Chapter 26

“When You’re Tired Of It All
And Tears Need To Fall
Your Back’s To The Wall
Come Cryin’ To Me
You Don’t Have To Be Strong
You Don’t Have To Hold On
You’ve Been There Too Long
Come Cryin’ To Me”

“Come Cryin’ To Me” By Lone Star

Aj and I ended the last few steps of the dance in beat with the music. We heard clapping once the music had faded Aj and I turned around to find the rest of the guys, all the girlfriends, all the dancers including the guy dancers and 4 other girls we didn’t know. *That must be the opening act*

“Ok you two are done for now I want you back here in an hour we’ll run through it again.” She stated looking at us. “As for the rest of you I want you in here at 1 don’t be late Nick.” She said turning to look at them. Everyone laughed at Nick’s expense once again.

“Yes Ma’am.” Aj stated grabbing his water bottle.

“Got it Tima.” I said at the same time also grabbing my water and walking with him backstage to where everybody else was.

“I think they went back to the green room.” Aj said.

“I think they did too.” Aj and I quietly walked to the green room.

“Well you finally decide to grace us with your presence.” Kevin laughed when we walked through the door.

“We could always leave again.” Aj stated grabbing my hand and starting to pull me back out the door.

“Freeze!” I heard Brian yell through the laughter of everybody else including Aj and I. Aj immediately stopped making me run into him.

“Thanks Aj.” I mumbled under my breath but he didn’t hear me.

“Now let go of my girlfriend.” Brian stated. Aj let go of me still not moving and Brian grabbed me bringing me into his arms. “Now you can go.” Brian said. We all started laughing.

“Oh I see how it is. You wouldn’t have cared if I hadn’t of grabbed Emmy. I just feel so loved.” Aj joked.

“You’re loved Aj. Now can we please stop messing around? There are a couple girls waiting to have introductions to you and Emily.” Kevin said. Kevin could be fun but when there was work to be done he was way too serious.

“Ok ok I get it.” Aj replied. He started to sit down but decided against it since Kevin was beginning to do introductions.

“Good.” He replied. “Ok this is Sarah Hammond, Mary Tucker, Kyri Atwood, and Faye Weintruab. Girls this is Aj Mclean and Emily Winters.”

“What’s up girls?” Aj asked shaking each of their hands.

“Nice to meet you girls.” I said shaking each of their hands too.

*Brian’s POV*

I stood there with my arms around Emily as Kevin introduced them to our opening act. Faye had looked really familiar when I’d met her but I couldn’t seem to figure it out. I looked at Emily then back at Faye and realized she looked almost exactly like Emily. Except she had blonde highlights in her hair and some other minor stuff that nobody really noticed. *No way in hell is that actually our Faye. They declared Faye dead after searching for a year and not finding her. That can’t be her. Ok wait our Faye had a birth mark on the under side of her right arm right above her elbow* I looked and sure enough there was a birthmark there. *Damn I wonder if Kevin notices it. Oh I hope Emily doesn’t start to suspect something and finds out. If she does she’ll hate everybody she grew up with. Don’t freak yet Brian that may not even be Faye but how could it not be.* I thought. We all walked over to sit down there wasn’t enough chairs and couches so Nick, Tania, Aj, Emily and I took the floor.

*Kevin’s POV*

*I wonder if Brian realizes who that could be. I mean they never found Faye and they never found her body either. That could be her. Oh god part of me hopes it is so we can all see her again. Jeremy and Kasey would be so happy to have her back. And part of me hopes it’s not cause if it is Emily will hate us.*

*Emily’s POV*

I shook Faye’s hand last and realized how much she looked like me or I looked like her. I just blew it off as some weird coincidence of nature and sat down on the floor with Brian. We all sat there talking and getting to know each other for an hour. I looked down at my watch seeing it was 11.

“Hey Aj it’s 11 we better go.” I stated.

“Yea we better.” He replied getting up. He grabbed my hand and helped me up.

“Well it was nice meeting you girls. We’ll see you in about an hour.” I said.

“See ya” They replied. Aj and I walked out the door hurrying for the stage.

“You guys are on time.” Tima said when stepped onto the stage.

“Yea surprising enough.” Aj replied.

“Ok we’re going to master those steps you couldn’t get and we’ll practice it till 12. I’ve also decided I want you to dance a little in tonight’s show.” Fatima said.

“You want me to what?” I asked a little overwhelmed.

“You heard me. Now I want you to do Everybody, Larger Than Life, Get Another Boyfriend, Shining Star, and All I Have To Give.” She said.

“Ok it can’t be that hard, right?” I sighed and Aj chuckled.

“Right, now let’s get to work.” She said and Aj and I once again took our places as the music to 'What makes you different' came on.

