Chapter 33

“And I Will Breath For You Each Day
Comfort You Through All The Pain
Gently Kiss Your Fears Away
You Can Turn To Me And Cry
Always Understand That I
Give You All I Am Inside

I Won’t Ever Be To Far Away
To Feel You
I Won’t Hesitate At All
Whenever You Call
I Won’t Ever Be To Far Away
To Feel You
I Won’t Hesitate At All
Whenever You Call
I’ll Always Remember
The Part Of You So Tender
And I’ll Be The One
To Catch You When You Fall
Whenever You Call”

Whenever You Call By Mariah Carey & Brian McKnight

*Brian’s POV*

Man laying here with her was bringing back a lot of memories and they weren’t exactly ones I liked. I lay there with her singing various songs even though she was asleep. I hoped one day she could forgive me for I’d done, that one day, hopefully soon, I could be with her again. Everything always seemed to go wrong in her life. Somehow in everything that went wrong in her life and all the pain she’d been put through she was probably stronger than me or atleast she was. My Emily had finally broken down one thing I hadn’t seen her do in a long time. Sure she was upset and crying when she came back from Las Vegas after what Corey did but she didn’t actually break down like this to where she couldn’t even stand on her own two feet. At the moment I was wondering how Jeremy would live with himself knowing that he’d hurt a lot of people. It wasn’t very long till I seen Faye, Kristin, Kevin, Sariah, Aj, Nick, Tania, Howie, and Laura all walking towards us with Jordan in Faye’s arms and tears running down her cheeks. The rest of the girls all went back to the hotel they were staying in.

“How ya doing?” I asked Faye.

“I’ve been better but I’m ok.” She stated. I nodded my head running my hand though Emily’s hair.

“How is she?” Nick asked motioning toward Emily.

“She’s hurt, betrayed, she’s defiantly seen better days. After 16 years she finally broke down and I mean broke down every wall she ever built around herself just crashed and I’m afraid she’s more damaged than ever.” I replied. We all sat in silence for a couple minutes before Kevin spoke up.

“Can you imagine how upset she’s gonna be when she wakes up. Jeremy is gonna find out what that mouth of hers can do and it ain’t gonna be in a good way.” Kevin

“You know Kev you’re probably right.” I heard Emily say.

“Hey I didn’t know you were awake.” I said as she sat up.

“Yea well I’ve only been up long enough to hear what Kev said. Anyway Kev where’s your mom?” She asked.

“She’s over there with Tim.” He replied pointing next door to her yard.

“Ok thanks.” She said getting up.

“Don’t do anything drastic ok?” Faye said.

“I’m not gonna say a word to him, unless he confronts me and if he does that you can bet all the money the boys have made in 8 years on what Kevin said.” She said and walked off.

“Yikes that’s not good.” Sariah said.

“You know I think I’ll lay my money down now.” Kevin stated only somewhat joking.

“Me too.” I agreed.

*Emily’s POV*

“Ann?” I said gently tapping her on the shoulder.

“Yes Emily?” She asked turning around.

“I don’t want to burden you but could Jordy and I stay at your house for the next 2 days we’re here? I just don’t think I can stay here.” I asked.

“Of course you can Emily. You know you’re always welcome.” She smiled warmly at me.

“Thanks Ann.” I replied.

“Emily I…” I heard my father say before I even turned around.

“I don’t want to hear it Jeremy.” I said turning.

“Emily Danielle!” My mother exclaimed.

“What!? Upset because I called him Jeremy mommy dearest?” I asked with an attitude. “Well so sorry, but what the hell do you expect me to say? Just fricking forgive him in the snap of finger. That’s not gonna happen!” I exclaimed.

“Watch you language Emily Winters and think about what you’re saying.” My dad said with his teeth gritted and his hands at his side rolled into fists.

“Oh am I pissing you off daddy?” I asked mocking concern. “I sure as hell hope so! And you want me to think about what I’m saying? Did you ever think about what you were saying when used me against Brian, Kevin, and Harry? I doubt it! You didn’t give a damn about anybody but yourself!” I yelled. He suddenly raised his hand as if he was going to hit me. I heard gasps from everybody and watched out of the corner of my eye as Kevin, Aj, Brian, Howie, Nick, Tania, and Faye all came dashing into my yard. While the other girls stayed back watching over Jordan. “Go ahead Daddy I dare you.” I said tears coming to my eyes. I was scared. I wasn’t sure whether he would actually hit me or not but I was going to play very careful attention that way if he tried to I could duck or block it. “Do it Daddy. Do just like Cory did atleast Cory did it when he was drunk. Never was he sober when he hit me. So go ahead and do it and watch what happens. I’ll grab my son and my stuff and you’ll never see me again. You’ll lose another daughter and this time it won’t be Faye and it’ll be by choice. That’s a promise not a threat.” I stated. Brian was standing directly behind my father. I looked into Brian’s blue eyes using the comfort and love in them to give me strength. I watched as my father’s hand slowly came down. He gently placed it on my cheek and I quickly turned my head as if he’d slapped me. He pulled his hand away and I looked back at him.

