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Calling Your/p>

Written By Vera-Anne

this song deastion my best friend alway be my be friend, this for, her song this for Laura V.C

Alway talked becasue my best friend

never show up shut up listen

have say in life

Sing with you

Help with dream

Coming true

Hoping day come

Call you for every

Alway be my friend and best friends

I'm friend some is Speical

A friend some one is there

One Day in Day friend that

you is There

Why are you so special to me ?

Because I know I can depend on you.

Because you know when to laugh at me and when to take me seriously.

Because you know what to repeat and what to keep to yourself.

Because you sense the feelings behind the words.

Because you always see something positive in me.

Because you are never fake but are always honest with me.

Because you are a giver not only of your time but of yourself.

Because you are a rare combination of strength and sensitivity.

Because you know me better than most people

Because you are not afraid to step out into the unknown.

And most of all because I have the privilege of calling you friend.