Chapter 10 - Goodbye

“Katie wake up. It’s time to go.” Brian said gently shaking me awake.

“Ok I’m up.” I said sitting up rubbing my eyes.

“Ok good come on.” He stated. He sounded as sad as I probably looked. I got up and started to walk out the door with Brian behind me. “Katelene you can’t take Baby with us. He can’t go in the airport.” Brian said. I had totally forgotten I was holding Baby.

“Oops I forgot I was holding him.” I stated sheepishly. Brian just smiled and I walked over and gently sat him in the box. “I’ll be back Baby.” I said and gently petted him.

“Kat can you grab my book bag please?” Brian asked.

“Yea.” I said picking it up. “What’s it for?”

“Stuff to do on the plane. It’s my carry-on.” He replied and I walked out the door behind him this time.

“Oh.” I said. I was walking kinda slow but still trying to stay close to Brian. I guess you could say I was trying to stall and I was but I had also just woke up. Brian and I got to the door to see everyone standing there with bags surrounding them.

“Well let’s pack up the car and then we can be on our way.” Dad said. He picked up a couple bags as did Nick and Aj. Brian already had his hands full. I stood beside Jane, Denise, and mom holding Brian’s bag quietly watching the guys load the car. “Ok let’s go.” Dad said. We had take Mom and Dad’s car other wise we wouldn’t of all fit. Mom, Jane, & Denise all go into Mom’s car where most of the luggage was packed. Dad got into the driver’s seat of his car. Aj took the front seat while Nick, Brian, and I took the backseat. I ended up stuck between the two of them but that was really no surprise. Brian got in and shut the door. This was it we were on our way to ship my brother over seas. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder never saying a word.

*Brian’s POV*

After I got in the car I put my arm around Katie and she gently laid her head on my shoulder. She hadn’t said a word since we stepped foot outside the house and I was beginning to worry. “Katie say something please?” I whispered in her ear.

“Why?” She whispered back looking at me weird.

“Ok good. I was just worrying.” I replied. She nodded her head in understanding as to what I meant.

“Don’t worry Bri it won’t happen again.” She said. Everyone was quiet the rest of the way to the airport. Katie still had her head lying on my shoulder she had grabbed my hand and started fumbling with my fingers. That was a dead give away that she was nervous, upset, and probably had a couple other hundred emotions running through her that I just couldn’t quiet place. We finally got there about 15 minutes later. We all grabbed our staff and headed for gate 32. We met Aunt Ann, Kevin, and Howie there at the gate. It wasn’t long before Katie went from holding onto me to holding onto Kevin. I could tell she was trying to find something to anchor her to reality. Her whole world was falling down around her.

*Katie’s POV*

We got to the airport sooner than I hoped. Of course I was wishing we’d never get there. We walked to the gate we were supposed to be at. We got there and found Aunt Ann, Howie and Kevin waiting for us. I let go of Brian’s hand and walked over to Kevin who was talking to some girl. I got to him and wrapped my arms around him. I felt so stupid. I was so upset so I was acting like a 5-year-old.

“Hey Katie.” Kevin said wrapping an arm around me.

“Hi.” I replied.

“I want you to meet somebody. Katie this is my girlfriend Kristin. Kristin this is my cousin Katie.” Kevin said introducing me to the girl he had been talking about.

“It’s nice to meet you Katie.” Kristin said shaking my hand.

“It’s nice to meet you too Kristin. You know I think it’s probably a good thing Brian was around otherwise you would’ve been the only thing from Florida that I’d heard about. He never stopped talking about you.” I stated. Ok so when I was upset I liked to embarrass Kevin and Brian and this was the perfect opportunity. Kristin just laughed.

“Thanks Katie you didn’t have to tell her that.” Kevin stated sarcastically. “Let’s sit down.” I sat down beside Kevin and Kristin sat down on the other side of him. I sat there as they talked just letting the world pass me by. I was snapped out of my trance when Brian sat down next to me.

“You ok?” He asked.

“Yea I’m ok.” I replied giving him a small smile. He smiled back and we once again went back to silence. It wasn’t till a while later that the silence was broken by the one thing I’d hoped wouldn’t come.

“Boarding call for Gate 32 Flight 125 to Stockholm, Sweden. Gate 32 Flight 125 to Stockholm, Sweden.” The lady over the intercom said. *Oh God here we go.* We all slowly stood up dreading this part. Brian walked over to Mom, Dad, and Aunt Ann and Kevin was saying goodbye to Kristin. I knew what they were doing they planned on saying goodbye to me last like they always did. I walked over to Howie to say goodbye to him first.

“Well Howie it was nice to meet you.” I said.

“You too Katie.” He said and hugged me. “Keep up your b-ball skills it won’t be long before you’ll be better then Brian.” He laughed.

“I can always hope I’ll be better, that way there’s always someone to kick his butt every once in a while.” I replied laughing.

“That’s true he’ll need his butt beat every once in a while. Make sure you come on tour with us sometime, we’ll love to see you.” He stated.

“Yea I’m gonna try.” I said. “Bye Howie.” I stated giving him another hug.

“Bye Katie.” He replied hugging back. Next were Aj and Denise.

“It was a pleasure to meet you Katie.” He smiled.

“You too Aj.” I smiled back. I stuck my hand out to shake his, he grabbed it but surprised me by pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him hugging back.

“Be good while were gone.” He said.

“Always.” I replied with a small smirk.

“It was wonderful to meet you Denise.” I smiled softly.

“You too Katie.” She replied pulling me into a gentle hug. “If you ever want to go on tour with us give me a call there’ll always be a spot on the boys’ bus for you.”

“Thanks Denise.” I said pulling away. *Ok onto Nick and Jane*

“It was nice to meet you Nick.” I said.

“It was nice to meet you too Katie.” He stated. “I had a lot of fun this week. Thank you.” He smiled.

“I did too you’re a lot of fun to be with.” I smiled softly then hugged him. “Have fun on tour Nick. You guys are gonna make it big I know it, but don’t ever forget who you are inside.” I whispered in his ear so nobody else would hear.

“Thanks Katie I won’t.” He whispered back and we pulled away.

“Bye Nick.” I stated.

“No just see ya later.” He smiled. I nodded in agreement.

“Well Katie it was a real pleasure to meet you.” Jane said.

“You too Jane.” I replied. She pulled me into a gentle hug.

“You’re a beautiful girl Katie, inside and out. Don’t ever change unless it’s for the better.” She quietly stated.

“Only for the better.” I stated pulling away. I looked down taking a deep breath, