Chapter 14

“I Would Go Anywhere Do Anything No, I Don’t Care Long As I Know I’ll Always Go With You

Now It’s All Making Sense Forever’s In The Present Tense I Know It All Begins With You And So This Story Goes I Am Yours To Have And Hold And I Can’t Wait To Grow Old With You”

“With You” Sung by Lila McCann Written by Matt Hendrix & Robin Lee Bruce

Brian and I were kissing still about 3 minutes later when Jordan started crying. “Real sure you want one now Bear?” I asked laughing as I pulled away.

“Of course.” He replied.

“Ok I’m gonna get him and I’ll meet you down stairs.” I stated and walked out the door.

“Oh Jordy sweetheart it’s ok don’t cry. Mommy’s here.” I said as I picked him up. I changed his diaper and he stopped crying. I walked downstairs holding him.

“Hey Ems.” Said everybody when I walked downstairs. The scene in front of me wasn’t something I expected to see. Kevin and Kris were sitting in the gray love seat, Aj was sitting on one end of the couch with Sariah sitting between his legs on the floor, Nick was on the other side with Tania sitting the same way as Sariah, Howie and Laura were on the other love seat and Brian had taken one of the chairs while my black pug Star was occupying the other chair.

“Ok I didn’t expect you four to be sitting there this early in the morning.” I said motioning to Aj, Sariah, Nick, and Tania. They all just laughed.

“Hey what are you doing?” Aj asked as I started to walk towards the kitchen.

“I’m gonna make him a bottle and then feed him.” I replied.

“Um, could I feed him?” Kris asked.

“Sure here.” I said and walked over and gently handed her Jordan. “I’ll go make his bottle and be right back.” I made his bottle and came back into the family room. I handed Kris the bottle then laid down on the couch with my feet in Aj’s lap and my head in Nick’s.

“Wanna use me as a pillow Emily?” Nick asked sarcastically, laughing.

“Ya I do, got a problem with it.” I replied laughing.

“Actually I do.” He stated. I just stuck my tongue out at him. “Oh that was real mature Ems.” He said.

“Look who’s talkin’ blondie.” I remarked. Everyone else laughed. Nick pouted cause he was being laughed at. “Oh Nicky you look so cute when you pout.” I said smiling.

“Don’t call me Nicky and don’t call me cute either.” He said making everybody laugh more.

“Nicky sweetheart?” Tania suddenly said.

“Yea baby?” He said.

“Boy you be whipped.” Aj said as everyone but Nick laughed.

“So what did you and Brian do last night?” Aj asked suggestively.

“Well it defiantly wasn’t that.” Brain replied. About that time Star jumped up on my stomach making me jab Aj in the stomach with my foot.

“Star! Don’t do that.” I said.

“Ok I get it.” Aj said holding his stomach.

“I thought you would.” I said with a smiling. I guess Star jumping on my stomach can teach people, mainly Aj, a lesson.

“Hey Emmy he’s asleep again.” Kristin said.

“Ok I can take him upstairs.” I stated starting to get up.

“Oh it’s ok I can do it.” She said.

“Ok if you want to. Grab the baby monitor and turn it on before you leave the room.” I said.

“Ok” She said getting up and heading upstairs. I looked over at Brian to see him staring at me in shock along with everyone else.

“What?” I asked.

“You never let Jordan out of your site with anyone unless your mom and dad or my mom and dad are around are you feeling ok?” Brian asked.

“I feel fine.” I said giggling. “I’ve known Kris for 8 years I trust her. I trust all of you. I just wasn’t use to having anyone else take care of Jordan but me.”

“Oh” They all said.

“Hey Dani can I talk to you in the kitchen please?” Brian asked.

“Sure be right there.” I replied.

“How are we going to tell everybody we’re together?” He asked once we shut the kitchen door and nobody could hear us.

“I don’t know how do you want to tell ‘em. You want to like make them figure it out or something?” I said.

“I love the way your mind thinks.” He said smiling. “That’s what we’ll do we’ll just act normal you know like Tania and Nick or Kevin and Kris do and they’ll figure it out. Then they’ll ask us and we’ll tell ‘em.” He stated.

“Ok works for me.” I said. He leaned forward and kissed me.

“Hey guys what’s…” Nick said walking into the kitchen while we were kissing. Brian and I immediately pulled away. “Oh my God!” Nick said in shock. Everybody else must of heard him cause they came walking into the kitchen.

“What’s wrong Nicky?” Tania asked.

“They…They…They.” Nick said. Brian and I were trying not to burst into laughter at how shocked he was.

“They what Nick?” Kevin asked. Brian and I stayed quiet trying to see if Nick could actually tell them.

“They, They were kissing.” He suddenly said and Brian and I burst out laughing.

“Yea right Nick.” Aj said laughing.

“No really they were.” Nick said.

“Yea Nick we believe you.” Kevin stated chuckling.

“Actually he’s right.” Brian said now that we had calmed down. It went dead quiet after that I swear you could of heard a pin drop.

“You guys are together?” Kevin asked being the first one to speak. Brian and I nodded our heads. “Oh Yea!” Kevin yelled and went out the kitchen door real quick. “Hey Jeremy! You owe me 20 bucks!” He yelled.

“What!? Why!?” My dad yelled back coming inside.

“Remember that bet we made when Emily was 3?” Kevin asked. My dad nodded his head. I had a pretty good idea as to what the bet was about now.

“Well it’s happened and I won.” Kevin boasted.

“You’re kidding. I had given up all hope after she got married.” My dad said handing Kevin a 20-dollar bill.

“You guys did not.” I stated smiling.

“Yea actually we did.” My dad said. Brian and I started laughing.

“You guys are unreal.” Brian said laughing.

*A week later; September 2; 8pm *

“So what are you doing in 7 weeks when all of us go back to Florida?” Laura asked.

“Truthfully I don’t really know. I think I might buy a house down in Florida somewhere close to Brian. Maybe stay here in Lexington and buy a house.” I replied.

“Oh cool. You do know Brian wouldn’t let you buy a house in Florida. I mean you’d end up living with him.” Sariah said.

“Oh yea I know.” I said.

“I have idea. How about we move on to another subject we actually know something about.” Kristin said. The rest of the girls and I all agreed.

“Emily why does Brian call you Dani?” Tania asked.

“Yea why does he. In all the years I’ve known you, I don’t even know the answer to that one.” Kristin said.

“Man Brian’s been calling me that since I can remember. I think he started calling me that when I was 2 or 3. Everybody called me Emily, Ems, or Emmy and he wanted to call me something different so he started calling me Dani. He’s the only one that calls me that.” I said, “He’s the only one that can get away with calling me that kinda like I’m the only one that can get away with calling him Bear.” I finished giggling.

“You know I’ve always wondered how you came up with the nickname Bear.” Kristin said.

“I think his mom was joking around one time and called him Bribear. So I just took Bear out of it and that’s what I’ve always called him.” I said.

“Oh cool. Guess you learn something new everyday.” Laura said.

“Yea.” The rest of us agreed. About that time Jordan, who was laying in the playpen we had sat up outside started crying.

“Jordy it’s ok.” I said picking him up and sitting back down in the chair. He had stopped crying as soon as I picked him up. I guess you could say he loves to be held.

“I think I’m gonna go see what the guys are doing. You know see if they’ve got anything that comes close to resembling a song.” Sariah joked.

“Ok.” I replied laughing.

“Wait and I’ll come with you.” Both Laura and Kristin said.

“See you guys in a while.” Tania and I said as they walked over to Brian’s.

Chapter 15
Stories Home
