Chapter 3

But the mind is an amazing thing Full of candy dreams and new toys And another cheap motel Two beds and a coffee machine But there are groceries to buy And she knows she'll have to go home

I drove for 2 hours before I stopped at a little cheap motel.

“Can I get a room for the night please?” I asked the elderly guy at the front desk setting Jordan on the floor.

“Sure” he said smiling.

“Thanks” I said smiling back.

“Room 16. That’ll be 35 dollars” He said sitting the key to the room on the counter. ‘Thank God Cory and I had separate bank accounts’ I thought grabbing my check book just in time for Jordan to start crying.

“Shh Jordy it’s ok.” I said picking him up. He quieted right down about the time I picked him up.

“What a cutie.” The guy said as I went back to trying to write the check.

“Thanks” I said smiling down at Jordan and then going back to writing.

“Do you need any help ma’am?” The guy asked after I gave him the check.

“No it’s ok I got it.” I said grabbing everything and walking off to our room for the night. I opened the door to see a bathroom, a little stand holding a tv, 2 beds and a coffee machine. It wasn’t much but it’d get us through till we left tomorrow. I dropped everything but Jordan on the floor. I took Jordan out of his carrier, walked over to one of the beds and laid him on it. I put a couple pillows around him and then went into the bathroom. After I was done I turned on the shower and washed my face of all the make up I had put on it after I went to the police. In front of me was a mirror but I was too scared to look into and see all the bruises on my face. I finally got the courage to look into it. To my surprise there weren’t a lot of them on my face only one huge one in the shape of Cory’s hand on the right side of my face from where he backhanded me and a real small one by my left eye. ‘I wonder how many I’ve got everywhere else’ I thought. I took off my shirt and then looked back into the mirror. I had a huge one on my right shoulder where I hit the chair and 3 or 4 small ones at the base of my neck where Cory had tried to choke me. I had another in the shape of his hand on my upper left arm where he had grabbed me when I tried to walk away. Then a couple others on my stomach. I finished stripping and stepped into the warm water hoping to wash everything away the pain both physical and emotional. I then started to cry. I slid down the side of the shower wall and sat down crying for everything that I’d gone through but also that Jordan had to be a victim in all of this. I sat there and cried for a good 10 minutes before I got up and finished my shower. After I was dressed, I went back to the main room, moved the pillows that were surrounding Jordan and laid down beside him. I laid my arm over him and watched him sleep. I soon fell into a much-needed slumber.

*9 am August 15*

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Jordan gurgling and the sun peaking through the closed curtains. “Wow 9 am” I said to the silence. “How’s my baby boy?” I asked Jordan looking down at him after I had sat up a little. He started crying in response. “Oh Jordy it’s ok.” I stated picking him up and grabbing a diaper, the wipes, and a bottle from the bag. I quickly made a bottle and then laid him down on the bed to change him. I then fed him and changed his cloths. I gently sat him in his carrier and buckled him up. Then I went into the bathroom and put make-up on to cover the bruises. Then grabbed Jordan and walked out the door “Well Jordy, looks like we have another 16 hours left before we get to Grandma & Grandpa’s” I said walking to the front desk to check out. “Here you go.” I stated handing the man back the key.

“Thank you Miss. I hope you enjoyed your stay.” He said.

“Ya thanks.” I said walking to the front door “Sir can you tell me what today’s date is?” I asked turning back around.

“Ya it’s Wednesday, August 15.” He said.

“Thanks.” I said and turned back around walking out to my car. “Some 20th birthday tomorrow will be huh Jordy?” I asked, putting him in the car and once again, with high hopes took off for the highway. I stopped again at 12:30 to get something to eat and to feed Jordan. We sat in the McDonald’s parking lot for 30 minutes eating and resting before heading down the road once again. I stopped at 5pm again so we could eat. We took another 30 minutes then got back on the road. I didn’t stop again till 8pm so Jordan and I could sleep. I figured he needed a good night of sleep and so did I since I’d only slept for 5 hours in the past 2 days. I took Jordan out of his carrier deciding I didn’t want to have to carry it. I grabbed the diaper bag and stuffed a change of cloths for both Jordan and I in there. I walked into the motel and up to the front desk where a lady that looked to be about 65 was working.

