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Act One Scene 1 “Discovery”

(This scene opens on November 15th, 1994 on a basketball court in New York in the evening. The singers known as the Backstreet Boys- Nick, Brian, Howie, AJ, and Kevin are playing a game of basketball, 2 on 3.)

Nick: (looking up) Hey! A shooting star! (points up)

AJ: (annoyed) who cares just pass the ball man! (opens his arms for the victorious catch)

Brian: (looks up)

(The star has disappeared) Where is it Nick?

Nick: (Looks up again) It’s right… (notices an empty sky) well it was there. (looks to Brian confused)

(Soon all the boys are staring up looking for the shooting star. AJ is still annoyed and getting more so with every minute the “Boys” look. He drops his hands to his sides and sighs heavily)

AJ: Oh come on that star could’ve been all the way around the world, it’s not that big a discovery, Nicky.

(Nick glares at AJ detesting the nickname)

(We hear an explosion and the “Boys” fall to the ground by the impact of the sound that rumbles the ground beneath them. The ball flies out of Nick’s hands and bashes AJ against the side of the head)

AJ: (rubs his head) Ow! Damnit Nicky…

Nick: (sheepish) sorry…

(close up on AJ’s expression of annoyance and pain mixed)

AJ: If I have a concussion it will be all your fault.

Nick: (emphasizes) It was an accident.

Brian: (mediating, more on Nick’s side) I agree man. It was all the star’s fault. (AJ mimmicks this sarcastically to himself)

AJ: (matter of fact) If that star did hit the ground it’s only obvious that we all would’ve been blown to bits from it’s weight and size.

Nick: (fascinated) COOL!

Kevin: (concerned) C’mon lets go check it out, someone might be hurt.

(The “Boys” get up and run to the spot where the explosion occurred. There is smoke and dust lifting in the air and once cleared we see the roof of a silver spaceship. The “Boys” enter the scene huffing and puffing but in complete awe about what they see)

Nick: (excited) Guys! Guys! It’s a spaceship! (Jumping up and down)

All but Nick: (distorted) What?

Nick: (steps closer and calls) Hello! Anybody in there?

(Female voice speaks alien tongue pleading for help)

Nick: (concerned/anxious) It’s a girl and she needs our help! We have to help her!

(close up on Nick’s panicked expression)

Brian: (comes up close to the space ship and taps on it) Miss?

(Female voice gasps in alien tongue she pleads for air)

(Close up on the “Boys” puzzled expressions)

Brian: (poised) Just stay calm all right? We’ll help you.

(The female starts hacking)

Nick: Hurry! She won’t hold out!

Brian: (turns to motion the “Boys” over) (looks to Nick) Stay calm Nick. (to all) Okay, now guys we have to look for some kind of opening; anything to help the lady out.

(The “Boys” nod in agreement and each jump down to search out an opening. We follow AJ as he is mumbling).

AJ: Man either I’m dreamin’ worse then I’ve ever dreamed before or I drank way too much the night before and I’m still getting over the buzz. (shakes his head) This can’t be real, (decides) I know! I have a concussion and this is all a hallucination. Yes that’s it! (slips with a scream to the ground where he finds a small opening). Hey… look what I found. (smirks) How ironic.

(Female screams in alien tongue in victory)

AJ: (anylizing the opening)

(Through AJ’s eyes we see a large living room like space, where the female is supposed to be trapped)

Hey lady it’s pretty big in there for you to be trapped if you know what I mean.

(The female pleads in alien tongue motioning her loss of air by wrapping a hand around her throat).

AJ: Are you playin us?

(Brian enters beside AJ noticing AJ’s accomplishment).

Brian: You found one! You’re a hero, man. (pats AJ’s back)

AJ: (rolls his eyes) Yeah sure.

Brian: (to female) Are you all right? How are you holdin up?

(The female grabs the edge of the opening and peers through sucking in the air).

Brian: (shrugs) okay… good enough.

(Nick enters worried, breathing heavily)

Nick: How is she? (looks up at Brian)

Brian: (motions to the female) check her out for yourself.

(Nick glances into the opening where he sees her gasping for air. He also notices the large space)

Nick: That’s a nice space ship.

(The female smiles at Nick and speaks in her alien tongue in obvious gratitude).

Brian: (to female) If you’re tryin to say thanks then… you’re welcome but the job is not done yet. (turns to call) Kev, we need some help over here!

Kevin’s voice: Right! I’m comin!

(Kevin and Howie enter huffing and puffing and with Nick, Brian and AJ; they tear away the rest of the opening in the destroyed metal and Kevin lifts the female out to safety. Quickly, they all crawl out and stare down at the buried space ship).

(Kevin lets the female down and she smiles at him thankfully while Nick reaches out to touch her hair in fascination).

Nick: Wow…

(female giggles)

Brian: (pulling Nick back by his arm gently) Be good, buddy.

(female speaks in alien tongue but the “Boys” just look at her confused. Finally, she sighs and pulls out five small devices that look like micro recorders. They are light weight and she holds them out to the “Boys”. Nick is the first to take one and he examines it by turning it in his fingers. He finds a switch and flicks it).

Female: (to Nick) It’s my new invention. It will help you to understand my language.

Nick: (wide eyed) Cool!

(The female takes it from him to pin it on the collar of his shirt)

(The rest decide to take theirs as well and pin the inventions onto their shirts as well turning them on).

Brian: You invented these on your planet?

Female: I invent a lot of things on my planet.

(The “Boys” examine their gifts with excitement and awe). I have come on a mission…

Brian: (looks up) what kind of mission?

