hat that he quickly pulls over his face)

Stranger: Watch it… (takes a glimpse at Gabrielle)

Gabrielle: (stares at him disbelievingly) I’m… sorry…

Stranger: (steps back) This is awkward and you… (squints a look on Gabrielle’s face) you look familiar.

Gabrielle: (nervously) I can safely say we have never met until now… (leans in and whispers) Nick. (laughs) I mean you are aren’t…

Nick: (places a finger on Gabrielle’s lips) shh, and yes.

(Nick looks around to see if anyone has heard Gabrielle. Eyes are on him, but they aren’t ones that prove they know. He sighs and looks to Rain)

Nick: (to Gabrielle) who are you?

Gabrielle: (puts out a hand. Nick grabs it) Gabrielle…

Rain: I think we should get out of here, Gabrielle. That creepy guy is looking at us funny.

(We catch a shot of the man by the elevators) (Cut to Rain who is now staring at Nick, her mouth has dropped open and she screams. Both Gabrielle and Nick grab her to keep her quiet. Nick’s hand is over her mouth.)

Gabrielle: (to Rain) He’s in cognito, Rain.

Rain: In cog… what?

Nick: Disquise.

Rain: (nods with her wide eyes on Nick) Ohh.

Gabrielle: (to everyone staring) I’m sorry, my friend can get really paranoid sometimes. She thought she saw a spider.

(Everyone begins to look for the spider. Cut to Rain glaring at Gabrielle) Gabrielle: (softly to Rain) It was for your own good.

Nick: Your glasses are crooked.

Gabrielle: (lifts her hands to her face) What?

(We see Nick bring his hands up to adjust the glasses properly on Gabrielle’s face)

Gabrielle: (blushes) Thank you.

Nick: No prob. (smiles)

(The silence between them grows thick and Gabrielle interrupts the new feelings immediately)

Gabrielle: By the way this is my friend, Rain.(motions to Rain)

Rain: (gawk eyed) Hi…

Nick: Hi. (shakes his head) So it’s… Gabrielle and Rain. (to Gabrielle) Can I call you Gaby?

Rain: (teasing) you can call her anything.

Gabrielle: (clears her throat and tilts her head) Except for that.

Nick: (confused) Oh. (suddenly nervous but seeming to not know why) Well… we should get out of here. I mean… the rest of the group is in the restaurant. (motions to the restaurant) Ya wanna…?

Gabrielle: That’s where my friends are anyway, so I guess…

Rain: (looks from Gabrielle to Nick) That creepy man is still staring at us.

(All three of them look to the strange man who is now pacing, holding his head. He suddenly stops and stares at Nick with an intense look.)

Nick: (Gathers Rain and Gabrielle with him) Time to go.

Strange man: STOP THE MADNESS!

(Nick stops and shivers)

Gabrielle: (turns to the strange man) Lighten up this is a Backstreet Boys day!

Nick: (to himself) The madness?

Gabrielle: What?

Nick: Nothing. (glances to the strange man) Lets go…

(We watch as the group walks to the entrance of the restaurant). (Cut to A close up on the strange man, close enough to watch as he begins to change from human form. In moments we see Astrick and the scene goes black.)