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The Movie

writen Vera-Anne Edit By Laura V.C

Aj "Siting on the couch witing his best friend"

"Where You"

"Sorry I'm Later Boss Was Late"

"Oh ok Sorry Was Worry"

"This Worry my twin brother Ghost"

"Less Ghost Nickname"

"Cool name did know have brother"

"Yes I Do"

"Hey Coming with the movie won't be alone"

"Thank You" Said AJ


"Hello, Nick How to good thanks for Ask Aj>

"Why Call Ghost">

Some try Kill Me Was 16 years"

"Oh Yes" AJ Told Me That

Aj "In I'm Ready"

"Let Go" he said

"What Movie Day Come By Night"

Oh Cool,Really Like Saw first one"

"Did too">

"Why where Later Host Harry Birthday Thanks Said AJ"

"Went See Movie Gost Sk Don't Sleep movie tonight"

oSure You Can

"Are Ypu Sleep Over Nick"

"I Yes I Am"

When Home after movie long Ghost good Night AJ and Nick

"GoodNight" Said Nick And AJ

Everyone when Sleep"

~The End~