Chapter 27

“Night’s Are Long Dreams Are Cold
If They’re All You Wake To
But Should You Rise With Cryin’ Eyes
Then I’ll Take Care Of You”

“I’ll Take Care Of You” By the Dixie Chicks

*Brian’s POV*

I stood there holding Emily in my arms hoping that the note really was nothing. I couldn’t bear to think that somebody actually wanted to kill her just to get to me. “Come on let’s go back in and well have a group meeting to see what the rest of the guys think. I’m sure Kevin can come up with something.” I said.

“Yea.” She agreed pulling away. I wiped her tears away and we walked back to the arena.

*Emily’s POV*

We walked back into the arena to the green room so we could see what everybody else thought.

“Hey guys!” Sariah exclaimed getting up and hugging us.

“Hey Sariah.” We said hugging her back trying to sound excited.

“When did you get here?” I asked.

“Couple minutes ago.” She replied. We nodded our heads acknowledging her answer.

“You guys ok?” Nick asked.

“Not quite. Would everybody but the guys, Laura, Kristin, Sariah and Tania leave please?” Brian asked.

“Sure.” They said and got up.

“Ok guys what is it?” Kevin asked.

“This.” Brian stated and handed it to him. I watched him read it and as he did he the color left his face.

“Here you guys read this.” He said handing it to Nick so everybody else could read it. They gathered around Nick and read it, their faces also paling.

“Oh my god.” I heard Tania whisper.

“Ok has anybody else gotten one of these?” Kevin asked standing up and taking the note. They all shook their heads. “Ok that’s good. What do you two think? Is it nothing or is it something we should worry about?” Kevin asked Brian and I.

“I think it might just be some crazy fan trying to scare us but I’m not sure I mean we haven’t heard anything about Cory. So it could be him.” Brian said.

“I don’t think it is but I can find out. Give me a minute.” I said. They nodded their heads and I went and grabbed my cell phone. I called the police station in Las Vegas and asked for Officer Williams. A couple minutes later I got off and told them what I had been told. “It’s not him. He’s still sitting in prison for the next 3 years and he hasn’t made in phone calls in the past 3 weeks. There’s no possible way.” I said.

“Ok then it’s probably just a whacked out fan.” Nick said.

“Yea probably.” Brian said.

“Ok so we’ll keep this letter. For now we’ll just watch each other’s backs. Just kinda be a little extra cautious and if anybody gets another one we’ll call the police and get more security. Is that ok with everybody?” Kevin asked.

“That’s fine with me.” I said.

“Me too.” Brian replied. Everybody else agreed and we went on with our lives.

*3 Weeks Later; Oct. 8th*

Nobody had gotten another letter so everything on the tour had relaxed quite a bit. Kevin’s birthday had been great. Kristin was now 4 months pregnant. She had a doctor’s appointment on Kevin’s birthday and they found out they were going to have a little boy. They we’re ecstatic. Faye, Tania, and I hung out a lot in the past few weeks. For some reason we just seemed to click. Although, the more I was around Faye the more I began to…suspect something. Kevin and Brian acted really weird whenever they seen us together, as if they we’re hiding something. Not only that but we looked and acted a lot alike. It seemed like I’d known her all my life as if she was my twin or something. What made it even creepier was she was born August 16, 1981 and, in the same hospital. She was also put in a foster home when she was 3. She didn’t really remember much from before then because she was so young. I had also been having these weird dreams. I’d picture me when I was little, like 2 years old and I’d be outside playing with a little girl. The catch, she looks exactly like me. Then mom will call us inside. The other girl’s name is Faye. After we’re called inside I wake, most of the time screaming or crying and in a cold sweat. Brian’s always there beside me worried like always. He’ll ask what they we’re about and stuff but I always tell him I can’t remember. For some reason I have this feeling he knows something but he’s not telling me.

Now we’re back in Lexington for the next couple days so I thought I do a little snooping. I was beginning to wonder if Kimberly and I really we’re the only two kids my parents had. Maybe, just maybe there was more than one of me or one of Faye.

Chapter 28
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