Chapter 12

“Dreaming Of You Tonight Praying That You Will Be Mine Hoping You’ll Be Holding Me Tight Never Ever Letting Me Go…”

“Love For Always” Sung By Mandy Moore Written By Tony Battaglia & Shaun Fisher

11:30 pm the same night

The night had been great and so much fun. The girls and I got to know each other while the guys played basketball. It was a real pain having a broken collar bone since basketball was my favorite sport and I was stuck watching. I had put Jordan to bed about 8 making sure I grabbed the baby monitor and Kim had went to bed then too, but not by choice. Mom, Dad, Jackie, and Harold had all went to bed about 9:30.

“Well I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said as Nick, Tania, Aj, and Sariah all walked over to Brian’s house.

“Yo Bri you comin’?” Aj yelled back.

“Aj some people are trying to sleep. I might be there I’m not sure just walk in and don’t wake my parents.” Brian yelled back.

“Brain some people are trying to sleep.” I said imitating what he had just told Aj.

“Oops” He said smiling sheepishly. I just smiled and realized Kevin, Kristin, Laura, and Howie were all still standing there.

“I’m guessing you guys want to crash here so you don’t have to drive?” I asked.

“Yea is that ok?” Kevin asked.

“Kevin do I ever care that you guys crash at my house?” I asked.

“That was kinda stupid question babe you know she don’t care.” Kristin stated.

“Yea yea I know. Hell we could probably just walk in there without asking and she wouldn’t care.” Kevin replied.

“You’re right there. I wouldn’t care.” I said. “Kevin you and Kris can take the room across from mine. Howie you and Laura can take the room right beside Kev’s. Is that ok?” I asked.

“Yea.” All of them except Laura said.

“Laura if you don’t want to share a room with Howie you can kick him down onto the couch downstairs.” I said giggling since she hadn’t said anything.

“Hey!” Howie said.

“Huh? I no it’s ok I don’t mind sharing a room with him I just didn’t answer because I’m so tired.” She replied with a tired smile.

“Oh ok.” I said. “You all can go on in. Try to be quiet so you don’t wake Jordy please.”

“Ok goodnight.” They all replied.

“Goodnight.” Brian and I replied.

“So what are you still doing here?” I asked Brian.

“Well I can leave if you want me too.” Brian said sounding hurt.

“Oh Bear don’t be silly. You know I always love having you around. I just figured you go home and go to bed like everyone else.” I replied.

“I don’t know guess I just wanted to be around you we didn’t get much time together today like we normally do.” He stated.

“Oh ok that’s fine let’s go inside though.” I said. Brian nodded and we walked inside. I quickly checked on Jordan and then walked into my room where Brian was. I walked in to find him lying one the bed looking at the ceiling with his hands behind he head. I noticed that he had also taken his shirt off so he was in his shorts and wife beater.

“Well just make yourself comfy.” I said smiling.

“Oh I already did that.” He replied with a smile. *Oh God that smile. Crap Emily you can’t be thinking like this. That is your best friend and you just got divorced. You can’t think like that.*

“You ok?” Brain suddenly asked.

“Ya just kinda tired.” I replied “I’m gonna get into some pajamas and you know where your cloths are but Kev and Kris are in there so be careful.” I replied.

“Yea I know. I was just going to sleep in my boxers and this shirt as long as you don’t mind.” He said.

“Of course I don’t mind Bri you sleep like that all the time when you’re home.” I replied and walked into the bathroom with my pajamas. I came out a couple minutes later to find Brian sitting on the bed in his boxers and wife beater looking at a book.

“Whatcha looking at?” I asked sitting down beside him.

“Photos of us when we were younger.” He replied.

“Oh cool. Wait where’d you find that?” I asked.

“It was in that box under your bed where you always kept it.” He said

“Oh yea I forgot about that.” I said and leaned over to look at the pictures too. Brian and I sat there looking at pictures and reminiscing.

“Do you remember that?” I asked pointing to the last picture in the book. It was of Brian and I when I was 5 and Brian was 11. We were dancing in the living room.

“Of course how could I forget that. That was the first time we ever danced.” He replied laughing.

“Yea it was.” I replied. Brian suddenly yawned.

“Tired Bri?” I asked and then yawned.

“Yea sounds like you are too.” He stated smiling.

“Yea I am let’s go to sleep.” I said.

“Ok do you mind if I open a window it’s kinda stuffy in here?” Brian asked.

“No it is kinda stuffy in here.” I replied. He went over and opened a window then came back to the bed. He climbed into the bed then turned off the light and turned the lamp beside him on.

“How you been feeling?” Brian asked propping his head up on his hand once he lay down.

“You know pretty crappy. I have to sit and watch everybody else play basketball while I’m stuck in this god forsaken cast.” I said. “But other than that I’m perfectly fine.” I finished with a smile. *He is so sweet and nice and caring, not to mention hot. Wait Emily you can’t think like that, you know that, but you can’t help loving him either.*

Brian’s POV

“You are something else Dani.” I replied laughing.

“I know.” She replied. I laughed and asked if we could sleep now.

“Yea we can.” She said. I turned out the lamp and then put my arm around her. *I’m gonna have to tell her soon I can’t keep my feelings locked up forever and you never know maybe she’ll feel the same.* She was in word amazing. There was no one like her and there’d be no one to take her place in might heart. I knew one day we’d be a family, have kids, and she would complete me and I’d complete her, but time would only tell.

Chapter 13
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