“I’m so sorry.” He stated with tears beginning to run down his face.

“You know I remember one time when I was 16. I snuck out to go to this party and when I came home and snuck back up to my room you were there waiting on me. You were so pissed off you actually hit me. Then you apologized over and over. Telling me how sorry you were and that you were just so worried about me. I always knew there was reason I put more faith and trust in Brian than I did anyone else.” I said with tears running down my face all over again. “I hope you’re happy Dad. Mom I’m sorry I’ve caused so many problems and no matter I’ll always love you, the both of you. I know a lot has come out that you didn’t know but please don’t separate I don’t Kimmy having to go through the rest of her life the way Jordan’s gonna have to. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna grab my son and my luggage and go.” I stated starting to walk.

“Emily what are you doing? Where are you going?” My mom asked remembering what I had said before.

“Don’t worry you’re still gonna see me I’m just not staying here.” I replied walking to Brian’s to get Jordan. I quickly grabbed Jordan then walked back to my house. I quickly walked inside and up the stairs holding Jordan who was gurgling and ‘talking.’ I laid him on the bed then started to pack the little bit of stuff that had gotten taken out of the bags.

“Emmy?” I heard somebody softly say from the doorway. I looked up and seen it was Brian.

“Yea?” I asked sitting down as the tears started coming down faster and I began to sob.

“Oh Dani it’s ok.” Brian whispered pulling me into his arms.

“Oh god Brian…why? I mean…I’m so glad…she’s back but…why did it all…have to be like this? Why’d it have…to be such a sh**ty deal…to finally get my sister back?” I asked between sobs.

“I don’t know Emily, I don’t know.” He said.

“I’m sorry Brian…I’m so sorry…I thought you had…kept it from me…on your own…that everyone had…I just… Can I take back…what I said? I can’t do it…on my own anymore. I just need you Brian…I wish I didn’t…just so I didn’t have to depend on you…all the time…” I said.

“It’s ok Emily. You can take it back. You can take it all back, atleast what you said to me. I’ll be here Emily, no matter what. All you have to do is call my name and I’ll be there. No fears.” He said.

“No fears.” I whispered back. ‘No fears’ was something he had started when I was about 5. I had woken up from a nightmare and it had seemed so real and Brian just happened to be there and he calmed me down. Then he told me that whenever I needed him I could just call his name. Then he had said ‘no fears.’ It didn’t really make any sense but it kinda reminded us that we were always there for each other should the other need us. It was like right before Brian went into to surgery so they could fix his heart back in ‘93 I had said ‘no fears’ before I left the room just to remind him and he had said it back. It doesn’t really make any sense but it still means a lot to us.

“Where are you going anyway?” Brian asked.

“Just to Ann’s I’m gonna stay there till we leave.” I said. He nodded his head. I gently picked up Jordan and turned to Brian.

“I’m gonna go talk to Ann real quick. I’ll be right back.” I said. I turned around to walk out the door but was stopped by Brian’s hand gently grabbing my arm and turning me around.

“I love you Emily. I don’t care what happens I’ll fight, I won’t give up on and I’ll be there no matter.” He whispered. He gently pecked me on the lips then let go of me. I once again turned around this actually getting out the bedroom door and outside. “Ann?”


“Is it ok if I got to your house now? I just want out of here.” I stated.

“Go ahead sweetheart. You can stay in the guestroom that’s painted light blue it’s the 3rd door on the left. Then across the hall is the nursery, that Tim uses for Annabelle when they’re over, you can sleep Jordan in there.” She stated.

“Thanks Ann, you’re lifesaver.” I said.

“No problem.” She smiled. “Oh and here’s an extra key just make sure you give it back before you leave Lexington.”

“Ok I will.” I smiled taking the key. I turned and walked back into the house and up the stairs to load the stuff in the car.

Chapter 34
Stories Home
