Chapter 8

“When I’m Lost In The Rain In You Eyes I Know I’ll Find The Light To Light My Way When I’m Scared, Losing Ground When My World Is Going Crazy I Can Turn It All Around And When I’m Down You’re There Pushing Me To The Top You’re Always There Giving Me All You’ve Got”

“I Turn To You” Sung By Christina Aguilera Written By Diane Warren

*Brian’s POV*

I took Jordan down stairs to Emily’s parents while Emily and I got ready to go to the doctor. I went back upstairs to find Emily taking some Tylenol still standing in my sweats and her bra. *Damn I expected her to atleast put a shirt on. Oh Duh Brian her arm probably hurts just a little with that huge bruise she has.*

“Hey Brian, could you unwrap my shoulder so I can shower?” She questioned.

“Yea sure.” I replied going over to the bed where she had sit down. I slowly started to unwrap it trying not to hurt her but that was impossible. Once I got it unwrapped I looked at Emily’s face only to see tears spilling out of her eyes and running down her cheeks. “Emily I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you but it was hard to get the bandage off without moving your shoulder.” I stated about to cry too. It hurt too much to see the girl that was like my little sister. *Yea was like your sister until I came back from tour on her 17 birthday and realized she was more than a sister to me.* I slowly and gently wiped her tears away.

“It’s ok Brian I know you didn’t mean to hurt me it’s just my shoulder hurts so bad.” She said.

“Ok you forgive me?” I asked with a small smile.

“Yes.” She said smiling.

“Good go take your shower.” I stated and gently lifted her to her feet. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I flopped down on the bed thinking. *I thought these feelings would have gone away by now. She can’t be more than a friend to me and I know it. I mean look at all going through that bastard beating her and not even caring about Jordan. Oh and Jordan is so cute he looks so much like Emily. I wish he was mine then the three of us could be a family…* and he kept thinking about Emily, Jordan, and much he loved her.

*Emily’s POV*

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was I didn’t have to reach up to turn the water on. I got it to the right temperature and went to undress. I to take my bra of first only to pull my arms back down remembering my shoulder. *Shit this is just great. Good thing my mom’s here I don’t want Bri to see me.*

“Hey B?” I asked walking out into my room to find him lying on the bed with his feet dangling over the bottom looking at the ceiling.


“Could you go get my mom? I need her to do something for me.”

“I would but your mom and dad just left to your aunt’s and show of Jordy then they were going to go grocery shopping.”

“Oh. Um, I have a small problem.” I stated. *Oh god I really don’t want to have him do this.* He raised his eyebrows asking me what it was. “I…uh, can’t get my bra unhooked.” I stated blushing.

*Brian’s POV*

*Ok that was the last thing I ever expected her to say now I know why she wanted me to go get her mom.* “Ok, um we’ll go into the bathroom and I’ll unhook it then walk out so I don’t see anything.” I said blushing. *Oh god. Yea like you really want to walk out of there but you know you have to she’s not even divorced yet. Wait I wonder if she’s getting a divorce surly she is, she wouldn’t stay married to him. Note to self ask Emily about whether or not she’s getting a divorce.* I thought as I walked into the bathroom with her.

*Emily’s POV*

We walked into the bathroom and I stood with my back facing the door. “Ok I’ll unhook it and then leave k?” He said.

“Yea that’d be great.” I replied. He gently unhooked it then walked to the door. “Thanks B.” I said.

“No problem Dani.” He stated and shut the door. I finished undressing and got into the shower. After about 15 minutes I got out feeling better than I did before. I went to get dressed and realized I’d forgot my cloths *Well this is just peachy.* I thought bitterly. “Hey Bri?” I said sticking my head out the door.

“What?” He replied.

“Ok this is going to sound really weird and all but can you step out of the room real quick?” I asked

“Um yea.” He said looking at me a little curiously but stepped out of the room. I went over to my suitcase and unzipped it with my good arm. I dug through it to find try and find one of my bras that snapped in front, a somewhat baggy shirt, a pair of shorts, and some underwear. It didn’t take me long to find everything. I ran back into the bathroom and hollered at Brian to tell him he could came back in. I slowly got dressed trying not to move my arm too much. I went to put my shirt on and realized not only did I need Brian’s help to get the one I was wearing last night off I was going to need him to help me put this one on. I grabbed the shirt and walked out of the bathroom.

“Bri Help!” I said laughing and throwing the shirt at him.

“Man I’m gonna have to stay the night here until you get better just to help you dress.” He said laughing and getting up.

“No you won’t as long as I remember how you get it on I’ll be fine. I remember how you got it off and I can do that myself.” I said laughing with him.

“Ok well since you remember how I got it off I’m going to do it the opposite way. I’m going to go from right to left instead of left to right.” He stated.

“Ok” I replied as he gently pulled my arm away from my body enough to get the shirt up and onto my shoulder. Then finished putting it on. “Hey I should be able to do that. I’ll actually be able to dress myself.” I stated laughing.

“Yea well I only knew how to do that cause that’s how the doctor told me to dress when I broke my collar bone.” He said.

“Oh yea I remember you doing that you were like 14 or something like that.” I said.

“Yep I was.” He said. “Well we’ve got 30 minutes till we have to leave you want to go watch some TV?” He asked.

“Yea just let me get some shoes on.” I stated.

“Oh ok I’ll help.” He said thinking I was going to put on sneakers.

“It’s ok Bri, I’m just slipping on some sandals.” I said as I slipped them on ok well lets go down stairs them. We went down and watched tv for about 30 minutes then left to my favorite place in the world, The doctor’s office. Yea right it was my favorite place about as I liked much eating worms.

Chapter 9
Stories Home
