Chapter 16

“It’s Everywhere You Look If You Look Hard Enough It’s Really Not To Hard To See And Once You’ve Put You’re Arms Around It You Can Never Get Too Much Love Is Sweet, Sweet Thing”

“Love Is A Sweet Thing” Sung by Faith Hill Written by Brett James & Troy Verges

*A Week Later; September 9; 10 am*

“So are you all packed to go to Florida?” Brian asked as I drove us home from the doctor after getting my brace off.

“Ya I am. When are we leaving?” I stated.

“We’re gonna pack up our stuff and head out.” He replied.

“I can’t believe you guys drove up here.” I said.

“Yea well it was actually a lot of fun.” He said.

“Yea it probably was and we’ll have Tania and Nick in here so it’ll be even more fun.” I replied pulling into the driveway.

“Yes it will. They’re a lot of fun to have around.” He replied.

“Yea I know. Tania is a lot of fun and Nick well he’s just Nick.” I stated getting out.

“That he is.” Brian said as we walked into the house.

“Hey!” everybody yelled as we walked in the door.

“Hey!” We yelled back.

“So how’s it feel to have it off?” Tania asked.

“Absolutely positively wonderful.” I said laughing.

“I’m sure it does.” She said laughing with me.

“Looky what I got.” Kristin said walking into the room holding Jordan.

“There’s mommy’s baby boy.” I said smiling and gently grabbed him from her.

“Ok Nick and I are gonna get this stuff loaded then we can get going.” Brian said giving me a quick kiss then grabbing some bags.

“OK.” I replied.

“Aww how sweet.” Laura teased.

“Yea I know that, not like you can really talk though Howie’s the same way.” I replied.

“You’re right he is.” She said.

“Hey Emily?” Kristin said.


“You think tonight after we eat supper Kevin and I could have Jordan?” She asked.

“Well I don’t really care but you won’t really want him cause he may not be asleep by then and it’s hard to get him asleep sometimes. I guess though if you want him you can take him till you get tired of him or we get to Orlando which ever happens to come first.” I replied.

“I’m sure Orlando will come first.” She said laughing, “That’s good though cause I’m gonna need the practice.”

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously.

“I’m pregnant! Kevin and I are gonna have a baby!” She said excitedly.

“Oh My God Congratulations!” I yelled hugging her. The rest of the girls followed telling her congrats.

“You’re still coming on tour right?” Tania asked.

“Ya I’m still coming since it’s only till the end of December the doctor said I’d be ok. Then after this tour the guys have a bunch of time off and all they’re going to do is record.” She replied.

“Cool! So where’s Kev?” I asked.

“He’s outside with the rest of the guys.” She answered.

“OK be right back.” I said running out the door. *God it’s good to be able to be my self again* “Kevvy Congratulations!” I yelled hugging him.

“Thanks Emily.” He said laughing.

“See I told you so.” I said laughing.

“Yea you were right.” He stated laughing too. (AN: If you don’t get this part reread Chapter 11)

“Aren’t I always.” I joked.



“You said you’d never get Brian. You’ve got him now.” He said.

“I guess you’re right there.” I stated.

“You do know I’m standing right here.” Brian said wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

“Of course I know you’re there.” I replied smiling and grabbed his hands leaning back into him.

“Well are you ready to go?” He asked.

“Yea as soon as you have everything packed.” I replied.

“Everything’s packed.” He said.

“Ok well let me change Jordan and put him in his car seat and we can go.” I said.

“Ok well hurry up.” Aj replied.

“Aj I don’t remember you in this conversation.” I said.

“Yea well I’m on it now. Now hurry up so we can hit the road and it won’t be too awful late when we get home.” Aj stated chuckling.

“Ok fine I’m going and it’ll be after 1 by the time we get there the way it i

Chapter 17
Stories Home
