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Sence 3 The Right Weapon

(The second day of training finishes with one last move for Nick’s training session. He is standing with his sword in hand awaiting his orders from Astrick, who stands opposite him).

Astrick: Now do the sweep as I’ve taught you.

Nick: Right, the sweep. (Nick spins and thrusts his sword out sweeping it across the floor.) I’m doin it! Hey guys check this out!

(Nick doesn’t pay attention since he has his eyes on the “Boys”. Close up on the sword coming closer to Astrick’s foot.)

(Close up on Astrick as the sword slices the toe of his shoe.)

Astrick: Nick! Pay attention!

(Astrick pulls away gasping in pain. The sword has tapped his toe)

Nick: Shit! (Lifts the sword up)

AJ: (sarcastic) Bravo Nicky you’ve learned how to cut a man’s toe. (Mockingly he applauds.) Now that’s the real art of sword slinging.

Astrick: (shaking his head, and gritting his teeth) It’s fine.

(Close up on Brian’s face)

Brian: (concerned) Is it bleeding?

Nick: (confident) No, it’s not bleeding. (To Astrick, worried) Is it bleeding?

Astrick: (laughs) No, you didn’t cut me Nick, but you mustn’t lose focus, ever. That is a very important point to remember.

AJ: (stands up to address everyone) POINT! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Nick: (spins to face AJ with a look of pure annoyance on his face) Bad pun AJ.

(AJ steps off the bleachers)

AJ: (purging) Now it’s my turn.

(The training of AJ begins as we see him push past Nick to take orders from Astrick next. Nick, annoyed, walks to the bleachers.)

Astrick: (Firm) Remove your amulet.

(AJ does as he is told and places the amulet into his pocket.)

Astrick: Now choose a lazer blaster for yourself.

(Points in the direction of the back wall).

(The back wall is focused on)

(Close up on Nick)

Nick: Did Astrick just say Lazer… Blaster?

AJ: It sounds awesome! (Turns to the “Boys”)

Brian: (stands up) What the Hell is a lazer blaster??

Nick: (whispers) It’s a gun, man.

Brian: (ready to leave) I’m outta here man that’s it for me.

AJ: (laughs) You’re all wusses!

Kevin: No, we aren’t wusses… we’re terrified wusses.

(AJ goes to the back wall snickering and selects a lazer blaster. He admires it with awe as he walks back to Astrick.)

AJ: (Excitedly) Okay man lets start the training. I am so psyched right now! (Starts swinging the lazer blaster from side to side.)

Astrick: (cautiously) First, don’t play with that. (Breathes heavily) First take a few breaths and concentrate…

(Close up on everyone taking deep breaths.) (AJ takes in deep breaths, ignoring the “Boys”)

Astrick: (swipes the sweat from his forehead) We do not need that lazer going off unexpectedly.

Nick: At least I have good insurance. (sighs) (Brian laughs awkwardly)

AJ: Okay enough with the jokes already.

Brian: Who’s joking?

(Close up on AJ as Astrick directs him to the target that will allow the lazer blaster shots to sink in. Astrick backs up.)

Astrick: Lets see what you’ve got. On my count of three start shooting.

Kevin’s voice: And keep it on the target!

AJ: I’m ready.

(Props up the lazer blaster and is now ready to shoot)

(Close up on Nick and Brian)

Nick: Hey ya know I gotta go to the bathroom… be right back. (Stands up)

(Brian pulls Nick back down hard)

Brian: No way, if I die than you’re dyin with me.

Nick: Who said friendship came with a contract?

Brian: (desperate) I’ll make you sign one, buddy.

Nick: Fine. But if all havoc breaks loose I’m hidin under the bleachers.

AJ’s voice: Shuttup you guys I’m tryin to concentrate!

(Brian and Nick shuttup at the same time sealing their mouths shut)

Nick: (Low husk of fear, to Brian) We’re gonna die, man.

(Cut to AJ and Astrick. AJ waits for Astrick’s count of three than begins to fire the lazer blaster towards the target. He misses the center but all his shots end up on the target board. The shooting ends.)

AJ: (feigned happiness) Man I didn’t kill no one. What an achievement should I get a medal now?