Female: An important one involving the need of people like you. You are the most courageous creatures I have ever met in this galaxy and I have searched everywhere.

AJ: I bet ya thought Earth would stiff ya huh?

(The female stares hard at AJ scanning a meaning to his words)

Female: I’m sorry… a lot of your Earth terms are still foreign to me.

Brian: Don’t worry about it, sometimes we even have a hard time understanding AJ.

(Close up on AJ’s glare to Brian)

He means… that you thought Earth would be no help to you.

Female: (looks around) So many things here give me that impression; I mean look around you at all the evil this planet possesses. Do you blame me for thinking that way?

Nick: We’re not all bad.

Kevin: Every place has its problems.

Female: I don’t mean to say such things, but I did feel that way… until I met the five of you. You have truly changed my mind about this planet.

(the “Boys” smile at each other, then to the female). Well… do you have names?

(the “Boys” try to speak at the same time and we see that the female has her own communication device pinned to the collar of her gown. She seems to think it is breaking down so she starts tapping it until the “Boys” speak in unison).

The “Boys”: We’re the Backstreet Boys.

(Each Boy smiles)

Female: (laughs awkwardly) Should I just call you the Backstreet boys?

Brian: (starts first) I’m Brian. (smiles and shakes the female’s hand)

(The female stares at him quite taken)

Nick: (anxious) I’m Nick! (rushes forward and grabs the female’s hand to kiss it before rushing back)

(The female laughs)

Kevin: (smooth) Kevin. (steps forward to shake the female’s hand gently)

(The female blushes)

AJ: (Poised) Hey I’m AJ. (Shakes the female’s hand quickly)

Female: Hi AJ.

Howie: (kindly) I’m Howie D. (smiles genuinely) (Shyly, the female nods)

Female: (fans herself) well… all of you have definitely taken my breath away. (sighs and sends a smile to Brian) I’m… Leanna and I come from the planet, Rakudo.

The “Boys”: Hi Leanna.

Leanna: (impressed) You do that very well.

Brian: (admitting) Occupational Hazard.

Nick: (jumpy) Can we see your planet Leanna?

(Kevin grabs Nick to calm him with two hands on Nick’s shoulders keeping him steady).

Leanna: (softly) Maybe one day Nick, but for right now I would like to bestow gifts upon all five of you; very important gifts that will be a part of your future to come.

Nick: (Looks up at Kevin) Oooh gifts!

AJ: Depends on what these gifts do.

Nick: (to Leanna) what are they? What are they?

(Leanna pulls out five amulets from inside her robe; one for each of the “Boys”) Leanna: (displaying the amulets) These are for your strength, power and courage. You have all proved to be real super heroes.

Nick: (proudly) Really? (Flexes his small muscles)

Brian: (modest) we don’t need gifts for helping you. We did that because you needed us.

Leanna: (smiles and hands one amulet to Brian) I continue to need all your help, but you will need these to succeed in your task.

(Brian clasps the amulet around his neck)

Brian: Than I guess I can say thanks… (smiles at Leanna)

(Leanna blushes and hands the next one to Nick who quickly strings it around his neck, fingering it with anticipation)

Nick: (clutches the gift tightly) Thank you Leanna. (smiles widely)

(Leanna smiles back at Nick, then heads to AJ handing him the third amulet which he examines before clasping around his neck).

AJ: How many of these do you have?

Leanna: (hesitates) Just these five so please handle them with care and never lose them for they will one day be a part of you.

AJ: Okay… and what do they do?

Leanna: (laughs) Must you know so soon, AJ?

AJ: Now would be appropriate don’t ya think?

(Leanna sighs and strokes a finger down AJ’s cheek).

Leanna: Keep that attitude AJ… never trust anyone but yourself. Anyone could be an enemy; anyone could betray you.

(Leanna hands Kevin, and Howie their amulets before addressing them all). In time you will all understand what these amulets are for, and until then, treasure them as I have done in preparing them for you. One day you will face an evil with a face of Madness; along with her are four followers. Those four followers will need to be rescued before anything can commence.

AJ: (suspicious) Is this a whole save the world from a madman deal?

Leanna: Save the galaxy AJ and save the followers or they will be used in the plan.

Brian: Who are the followers?

Leanna: There is no doubt that the ones who are drawn to you will be the ones…

AJ: You’re talking about fans, we’ve got billions of those.

Leanna: (continuing) and you will be drawn to them to pull them from a seductive spell.

(AJ looks to Howie with a smirk)

Howie: (concerned) I can guess that this seductive madness is stronger then us, and the amulets are our protection in one way or another.

Leanna: (softly) remember what I say. Trust no one, but yourselves.

Nick: (goes to Leanna to take her hand and squeeze it) We will get this evil madness for you, Leanna. But I trust you… is that wrong?

Leanna: (smiles and bends down to hug Nick) No it’s not… thank you for your trust.

Nick: No problem.

AJ: Ooh does someone have a crush?

(Nick pulls away and sticks his tongue out at AJ)

Nick: (firmly) No.

AJ: (mocking) That is sooo cute Nicky.

Nick: shuttup AJ!

Kevin: (stern) Guys, that’s enough.

Leanna: (to Kevin) You are all pretty cute. I have a crush if that’s what you call it. (laughs)

(Kevin blushes)

(Leanna gives each of the “Boys” a peck on the cheek and taps Nick’s nose)

Leanna: I hope I will see you all soon.

Brian: How are you going to get out of here?

Leanna: I have no idea…

Nick: (shouts) We’ll help! (Runs toward the space ship and they all follow) (This scene closes in darkness)