Chapter 1

Warning this chapter contains harsh language and violence! You have been warned.

Chapter 1

August 15, 2001

“You stupid bitch I thought I told you to clean this place up before I got home!” Cory yelled slapping me again hard enough to knock me on the floor.

“Cory I didn’t have time. I work too you know. I also have a son of ours that I had to take care of.” I said with a little attitude getting back up.

“Knock off the attitude Emily.” He said with his teeth clenched and enough anger in his voice you could cut it with a knife.

“Look who’s talking. My attitude!? What’s been you problem lately? You never come home before 11 and when you do finally decide to come home you’re pissed as hell! You’re always gone before I get up which is pretty damn early saying as how Jordan gets up at 6:30. Oh and speaking of Jordan he is your son too and he might like to know his father. But some father you are you’re never around!” I said my voice raising higher with every word. What mistake it was to say all of that to him. I watched his eyes fill with more anger and hatred with every word.

“You bitch! Who the hell do you think you are to think you have the right to talk to me like that!?” He screamed and slapped me back handed across the face, sending me flying into a chair knocking it over and breaking a lamp and some pictures that we’re sitting on the end table beside the chair. “God you’re such a bitch and a terrible wife you can’t even clean the damn house and you’re an even worse mother. God you spend all you’re time with Jordan you never give me anything!” he screamed. Then it all came clear he was always pissed because we hadn’t had sex since about 4 months before Jordan was born, 2 months ago. I realized why he married me, as much as I still loved him, he didn’t love me. I realized why he always came home late; he was out screwing anything that wore a skirt.

He started throwing things, pictures, baby bottles, anything he could get his hands on. In the background I heard Jordan crying I wondered how long he’d been crying. I hoped he was ok, but I didn’t dare go get him until Cory stopped and left the house or went to our bedroom. He finally stopped, gave me one last angry glare and stalked off to our bedroom at the other end of the house. I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and went to get Jordan.

“Shhh baby it’s ok mommy’s here” I said picking him up. I started humming and sat down in the rocking chair rocking him back to sleep.

Chapter 2
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