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seonce 5 Astrick's Shadow

(Brian rushes out the doors of the gym to follow Astrick. Here we see Astrick walking slowly through the light fog of a dark night. Brian is seen standing outside the gym door with his arms crossed over his chest.)

Brian: (calls) ASTRICK! (gathers up his courage) Whose Rindi?

Astrick: (slowly turning) My business, Brian…

Brian: Okay, than at least tell me where you’re going.

Astrick: To the hotel for a rest. (goes to start walking again)

Brian: We could help you if you would just talk to us.

Astrick: You can’t help me. I know your intentions are good, but you can’t relive my past and you can’t correct my mistakes.

Brian: Maybe we can help you deal with it…

Astrick: (angry) You can’t bring him back can you? (Brian hesitates)

Brian: Rindi?

Astrick: CAN YOU?

Brian: I don’t…

Astrick: That’s what I thought. There is nothing you can do so therefore there is nothing we should talk about. (We watch Astrick walk away until Brian calls to him)

Brian: Astrick, follow your own advice. Accept someone’s help whose willing to offer it. (Brian enters the gym.) (Astrick grins to himself before vanishing).