Chapter 9

“Better Days Are On The Way My Friend Just A Ways On Down The Line I Believe That Just Around The Bend Everything’s Gonna Be Fine”

“Better Days” Sung By Point Of Grace Written by Regie Hamm

Brian and I had found out that my collarbone was broke just as he had thought it was. I was now wearing a brace on it. The doctor said I was able to shower with it on and I could take it off sometimes but when I did I couldn’t move my arm. Brian and I were now sitting in the car on our way home.

“How’s your stomach feel?” Brian asked talking about the bruises on it that had been causing me some pain this morning.

“Better it doesn’t really hurt much but I can’t really feel anything with that pain medication he gave me.” I said.

“Ems can I ask you 2 things?” He asked cautiously.

“Shoot.” I said.

“Did you get the bruises on your legs, neck, and stomach the same night as that happened?” He questioned pointing to my right shoulder.

“No. They’re from a fight a couple nights before.” I said.

“Oh, I was just wondering cause the didn’t look as bad had the ones on your face and hip and shoulder.” He stated.

“Ya I know. What else did you want to ask?” I stated

“Are you going to get a divorce from him?” He asked sounding almost scared.

“Ya I am. I may have been stupid enough to marry him, but I’m not stupid enough to stay married to him.” I said.

“I didn’t mean to say you were stupid, you loved him and you guys were happy he just married you for the wrong reasons.” Brian said sounding hurt.

“Oh Brian I’m sorry you didn’t say I was stupid and I know that. You asked a simple question and I answered but I answered in the wrong way. I’m so mad at him and mad at myself for marrying him but if I hadn’t of married him I wouldn’t have Jordan and as much as I hate Cory I love Jordan with all my heart.” I apologized. “And you don’t have to be so careful about what you ask me. You know that.”

“I know. I just don’t want to hurt you by something I might say.” He said.

“It’s ok Bear. You wouldn’t mean to and I know that.” I said as we pulled up to my house. “Brain can you get your parents, the guys and Kris?” I asked.

“The guys and Kris?” He asked surprised.

“Yea I might as well tell everyone at the same time.” I said.

“Emily is it ok if the girls come I mean…” Brian started.

“Yea Bri it’s fine. I’m going to be here till I decide whether or not I want to stay here or go to Florida or what I want to do and you guys are gonna be here for the next two months since your writing songs and recording. That give all us girls time to get to know each other and stuff so I don’t care.” I said.

“A simple ‘Yes Brian it’s ok if the girls come’ would have worked.” He said chuckling.

“I know but the longer my answers are a longer it is before I have to tell everyone the truth as to why I’m back.” I said laughing with him. About that time my cell phone rang. “Hello…yes this is she…that’s great!…do I have to be there…ok…oh god that’s terrible I was hoping nothing like that would happen…ok thank you Officer Williams.” I said and hung up.

“Officer Williams?” Brian asked.

“Yea he’s the Officer I talked to when I turned Cory in. He’s in jail now but they had a 15-year old girl come in last night saying Cory raped her. Then there’s a hearing tomorrow to determine how long he’ll be in prison.” I said.

“Oh god that’s terrible. About the girl not the hearing.” Brian said.

“Yea I know that’s what I said.” I stated.

“Ok um I’ll go get everybody and you go inside.” Brian said.

“Yea I’ll see you in a couple minutes.” I replied and walked inside.

“My God Emily what happened to you!” My dad said.

“I broke my collar bone.” I said.

“Emily Danielle I can see that I’m a doctor but how’d it happen!?” He questioned.

“I’m about to explain that but I’m waiting for Brian to get back with everybody else so I only have to explain once.” I said.

“Ok I don’t like that sound of that but I’ll wait. Here’s some mail that came for you from McGlaflin & Elwood Law Offices.” My dad said.

“Yes! They finally came.” I said grabbing the yellow envelope out of his hand.

“Sweetheart what finally came?” He questioned.

“You’ll know in a little while.” I said as everybody came in the door following Brian.

“Dad where’s Kimberly and Jordan?” I asked quickly.

“Don’t worry they’re both upstairs asleep.” He said with a small smile.

“I’m not really worried I just don’t want Kimberly around when I explain why I’m back.” I said. My dad’s eyes clouded over with what seemed to be a hundred different emotions but the only ones I could read were sympathy and hatred. I knew that he now had a good idea as to what happened. We walked into the living room to find everybody sitting there talking wondering what was going on. Brian was sitting in the love seat saving the seat beside him for me. Mom, Dad and Ann were on the couch, Harold and Jackie were on the other love seat, Kevin was in a chair with Kristin on his lap, Howie was in the other one with Laura sitting on the floor between his legs, and Aj, Sariah, Nick, and Tania were all on the floor. With everyone ready to listen I sat down beside Brian and began to tell them everything that happened form when we first started fighting to just a couple minutes ago when I got the phone call.

Chapter 10
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