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sence 7 *Heat of the Moment

(This scene opens on Gabrielle awakening with a gasp. She has been released of the thrall and she pulls the blankets up to her chin. She turns to the side and grips the naked shoulder of Nick, shaking him roughly)

Gabrielle: (panicked) Nick! (shakes him harder until she has turned him over on to his back) NICK!

Nick: (forces his eyes open to stare up at Gabrielle. In a disoriented voice he responds) What? Huh?

Gabrielle: (slaps Nick’s arm) I should’ve been able to stop!

Nick: Stop? (rubs his eyes)

Gabrielle: Everything! What happened to me? Why didn’t you stop us?

Nick: (softly) Gaby…

Gabrielle: (angry, she slaps him again) ooh don’t call me that!

Nick: I’m sorry…

Gabrielle: (speaking as if Nick isn’t there) I’m leaving before anything else happens that I might regret. (tries to gather her clothes from the floor)

Nick: (reaches over to catch her around the waist) Wait… don’t go. (pulls the clothes from her to drop back on the floor. He turns Gabrielle’s eyes to his) Please.

Gabrielle: (gazing into Nick’s pleading eyes) This was wrong.

Nick: (grips Gabrielle tighter, ignoring her logic) Gabrielle… please.

(Gabrielle sighs hard and runs a hand roughly through her hair, but Nick’s eyes finally get to her and without words she allows him to rest her down with him. She closes her eyes, but she cannot forget what has happened and she takes a hold of Nick’s arm to hold against her for comfort)

Nick: (in a broken whisper) As sorry as I am, I can’t see the wrong in it.

Gabrielle: (shuffles in Nick’s embrace) Well… we all come to our own conclusions.

(Nick drops his head against Gabrielle’s back and presses gently soothing kisses into her flesh. She moans and falls into sleep. Nick peeks over to look into Gabrielle’s face and smiles when a knock is heard on his suite door)

Nick: (glances up to the door) Yeah?

Astrick’s voice: To talk.

Nick: Just a little busy… (to himself) and a little naked. (sighs)

Astrick’s voice: Nickolas, you have no idea what you’ve just done!

(Nick narrows his eyes in curiosity and lifts from the bed to pull on a pair of jeans. He reaches the door and pulls it open to see Astrick staring back at him)

Nick: (shocked) Astrick? (smiles) Hey man what brings ya here?

Astrick: A current situation. (motions to Gabrielle asleep in the bed) Now we must bring them to our side.

Nick: (glances back) Oh no, that’s a fan I met in the lobby.

Astrick: (pulls Nick from the doorway) That, is a close friend of Madness.

Nick: Madness?

Astrick: Look, your reason as warriors has arrived.

Nick: (Laughs awkwardly) But… Gabrielle is normal.

Astrick: Nick, the last thing that needed to be done was your mating with a friend of Madness.

Nick: Okay… listen, Astrick this is Earth. We don’t call it mating down here, all right?

Astrick: You’ve given her the power!

Nick: (looks back to Gabrielle) Power? What power?

Astrick: Stop yammering and tell me where the girl is. (tries to peek through the doorway)

Nick: (confused) She’s… sleeping.

Astrick: Good, we have to get her out of here so that Madness has no way of finding her or any of the others.

Nick: Astrick, she’s a fan. A regular FAN. She came here with the other fans because they love us.

Astrick: They may be fans, but they were fans with a purpose.

Nick: To help Madness?

Astrick: Exactly, now wake her up so we can get the hell out of here. (motions his hand to the fan)

Nick: I hate to mention this, but she won’t believe any of this. She’ll think that we’ve all gone nuts.

Astrick: She’ll have no choice in the matter.

Nick: That’s not fair…

Astrick: (gruffly) Life’s not fair now lets go!

(The two enter Nick’s suite and we cut to AJ’s suite where we hear Destiny scream and scan to her bolting up in the bed beside AJ clutching the blankets to her neck)

Destiny: OH MY GOD! (looks over to AJ) I can’t believe this…

AJ: (turns over to flick his eyes open) What’s wrong, doll?

Destiny: (smacks AJ) You can’t see what’s wrong? (leaves the bed to pull on all her clothes in a panic)

AJ: We were lost in the moment it was no big deal. (smiles and rolls over for more sleep)

Destiny: (Rips the sheet out from under AJ and whips him with hit, enraged by his simple words) SCREW YOU AND YOUR MOMENT!

(AJ gets up quickly pulling on his jeans to chase Destiny to the door. Destiny throws the door open and is immediately grabbed by Astrick whom has Gabrielle on his left. Nick is coming up behind them quickly)

Destiny: (protesting angrily) Hey! Let me go!

Astrick: You have to come with us…

Destiny: NO! (pulls away)

AJ: Destiny…

Astrick: Don’t be stubborn, this is your destiny and you will accept the consequences.

Destiny: (enraged, she glares at Astrick) Don’t make me slap you! Who the hell are you anyway?

Astrick: I’m a friend of the warriors.

(Nick shakes his head and lowers it. AJ stares at Astrick and gasps from the knowledge that Astrick has returned)

Destiny: (glances back to AJ) What warriors?

Astrick: These Backstreet Boys are here to fulfill their destiny, just as you are now going to do.

AJ: (to Astrick) Hey man you know we gotta talk about this. I think someone might’ve sent ya a little early.

Astrick: I’m here for the right event. Now, we must find the others.

Destiny: (glares at AJ) What kind of warrior are you, anyway?

