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You Might As Well Dance

"Read This Very Slowly It's Pretty Profound"

To many ppeople put something thant bring then joy becasue then haven't througt about it don't have iit on their schedule, didn't know it was co ming or are too rigid ti depart from their rouit I got thinking one day about tall those women on Titanice who passed up dssert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cu back. From then on,I've troed be a little more flexibale. How many women out thre will eat at home becasur thie hushand didn't suggest going out dinnie untit after something had been thawed? Do the word "refrigeration" mean nothinthing to you How offen have have your kidss porrped in to talk and st in silence which you watched 'Joepardy' on televison? I cannot count the time I call my sister said. "How about doing to lunch in a half hour?" She would gas u and stammer, "I can't I hav clothes one the line My hair is dirty. I wish have known Yesterday I had a late breakfast, It looks like Rain"

And my personal favorite: "it's Monday." She die a few years ago We never id have lunch together becasue Americna And canadian cram to so much their lives, we tend to schedule our headaces..We live one a sparse diet of promise we make to ourselevs when all then condition's are perfect Well's go back and vist the grandparent's when we get steve toilet-trained We'll entertain we replace then living-room carpt. We'll go on a second hoenymoon when we gret town more kids out of collegar. Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The Day's get shorter , and the list of promises to ourslevles get longer. One morning we awaken and, we have to show for our lives in a litany of "I'm going to""I plam on " and" Someday, when things are settled down a bit" When anyone calls my'sezien moment' friend,she open at advernture and avilable for trips. She keeps an open mind one ideas.Her enthuisasm for life is contagiosu.You talking with her for five minutes,and you're ready to trade you bad feet for a pair rolloer blades and skip an elevator for a bugee cord. My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream, It's just that i might as well apply it diceclty to my stoomach with a spatula and eliminamte the digestive process. The other day I stopped the car an brought a triple-decker. If my car hadt hit iceberg on they why home I would have dided happy.Now.. go on and have a nice day. do something you something SHOULD Do

unkownperson creid to them really goodoh read oh oh then for like it read very good thank didn't not write, crited to person who wrote thanks-Vera-Anne