(Training Session continues… Astrick displays Howie to the group in his warrior outfit. He stands in armor of gold, harboring royal blue tights with gold cuffs and a gold belt around the waist.)
Brian: (applauding) Very nice.
Kevin: Girls will be swarming.
AJ: I want armor like that.
Nick: (to AJ) Aww c’mon, man, ya got the lazer blasters.
(Howie creates a mental image of AJ and smiles as he displays this with pride. The “Boys” applaud again, and the image vanishes.)
Howie: (shrugs) Gotta work on that.
Nick: So, could you create a pizza with your mind? (smiles)
Howie: I could try. (places his fingers to his temples. After a few seconds we see a pizza form.) (Nick goes to grab it when it vanishes and Astrick comes forward to explain.)
Astrick: Sorry, Nick but Howie’s images are just that… images. Howie’s belief in them has to grow for them to last longer.
Howie: And like I said I’ll work on that.
Astrick: Okay, lets take a break.
(Everyone sits down, looking exhausted, but satisfied by the results of a day’s work. Brian looks over to Astrick with a look of gratitude on his face. Astrick smiles genuinely and motions Brian to follow him to the back of the gym where the rope, that had been used for Brian’s training, is displayed.)
Astrick: (to Brian) This is our last training session for awhile. Leanna wants to see me, but I really would rather leave, knowing you at least tried out your superpower.
Brian: And I’d rather you left knowing you could trust me with such a superpower.
Astrick: I can, can you trust me to help you?
Brian: I can trust you, Astrick…
(Brian grabs Astrick’s hand in a firm grip and shakes it as he smiles.) Thanks for everything. About that whole Rindi issue…Astrick: (cuts in) There is a lot to explain, Brian. Things hidden in my past I’d rather keep hidden and I would much appreciate it if you could understand my silence just for now.
Brian: I understand, just for now, but if you can’t deal I’ll help the best way I can. As a friend can.
Astrick: (slips his hand away and grins awkwardly) Thank you… (Pats Brian’s arm) You’re a good… friend (grits his teeth as if this word is foreign to him).
(Astrick walks back to the group and Brian stares up to the top of the rope with a new confidence. He heads back to the group.) (We follow Brian to the group where we see Howie, holding his amulet while he playfully reads Nick’s mind. Cut to Nick lifting his head to see Brian.)
Nick: Hey Bri! (to Howie) Did you know I was going to say that?
(We see Brian wave to Nick)
Howie: Too easy.
Nick: (shrugs) You’re not that good are ya?
Howie: You won’t know my true strength till later. Right now is just the demo.
Nick: Same here.
Howie: (to Brian anxiously) Show us your superpower, man.
Nick: Only if you’re ready, of course.
Astrick: (confident) He will before I leave today.
Howie: (nods) Good.
Nick: Ya know what, now that I’ve seen almost everyone’s armor I can say that mine is the best.
AJ: (mocking) Yeah, the funny thing about it is, that blond ponytail stickin out the back of your helmet.
Nick: (annoyed) Yeah well, you look like a psycho Dick Tracey.
AJ: Wanna fight Ponytail boy? Remember I’m the one with the lazerblasters here.
Nick: (turns to Astrick) Can he use those on me?
Astrick: All I’m going to say on behalf of the both of you, is one day you will need each other and there will be no time for such quarrels. There are dangers in this world that you will only be able to face together. Trust me, I know. (comes around behind Nick) Evil is all around you no matter where you turn. It could be anyone or anything…
AJ: Is there a point to this freak out?
Astrick: Of course! (pulls back) You are not the EVIL.
Nick: AJ can be evil at times.
AJ: I’ve proved it. (grins)
Astrick: (sighs) Okay… but you aren’t the true evil. That’s what you’re going to be watching out for. That’s what you’re going to be defeating. Being as tight as you all are makes you all stronger as individuals as well as a stronger team. (walks around the group) I’m sure that AJ would never let anything happen to Nick.
AJ: Well…
Nick: (smacks AJ) Defend me or die.
(Nick and AJ chuckle)
Brian: (shakes his head) We understand what you mean, Astrick, even if some of us pretend to be confused. (glares at Nick and AJ) We know we need each other.
AJ: What a speech! (claps briefly) Howie: (speaks up) Behind all the hostility that AJ holds up like a wall. He’s really into the whole brothers issue. He knows that he needs us…
Nick: He’d be lost without us.
AJ: Ya all wish!
Howie: (directly to AJ) You know what your problem is?
AJ: Please enlighten me.
Howie: You’re upset because our trainer and friend is leaving us today. You’ve gotten attached to Astrick and you want him to stay as much as we do.
AJ: (hostile) You read me like a book, Howard.
Howie: I’m psychic.
Astrick: I’m honored… really.
Brian: (walks to Astrick’s side to put a brotherly arm around his shoulders.) Because of you we can put up a stronger fight.
Kevin: (holding back emotions) You sure you can’t stay for a while longer just to hang out with us one more day. We don’t have to train or nothing.
Astrick: I really have to go…
“The Boys”: Awww!
AJ: Can we just get this over with already? We’ll just give him the whole group hug thing everyone can cry their eyes out and we’ll all get on with our lives once again.
Brian: (grabs AJ) Come on man!
(Everyone huddles around Astrick in a group hug and AJ gasps from being sandwiched in the middle). (Slowly, we watch a tearful Brian break away to stand a few feet from the group. Brian places the amulet on and touches it before bending down and leaping up so high that he grasps the rafters of the gym. He has morphed into his warrior outfit revealing a vest of light blue over a white top, gray pants and light blue gloves.)
Brian: So… what d’ya all think? (smiling proudly)
(Everyone applauds and Brian comes down to give Astrick a big hug. He pulls back as everyone begins to comment)
Howie: Snazzy!
AJ: I like the vest.
Nick: Yeah, man the vest makes the whole ensemble.
Brian: (analyzing the gloves) Personally, these are my fave.
Kevin: I agree with Bri.
Brian: Astrick? (faces Astrick)
Astrick: You look like a warrior, Brian.
Brian: (smiles) All because of my trainer.
Astrick: Of course.
AJ: (excitedly) Do something Brian! Lets see the warrior’s powers. What can ya do with that outfit that you can’t do without it?
Astrick: That, of course will come later. What we’ve seen is enough for now.
AJ: So you got over that whole fear thing, huh?
Nick: Did that motorboat accident conquer your fear?
Brian: (smiles knowingly) I did it for love.
Everyone: (obvious) Ohhhh!
Astrick: Love can make you do anything. Be sure you all remember that. (Everyone nods). It’s time for me to go and leave you to your destiny.
Brian: (hugs Astrick again) One more goodbye for the road, man.
(Brian pulls back and Astrick grins slightly, than leaves. We see all the guys watching him until the gym doors close.)
(Cut to Astrick as he vanishes out of sight.)