Gabrielle: I could answer that, but I don’t want to get too vulgar.

Nick: (places a hand on Gabrielle’s shoulder) I’ll fix this.

(Gabrielle glances back to Nick and a small look of concern flashes through her features. She pulls back to glare at Astrick and AJ brings a protective hand to Destiny’s arm. Next we see awhile later, Destiny heading down to the parkade with AJ, in the elevator)

AJ: I’ve been trying to apologize all morning, Destiny! I don’t know what’s gotten into Astrick.

Destiny: (shakes her head) Who the hell is Astrick? And why did Gabrielle get dragged along with him and Nick? What kind of sick game are you guys trying to play?

(The elevator reaches the parkade and the couple step out, still arguing)

AJ: No game, Destiny. None of this…

(Destiny cuts him off when she grips his arm to motion over the end of the lobby. We see Gabrielle across the parkade)

Gabrielle: Destiny?

Destiny: (narrows her eyes on Destiny) Gabrielle, how did you get away?

Gabrielle: (smiles) Seduction. (Gabrielle steps closer and with each step we watch her change until she has morphed completely into Devyn)

(Destiny pulls back, her arm being gripped protectively by AJ. She stares at Devyn in fear)

Devyn: It’s a new talent of mine.

Destiny: What are you?

Devyn: (laughing) Destiny, what’s wrong? (walks towards Destiny)

Destiny: (steps into AJ) Stay away from me. Leave me alone! (turns to AJ)

Devyn: Destiny… (goes to touch Destiny)

AJ: (angrily, pulls Destiny back from Devyn) She said leave her alone!

(Cut to the elevator doors opening. Nick and Gabrielle run out followed by all the others, except Brian)

Nick: (loud towards Destiny and AJ) It’s her! It’s MADNESS! Don’t…

(Gabrielle grabs Nick to yank him back)

Gabrielle: (husk of annoyance) Stop it. Her name is Devyn and she is not an alien.

Nick: (pleading) You don’t understand… she’s making you say that.

Gabrielle: (hisses) You’re so screwed up. (leaves Nick to approach Destiny and AJ) Hey…

Destiny: (looks up and speaks in a cautious whisper) you should listen to Nick.

Gabrielle: (narrows her eyes) What?

Destiny: (quietly) She morphed into you. I watched her do it.

(Devyn steps up to grab Gabrielle’s arm)

Devyn: Gaby! (smiles widely) You have to know how good he was.

Gabrielle: (pulls back and crosses her arms over her chest with a look of annoyance on her face) Which one?

Devyn: (pouts) You know?

Gabrielle: (angrily, she drops her arms by her side) Devyn what’s wrong with you! Anything could’ve happened and you could’ve been… (glaring) you know what could’ve happened.

Devyn: (softly) I’m sorry…

Nick: (runs forward) Don’t fall for that act, Gabrielle.

Devyn: (squeaks) OOH! (rushes to Nick) you are cute, Gaby was right to have the hots for you. (licks her lips and presses herself against him)

Nick: (pushes her away) I don’t MATE with aliens.

(The others run out. Everyone has formed a half circle around the conflict)

Devyn: (smiles coyly and grips the collar of Nick’s shirt) I don’t think you mind.

Gabrielle: (shocked) Devyn what are you doing!

Devyn: Seducing the man you like. I’m trying to show you how to take action.

Nick: (laughs) She took action last night.

Gabrielle: (drops her head in her hands) Oh god…

Devyn: Well I can show you a lot more than one night of action.

Nick: (releases himself of Devyn and pats her shoulder) You’re a nice girl, but I don’t think it’s gonna work out, ya know what I’m sayin? (grins)

Devyn: (huffs) What is wrong with you?

Nick: (mocking voice, he shrugs) I just… don’t think you’re my type. It’s not you, really.

Devyn: You infuriate me.

Nick: (smiles with pride) And you couldn’t turn me on if you tried.

(Devyn throws a hand into Nick’s chest and thrusts him back. He crashes to the floor with a gasp and loss of breath)

Devyn: (hisses) JERK!

(Gabrielle runs to Nick’s side, kneeling next to him)

Gabrielle: (turns to face Devyn) What the hell is wrong with you! (to Nick) Are you okay?

Nick: (lifts himself up part way to face her) I think so… Gabrielle… were you jealous?

Gabrielle: (shoots a look at Nick, obviously taken aback by the question) What?

Nick: Were you jealous when Madness was trying to come on to me? (exhales heavily) I just wanna know.

Gabrielle: Look, we have a lot of other things to worry about. And… (glares) No.

Nick: (smiles) you were.

(Gabrielle muffles a sigh and heaves him up from the floor. Devyn is standing there with fire in her eyes.)

Devyn: (looks to the couples) You are all just as bad as me, maybe worse.

Chastity: (hostile) How are we worse than you! At least we didn’t sleep with TWO married guys!

Rain: (glances to Howie and shakes her head) It wasn’t us… it was something inside us.

Devyn: It’s called LUST Rain “bow”

Rain: (denying) No… it wasn’t.

Devyn: Oh come on, girls we all have it in us. It’s what makes the universe worth living in.

Howie: Love makes the world go round.

Devyn: That’s a silly myth that some no sex sucker made up.

Astrick: (looks to each of the couples) It’s time for us to go.

Devyn: No, no you’re all coming with me. (smiles and thrusts her hands out over everyone creating a red glow that sends everyone into darkness)