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Sence 4 Off Guard

(Rain paces by the front doors of the hotel and finally enters the restaurant, when she sees the eyes of the strange man staring at her. She walks past all the fans and throws the doors of the restaurant open. A figure is standing at the table where all the “Boys” once were.)

Rain: (squints) Kevin?

(She steps closer and the figure turns to face her revealing that he’s Howie)

Howie: No, but I’m finished with this search. If Kevin wants to do this, who are we to stop him?

Rain: Everyone just kinda disappeared without me and I refuse to go into the elevator with that weird guy staring at me.

Howie: What weird guy?

Rain : (motions for Howie to come to the door) He’s out there.

(Howie comes up behind Rain to stare out over her shoulder.)

Howie: Maybe he’s waiting for the elevator.

Rain: No… no look. He’s been standing there since we arrived. (she turns to catch the look on Howie’s face and feels a blush crawl up into her own face) He… (she turns to the window) he could’ve gone with the others when they grabbed the elevator.

Howie: I think you’re getting paranoid.

Rain: I can feel it… he’s watching us and waiting for something to happen.

Howie: What’s going to happen?

Rain: I don’t know… something.

Howie: Something bad? Something good?

Rain: (shrugs) He’s just so… freaky. We should leave if he’s watching us. (turns full around to find Howie’s body is right up against hers) We can’t trust him.

Howie: (narrows suspicious eyes on Rain) Who are you?

Rain: Rain…

Howie: No… I didn’t mean your name, I meant…

Rain: (confused) Rain Storme? A fan of the Backstreet Boys? (softer tone) Bigger fan of you… why?

Howie: I don’t feel good around you… I mean… (squints his eyes closed) I do, but I don’t feel… (opens his eyes) I mean I feel too much. (brings a hand to her face)

Rain: Connected…

Howie: What?

Rain: I feel connected… bound to you somehow.

Howie: I wonder if this is the something…

Rain: (nods) Bad or good…

Howie: Or both

(The last word brings them into a kiss that’s immensely passionate and with a yank they pull back from each other)

Rain/Howie: Both

(The kiss continues without warning and the two grasp each other as if they need each other to breathe. Everything goes dark around them until we see nothing, but black)