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Vera-Anne;s Wicked Suff's

Welcome my this page hope like cool

Vera'sDream:Owner her Resturnt One them call Hot Place second call Power night's

Vera:Love cooking

Vera Peprect friends:Laura V.C Ressa Johnny Jen Darlen,Cheryl Darleen,Zel

Amnietvshow:Inuyasha Saliormoon Gravation,Ghost of shell,Shmank kinmg pokenmn

Vera-Anne life,. and look for see friend hang with frind and Family talking want do life some day will have family want do make dream come some day

break mooment's

In life lost best friend, and she great dog and, namoe patches love this dog oh sun taning out never live oh miss die August 25 2001 love do wish with if read oh see live miss her and, lost 1 years later oct 7 2002 she said few later love Max die July 3 oh miss oh lover fried;s call backstreet boys cat;s this cate lover backstreet boys if was love there new song's stufff in move happy and call name tipper call the Queen oh oh right doo right then now

In life, and lost best friend's alone way just left hurt broken didn't understand whath appen, but ,ovel ife now got meeting alot friend trust her oh believe stuff life good, some find boyfriend.s

My shipper's wicked

Harry/Hermione=Harmony(Harry Potter)


Danny/Jordan=Jordanny(stuidoe 60)




my quoste place

Being a good singer and best dancer and Singer everyone love you who are

Love lives forever in you

"If you dream something, but don't understand what it is about, someday you will find out."

"Let me be me and you be yourself"

"Sometimes love hurts."

By Vera-Anne Quotes

Speical Love, give you have love is good alwya need loving in life, don't give up on live find someone in life-Vera-AnneM