“Hello.” She greeted me warmly when I got to the desk.

“Hi.” I smiled back. “I need a room for the night.”

“Ok, room 20 is empty. Check out is at 11 tomorrow morning.” She smiled handing me the key.

“Thanks.” I said taking the key. “How much?”

“Oh it’s $40.” She said. I nodded and grabbed my checkbook out of the diaper bag. I quickly as possible wrote the check.

“He’s adorable.” She said smiling at Jordan as I was writing the check.

“Thanks.” I smiled brightly. If nothing else could cheer me up, Jordan could. “Here you go.” I said handing her the check.

“Thank you. Have a good night.” She smiled.

“Yea you too.” I replied. I went to the room and opened. ‘Whoa talk about de javú’ I thought. It was designed almost like the other one except the walls and carpet were a creamy pink color. “Well Jordy here’s our night of good rest till we get to Grandma and Grandpa’s tomorrow so we better enjoy it.” I said to him. I sat the diaper bag down on the floor and kicked my shoes off. I padded over to one of the beds and laid him down after pulling the blankets down. I crawled in beside him and drifted into a dreamless sleep. It didn’t seem like it was long till I woke up to Jordan crying. I moved just alit so I could breast feed him. He quieted as soon as he started eating. I lifted my arm to see it was about 8 am. “Holy crap. I didn’t know I could sleep that long. I guess well leave as soon as your down eating.” I whispered to Jordan. As soon as he was done I got up and changed into clean cloths then changed Jordan’s diaper and his cloths. I picked up the diaper bag and then Jordan and walked back to the front desk.

“How was your night?” The same lady from last night asked when I walked up.

“It was good, thanks.” I said handing her the key.

“Thank you.” She smiled taking it. “Good bye.”

“Bye.” I smiled and walked outside to the car. I slid Jordy into his carrier and then climbed in the driver’s seat. ‘Looks like I got another 8 hours to go with a little time to stop. It’s 8:30 now so I should be there by about 5 and that gives us 30 extra minutes.’ I thought. I smiled satisfied it wouldn’t be too late and started car.

*5pm in Lexington*

“Look Jordy we’re here.” I said shutting off the car. I got out and grabbed the carrier and walked to the front door of the gorgeous 2 story house I used to call home and what I’m going to be calling home till I get back on my feet. I rang the doorbell and stood there for a couple seconds waiting ‘I wonder if the Littrell’s still live next door.” I thought remembering them being like a second family to me and still were. “Well nobody’s opened the door yet I vote we just walk in. What do you think Jordy I mean we are family.” I said smiling and opening the door. “Hello.” I said walking in. ‘What a surprise this is going to be for them, they didn’t know I was coming.” I thought waiting for one of my parents or younger sister to come running out. “Hmm I don’t think anybody’s home I guess we’ll call and get my cell number changed and then call Kelly” I said sitting him down beside the couch where and I sat and picked up the phone to make my phone calls.

After I made the phone calls

“Well baby boy let’s go next door see if the Littrell’s still live there.” I stated picking him up out of the carrier and walking next door. I rang the doorbell and waited a couple minutes but nobody answered. Then I heard laughing from the backyard. I walked to the gate and opened it. “Hello.” I said walking into the backyard.

“Emily!” My Mom, Dad, my sister Kim, Jackie, Harold, Harry, Ann, Tim, Jerry, Kevin, Kristin, Aj, Howie, Nick, and Brian all said very surprised. There were 3 other people that I didn’t know.

“Hi.” I said with a small uncomfortable smile knowing it wouldn’t be long before I had to explain why I was here and why Cory wasn’t with me.

Chapter 4
Stories Home
