Chapter 22

“I Believe The Sun Should Never Set Upon An Argument
I Believe We Place Our Happiness In Other People’s Hands
I Believe That Junk Food Tastes So Good Because It’s Bad For You
I Believe Your Parents Did The Best Job They Knew How To Do
I Believe That Beauty Magazines Promote Low Self Esteem
I Believe I’m Loved When I’m Completely By Myself Alone

I Believe In Karma What You Give Is What You Get Returned
I Believe You Can’t Appreciate Real Love Until You’ve Been Burned
I Believe The Grass Is No More Greener On The Other Side
I Believe You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until You Say Goodbye.”

“Affirmation” by Savage Garden Written By Darren Hayes & Daniel Jones

“You’ll regret pushing me away Brian Littrell. You may be with you’re precious Emily now but you won’t be for long. Then once she’s out of the way you’ll finally realize that you really do love me.” LeighAnne thought as she drove home.

*Emily’s POV*

“Emily what happened?” Nick asked about 10 minutes later once I had calmed down.

“Oh God I feel so stupid I wouldn’t even listen to him and now I’ve probably lost him if I hadn’t already lost him.” I stated. I was still upset enough I was rambling not really taking notice of what Nick had said.

“Emily what happened?” Nick asked again.

“He kissed her or she kissed him or something like that.” I replied. “Who Brian and LeighAnne?” Tania asked from where she was sitting on the floor in front of Nick and I. I nodded my head.

“I was so scared I’d lose him and now I probably have.” I told them.

“I don’t think you lost him Emily. He loves you too much. You’re upset and you’ve been through a lot in the past 2 months. He knows that.” Tania stated.

“I know but I can’t help but wonder if I lost him to LeighAnne all over again.” I said.

“You didn’t I know you didn’t. Tell us what happened.” Nick said. I went on to tell them what had happened once I got home.

“Oh Emily I know you’re upset with him but you should give him the chance to explain.” Nick said.

“I know I just, I love him I didn’t want him to tell me I lost him. Even though I know I probably didn’t. I didn’t want to give him the chance. I’ve been screwed over so many times by guys, I didn’t want him to be next.” I said.

“I know you don’t Emily but give him a chance. Listen to him. I’ll bet you find out exactly what happened and that he was never going to tell you that he didn’t want to be with you anymore. He loves you too much and has loved you too long to even think of something like that.” Nick stated.

“I know. Thanks guys.” I said giving them both hugs.

“Hey don’t thank me Nick did most of it.” Tania said with a small smile.

“Yea maybe he did but thanks anyway. I mean come on it 10:45 and I’m bugging you guys with my problems.” I replied.

“Hey it’s ok. Don’t worry about it.” Tania stated.

“I’ll try not to but we have to be back at the dance studio parking lot by 4 tomorrow so we can leave meaning we have to be up too damn early.” I stated.

“Oh man I forgot about that.” Nick whined.

“Nick don’t whine.” Tania and I both stated. All three of us started laughing.

“Well I better get home. At this rate it’s gonna late once Brian and I get done talking and I still need a shower.” I commented.

“You’re right you stink get out of my house.” Nick joked gently pushing me to the door.

“Ok ok I get it but can I have my son first?” I laughed.

“Nope.” Tania said. I looked at her completely stunned. I couldn’t believe she had told me no. “You need all the alone you time you can get with Brian. Nick and I will keep him tonight and meet you at the buses.”

“Tania it’s ok you guys don’t have to do that I can take care of him and still resolve things with Brian. Besides you guys don’t have bottles or diapers or anything else and I didn’t bring a diaper bag.” I stated.

“Emily we took care of Jordan every other day this week. We’ve got everything we need, I’m sure.” Nick said.

“Ok.” I sighed giving in. “Let me go tell him good bye and then I’ll go.” I walked into the guest bedroom where Tania had laid Jordan in the middle of the bed and surrounded him with pillows. “I’ll see ya in the morning Jordy. Mommy loves you.” I said and laid a gentle kiss on his forehead. I walked back out of the room to the front door. “Thanks you guys.” I stated.

“No problem.” Nick stated opening the door for me.

“Well Nick I never knew you could be such a gentleman.” I joked giggling.

