Chapter 13

“I Think There’s Something Here Worth Sayin’ I Don’t Want To Scare You So Let Me Make My Wish And Hope That You Believe In Simple Love, Like I Do Say That’s It’s True, Baby Cause You’ve Got Me Shaken My Breath Has Now Been Taken I’ve Got To Over Come This Achin’ To Win Your Love

And I would Be Rich And I Would Build All My World Around You Just To Show You How You Take My Breath Away And You Would Find Love, Sweet Lady Nobody Else On This Side Of Heaven Knows How You Take My Breath Away”

“Take My Breath Away” Sung By 98* Written by Steve Grissette & Maxx Frank

Monday August 26, 2001

*Brian’s POV*

I woke up in the middle of the night with Emily in my arms. *God it’d be nice to be able to hold her like this every night.* I thought but something like that was impossible. I lay there looking at the moon gently gleaming across her face. She looked so peaceful and angelic. I wondered what time it was as I laid there admiring her. *2:28 am. That is too early to even think of getting up.* I lay back down and pulled her closer. “Oh god Emily, I wish you knew how you take my breath away every time I see you and every time I touch you I swear my heart must beat 100 times faster. How much I wish I could always wake up like this. To know that every morning I’d wake up with you in my arms lying beside me. I love you so much Emily Danielle and I always will no matter what. I wish you were awake to hear that but I know you’re not. I love you.” I whispered and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. About 20 minutes later I was back into a deep sleep. Little did Brian know that all his wishes had come true.

I woke up the next morning at about 7 to find Emily still asleep. That was a surprise she’d always been up by 6:30 every day this week. Of course I only knew that cause that’s what Jeremy and Kasey said. I watched her sleeping again, taking note to how the sunlight danced across her face. Emily had always had this room since she was first born. She loved it cause it overlooked the pool that was in the backyard. Then in the mornings when the sun was out it would shine on the pool and reflect into her room giving it a very tranquil feel.

“What are you looking at?” Emily suddenly asked pulling me from my trance.

“Emily God you scared me! How long have you been awake? I wasn’t looking at anything I was just thinking.” I replied. *Ok that sounded like a jumbled mess of words.*

“Sorry I scared you. I didn’t mean to. I’ve been awake for a couple minutes.” She replied.

“Man you actually understood what I said.” I stated amazed.

“Ya I understood what you said.” she said. I heard her mumble something it sounded like “Just like I heard what you said early this morning.” *Ok dear God please don’t let that be what she actually said.*

“What do you mean you heard what I said early this morning. How would you know I was up? You were asleep weren’t you?” I asked nervously. She just looked down at the bed and kinda fumbled with the blankets not answering me. I knew the answer now she wasn’t asleep when I had said that but for some reason I wanted her to actually say that. “You were asleep weren’t you?” I asked again so she’d answer me.

*Emily’s POV*

I kept looking down at the blankets not saying anything. Suddenly Brian gently lifted my head so I had to look at him. “Emily?” He said.

“Yes I heard you I wasn’t asleep ok!” I said as the tears welled up in my eyes. Why the tears started I don’t know they just did. We sat there looking at each other for probably 5 minutes or so before he pulled me into his arms. “No Brian.” I said and pushed him away. I turned away from him so maybe he couldn’t see how I really felt.

*Brian’s POV*

“Emily I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall in love with you it just happened. Three years ago I fell in love with you, for three years I never told you. I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. I didn’t plan on telling you like that. I’m sorry, I’m sorry I made such a huge mistake by telling you, by falling in love with you. I’m sorry.” I said as the tears rolled down her cheeks and mine.

“Brian you have nothing to be sorry for and it wasn’t a mistake because I love you too!” She yelled.

“But I do…wait you, you, you…”I stated stumbling over my words.

“I love you too.” She stated again. “I always have but it changed from just wanting to be your friend to being your lover. That happened over three years ago.”

“Can I ask you something then?” I asked. She nodded her head yes. “If you fell in love with me three years ago why’d you marry Cory?”

“I rushed into that. I was almost 19 and stupid. I didn’t think I’d ever have you as more than my best friend. Not only that you’re six years older than I am. It never bothered me but I figured you’d want someone closer to your own age. When Cory and I met I just wanted someone to help me forget about the feelings I had, have for you. Two months after we met we were married. A month later I found out I was a 4 weeks pregnant. Now 10 months later here I am. I never loved Cory he was just, there.” She replied.

“Ok. I was just wondering. It’s no big deal you married him I don’t care I still love you and I love Jordan.” I replied. She looked at me in complete shock. “What is it?” I asked worried.

“You said you love Jordan.” She stated.

“I do love him. He’s yours but that doesn’t mean I can’t love, but I hope you’ll let me act like his father. As if he’s mine?” I stated or more like questioned.

*Emily’s POV*

I couldn’t believe it Brian was asking to be Jordan’s dad even though Jordan wasn’t actually his. “Ya Bear, you can.” I replied and leaned over to hug him smiling.

“This is what I always wanted and I promise one day we’ll have one that’s both of ours.” Brian said hugging.

“Ok but don’t get to ahead of yourself I just had Jordan I don’t feel like going through that again for awhile.” I giggled pulling away.

“Ok. Besides I want to be married when that happens” He said “and it’ll be awhile before that happens.” He whispered looking into my eyes.

“Ya.” I whispered back. We slowly leaned towards each other till our lips met in a sweet kiss.

Chapter 14
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