*5pm that evening*

“Finally we’re done!” Nick exclaimed as the 10 of us (The boys and other 4 dancers) collapsed on the stage.

“You think you’re tired I’ve been doing this all day!” Aj shot at him.

“Ugh I can’t imagine how tired you guys are.” Brian said.

“You don’t wanna know.” I replied. Fatima had once again changed her mind. For practice I did they whole show except for ‘The answer to our life’ and ‘If you stay’ they were the only two I didn’t know. Then I was to do the first half of the show so it went from 5 dances to 11.

“Ok get up. You guys can eat now.” Fatima said.

“Thank God!” Nick and Brian exclaimed and leaped up running backstage.

“Yea sure no problem B, just forget all about your girlfriend.” I joked aloud. They all laughed and started grabbing their things. *I wonder where Jordy is* I looked out to all the seats that in only a few hours would be totally packed with people. Kristin, Tania, and Laura had been sitting out there and they had Jordy. They weren’t there so I figured they had gone backstage already. Suddenly I see an out stretched hand in front of me. I looked up at the face to see who the hand belonged to. It was Kevin. I smiled and grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. “Thanks Kev.” I smiled.

“No problem seeing as how everybody left you behind and you seemed to be way out there.” He replied as we walked backstage.

“Yea I guess I was. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Yea you’re always off in space.” Kevin teased.

“Hey! Atleast I’m smart enough to know that all the food’s probably gone because of Brian and Nick.” I laughed.

“You’re probably right.” I laughed as we walked into the green room where the guys, girlfriends, dancers, opening act, and Fatima were all sitting eating.

“Thanks for waiting for me out their Bri.” I joked.

“Oh I’m sorry Dani sit down and I’ll get you something.” He stated getting up and setting his plate on the couch where he had been sitting.

“Brian it’s fine. I was kidding. I’ll get my own food and besides I have to fix Jordan a bottle so don’t worry about it.” I replied smiling at how bad he felt for something as small as that.

“I’ll do that. You set down and get Jordan. I’ll make his bottle and everything.” He said. By the way he was acting you’d have thought I was majorly sick or something. That or he was trying to make up for something.

“Brian I’m perfectly capable of getting my own food and making sure Jordan gets fed at the same time.” I said getting a little annoyed. I knew Brian loved me and all but I’m not helpless. He started to argue back but I stopped him. “Brian I’m not helpless. Now sit your ass down.” I stated sternly.

“Fine.” He said and plopped back down in his spot on the couch but he’d forgotten to grab his plate before he sat down. Nick, Tania, Laura, Aj, Krista, Ali, Sarah, and Kyri all started cracking up while the rest of us were trying cover up our laughter and smiles. Thank god it was a paper plate and it only had ketchup on it. “Oh man.” He said slapping his forehead. He then stood up sending all of us into hysterics.

“Brian now…has a…new…new nickname…Ketchup Butt.” Nick said through his laughter making us all crack up all over again.

“Yea yea real funny. Did you put my jacket in your bag?” Brian asked. I nodded my head trying to calm my laughter. He walked over to my bag and dug through it till he found his jacket. “Hey Ems what’s this?” He asked holding up an envelope that had my name on it.

“Actually I don’t know. I found it on the steps when we were loading up so I just grabbed it and stuck it in there. I forgot all about it.” I replied.

“Ok well here. I’m gonna go to the bus and change and I’ll be back.” He stated handing me the envelope then tying his jacket around his waist and walking out to the bus. I sat it on the counter and quickly made a bottle for Jordan since he was getting fussy.

“You don’t mind do you?” I asked handing Tania the bottle.

“Not at all.” She replied taking it. I walked over to the table and grabbed a sandwich. I walked over and grabbed the letter, sitting my plate on the counter and opening the envelope. For some reason I had a bad feeling as to what this paper in my hands said. I on folded it and read it.

“Enjoy your time with your precious boyfriend while you’re still alive.” It said. It had been printed off of a computer and the lettering was deep red and dripping to make it look like blood. “Oh my god.” I whispered folding the paper back up. “I’ll be right back guys.” I said walking out the door then running to the bus.

“Brian!” I screamed upon entering the bus.

“What?!” He screamed sounding startled.

“Look.” I said walking into the bunk area where Brian was pulling on his jeans.

“What is it?” He asked grabbing the paper looking worried since I was near tears. He unfolded it and quickly read it. I watched as his face paled and he looked up at me. “This is what was in the envelope?” He asked a little shaky. I nodded my head the tears beginning to make there way down my cheeks. “Hey it’s ok. It’s probably just a fan trying to scare us. It’s nothing I’m sure.” He said pulling me into my arms.

Chapter 27
Stories Home