“Yea yea get outta here.” He replied laughing. I laughed and walked out the door to my car.

“Now you two make sure you get some sleep.” I yelled to them opening the car door.

“But it’s our last night here, at home, in our own bed” Nick said slyly.

“Yikes! Too much info there Nick! Just make sure you take care of Jordan.” I replied.

“We will Emily.” Tania yelled back.

“Ok that’s good to know. Now I have to go it’s going to be 11 before I get home the way it is.” I stated.

“Yea Bye Ems.” They both stated waving.

“Bye.” I replied getting in the car and pulling out of the driveway. I got home 5 minutes later. I shut the car off and sat there just a minute saying a quick prayer. “Oh dear Lord please don’t let Brian be too mad at me. Please help us get back to normal.” I got out and walked up the stairs and opened the front door. I knew he was up the kitchen light was on so was our bedroom light. I walked in the kitchen to find him sitting at the table looking completely miserable. I felt so bad I couldn’t believe that I’d yelled at him like I did. “Brian.” I stated softly.

“Emily” He said relieved as he jumped out of his seat and ran over to me pulling me into his arms hugging me. “I’m sorry Emily, so sorry.” I whispered in my ear.

“I’m sorry too Brian. I shouldn’t have blown it out of proportion like that. I’m ready to listen now.” I whispered back.

“Ok. Then I’ll explain. Come on let’s go sit down.” He led me into the den and we sat down on the couch. “Before I start I have 2 things to ask you.” I nodded my head motioning him to continue. “Where’s Jordan?” I asked. I smiled and answered.

“He’s with Nick and Tania. That’s where I went.” I replied.

“Ok. Now for the second thing. I know I’m in no position to ask you to make another promise to me but would you promise me that we won’t stop until we have this solved? The sun may set but we won’t go to bed until this and any other arguments we may have are solved?” He asked.

“Yea I think I can do that.” I replied.

“Ok I’ll tell you everything from when I left the dance studio.” I nodded my head telling him to continue. “I came home and took a shower and dressed of course. I got there just couple minutes late and as soon as LeighAnne seen me she pulled me onto the beach and started telling me how sorry she was that she broke up with me and that she wanted me back. She did that for about 10 minutes she was talking so much I didn’t even get the chance to say anything and everytime I’d open my mouth to say something she’d hush me. After she was done talking for that 10 minutes she unexpectedly kissed me. I never kissed her back though Emily I swear to God I didn’t. I was in shock for a couple seconds and once I recovered I pushed her away. Once I did that I blurted out that I was seeing someone else already. And she goes on this thing again about how she couldn’t believe I’d found somebody new already and that I’d just used her and some other things I don’t remember since I just kinda let it go in on ear and out the other. She did that for about 5 minutes before I finally told her to be quiet. Then I told her it was you I was with and that I loved you very much and that I was going to have to explain everything to you and that she might have ruined my life and stuff like that. She finally got the hint after about 5 minutes and told me she was sorry and that she didn’t know but it didn’t seem to be a very sincere apology.” He stated “Do you believe me?”

“Yea I believe you.” I replied.

“Thank you Dani. I’m really sorry I went to meet her. I shouldn’t have I should’ve known she only wanted something” He stated.

“It’s ok Brian. I think you suffered through that one as much as I did.” I replied. He slowly scooted closer to me. I guess he was making sure I’d actually let him touch me. Once he figured out I wasn’t going anywhere he pulled into his arms and sat me on his lap. He sat there holding for who knows how long but I do know that I fell asleep right there in his arms. I wasn’t in a real deep sleep and could still kinda hear everything around me cause I heard him singing ‘Back to your heart ’ to me. I must’ve fell into a deeper sleep while he was singing because I woke up later to Brian carrying me up to our room. I looked up at him at the same time he looked down at me.

“You didn’t have to carry me all the way up here. You could’ve woken me up and I would’ve walked.” I whispered.

“No it’s ok I don’t mind. Go back to sleep you’re gonna need it.” He whispered back. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him tighter snuggling into him just in time for him to walk into out room. He gently laid me down on the bed that hadn’t been made that morning so we didn’t have to pull the blankets down tonight.

Chapter 23
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