Astrick: Even though your shots were off the center; you managed to handle the lazer blaster very well. (moves closer to AJ)

AJ: (victorious) OH YEAH!

(cut to Howie)

Howie: (whispers) You’d think he used a gun before.

(cut to AJ and Astrick)

Astrick: (stern) Put your amulet on now.

AJ: (enthusiastic, he pulls the amulet out of his pocket, eyeing it.) Ooh the fun part.

Nick’s voice: Everybody RUN!

(cut to Howie and Nick)

Howie: Why? With the amulet he’ll know what he’s doing.

Nick: (shakily) Exactly my point.

(AJ clasps the amulet around his neck, rubs it, and seconds afterward he morphs from his original form to his super hero one. He becomes an experienced marksman who can work with any type of weapon. His clothes become a long Yellow Trench coat over a body suit of all black with crimpson gloves and a “Dick Tracey” type matching hat. In his hands he holds two metallic silver twin lazer blasters.)

AJ: (Looks the lazer blasters over) Cool! These are mine?

Astrick: All yours. (grins) Just be focused and VERY careful.

AJ: (nods) Yeah I understand that. (He slings the lazer blaster, but it goes off unexpectedly.) Oh shit! Everybody DUCK!

(We see the “Boys” duck quickly. Cut to AJ catching the shot in his glove after it bounces off the ceiling. The shot absorbs safely into the material of the glove.)

AJ: (Proud, admiring his gloves) Well that’ll come in handy.

(Everyone rises slowly including Astrick.)

Nick: (breathing heavily) Yeah, especially for us.

Astrick: (To AJ with concern) As I said, stay focused.

AJ: Yeah… sorry ‘bout that.

Astrick: Now you know that even a professional can screw up. Please remember that.

(Everyone nods erratically)

(The training continues with AJ sauntering to the bleachers and Brian climbing down with a tremble to his walk. He has no idea what’s in store for him.)

Brian: (approaches Astrick) Am I using any kind of weapon like AJ?

Astrick: Nope. (Pulls a rope that is hanging from the rafters)

Brian: (watching) Swords? (gulps)

Astrick: Nope.

Brian: (looks up the rope) Anything that will cut, slice, blast, or destroy in anyway.

Astrick: Nope, nope, maybe and maybe. (turns and grins at Brian)

Brian: (nods) Okay good. (realizing) maybe?

Astrick: (ignores Brian’s fear and points up the rope) You have three seconds to start climbing. I’ll be timing you.

(Pulls out a small gold stop watch from inside his robe and waits for Brian)

Brian: (glances up the rope than to Astrick, than back to the rope) I don’t think…

Astrick: (presses the button on his device) Go!

(Brian jumps on the rope and dangles there for a moment)

Brian: (to himself) Okay, Bri don’t even think about the height. (closes his eyes and begins to climb)

(cut to Nick)

Nick: (Jumps up and urges Brian on) You’re halfway there buddy!

(cut to Brian)

Brian: (squeaks) Okay…

AJ’s voice: Pretend you’re climbing up a mountain of cheese!

Brian: (breathes heavily) Sure… cheese…

Kevin’s voice: Pretend that you are climbing towards a goal for your carreer!

Brian: Yes… goal. BIG goal.

Howie’s voice: Or it could be a really high pitch note you have to hit.

Brian: High note… singing high, yeah…

(close up on Nick)

Nick: There’s a beautiful girl just waiting for you at the top!

(Everyone stares at Nick. Cut to Brian)

Brian: Yeah… oh yeah… (climbs all the way to the top and dangles there)

Nick’s voice: YES! He made it Astrick!

(We see Nick jump from the bleachers and run to the bottom of the rope)

Nick: (staring up at Brian) You made it man.

Brian: (looks down) I did? (smiles) I did.

AJ: If he doesn’t come down soon, he’ll start to panic.

Astrick: Perfect, now come down.

Brian: (happily chanting) Down, down, gotta get down.

(Nick joins in the chant by singing GET DOWN. Brian’s feet touch the floor)

Astrick: (stops his timer. Impressed with Brian) Wow it took you 2.4 seconds to come back down.

Brian: (swaggering, in a dazed voice) I like the ground.

(Astrick goes to shake Brian’s hand, but Brian passes out.)