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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Life, in speical you in heatsoul thinkabout it everyone do life..

Written By Vera-Anne Spet 24 2006 .

1, want artiest.

2.want anything be life..


4,in there in eart home fine way.

5,have good too througt.

6.heart's break in life.

7.Misss you people you love like best friend dog cat anything.


8.Image in what want do life..

9.friendship broken to clouse just left you don't know what happen..

10 But it life go with it.

I'm having something want life bring friendship dream hoping, and think want bring something good I know want do life, say be teachter go for be any be in life nothing know want do...

In be frined some you good life not turn just like you didn;t like you from started in life have rule to me..

Rule on life...

1,think you if friend so many year you .

2,Cry seft to over.

3.Fine friend close then.

4.think what wring or wrong.

5.Share feeling with other friend close you...

I'm throught life want do life anything presured doing anything hope something day show them what treat in life and will forgot what mean call nameschool something hunted there life something,think be be not going something call name make you.. think point-less really in hurnted night everyone pictue brian I know do read life... think about other hope talking about if front stop about me what promblem calll in life in doing anything please something.. I know not really..

I'm life people pecret no pectore some can't write and read something juge born like feel upset make, oh then it Life good, but something... but cool call name everyon school and hight school change call have anything not really.

My life have greatest in life do want liek my holding, something speical pass canada weeked very sad in heart break halfe he said wan't be my friend in heaven hope come meeting Maz-call backstreet Boys kitty miss alot in heaven make up cool and was and vanitlton don;'t like day personal reason privtie my reember day when 5 no in life good alot best friend speical me alway help with stuff prombem miss and, have no lost other 3 before make up her do talking much in movie in now talking chated still 5 year my best friend oth di patches and flully great remmebem in alway in heart my fave dog gone way do anything sad all great friend me. I don't know care think have dog or cat any amanil's great to me.. What hapoen life, in something gone mintues Share time with anything time of it....

If have Dream just grive up think having speical you if want anything.Having, something go as life in take for graied share eeryone friend family...

By Vera-Anne 2006 myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Real Friends Are (Look best friend tell alway be for you)

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Real friends are the ones who stay by your side and console you through everything. they defend you when others diss you and they love you no matter what. they laugh with you, they of course laugh at you only when it truly is funny and you start laughing too. if all your friends leave you at lunch then they are not real friends and if they all ask to copy from you all the time, they are probably not true friends. true friends are the people you least expect to care but most rely on everyday.Your best friend is possibly most important person in your life. What would you do without that someone you can tell All between you and your best buddy changes? beat friend in life alway be there for you every one life..think a friend should be someone you can depend on also a friend should be true and loyal maybe evern stick uo for you something in life for a long timre in alway be there be layoyt to them and true them for ever.look forward see best friend look everyone take and fun meeting noew friend hane out watch move with everyone do life.Some one you will never forgot and you consider your true friend that you really love and your twin soul will remember for that rest of life.this is true a friend alay be there.. for me Bring life up alway be there fore me I'm loveing friend speical do care about me..friend speical to alway care about hope anuthing happy worry in heart soul, alway be there you for never hurt, having speical friendsA friend some one is there one Day in Day friend thatWhy are you so special to me Because I know I can depend on you.Because you know when to laugh at me and when to take me seriously. Because you know what to repeat and what to keep to yourself. Because you sense the feelings behind the words.

Because you always see something positive in me When promeblem my best friend alway there keep fun laughig hange good friend never do fight, make up. go with life happness very inporement.. alway have friend in need.

My best friend are thanks be for alone time thanks this life for ever untill I die in life heart in best freiend that world this for just for then.... friend is okay speiacal alway have speical I friend in side okay in alright be thre okay fore you dream's Share life okay holding them never life then Alway be friends I'm speical friend alway here for okay never give Up best friend and Friend alway there for you Everyone best friend counting be you thene for then

My friends im my heart Never hurt them And my friends help me With some thing My friends never hurt me My friends in my heart wThen really good To me Never hurt Always be my friend Always be in my heart And soul Be there for themFor a I die My friends in my friend I nerve leave them My friend in my heart Never leave Always be my friend now be friends forever My friend in my heart Friends never hurt One other Feel mad inside something why this Happen You hurt me dearly Friends Don't hurt One another Someday this be gone


myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

My Dreams Will Come True

This For My Best Frends Ress Laura.VC Jen Johhny And the Backstreet BoysOn My dream Will come true me For long as work hard Want this So Bad In my heart Will come True to me I hope see My true love Some day when I meet him One day my dreams will come true To me I be so Happy Dreams so important to me now My dream so good I all fine my love True some day When get faomous My Dreams and my dreamer will come true some day..

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

I believe you

I Believe you Believe in yourself I always believe you Do anything You want It's your life I always believe in yourself When something happen You always be there For me I always believe in you I care about you When you need it Help with something I always believe in you I always believer in you My friends I care about you You are my best friend I always believe you 4 ever I never hurt you I always believe you For good you a Good friend to me I always believe you and believe for 4 ever

Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Laura V.C myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Vera-Anne myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Ressa myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Jen myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Johnny S myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
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Myspace Layouts
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

My Friend Fanfiction and Speical stuff

NEWSpeical times

NEWJust Good Friends

NEWtrue Friends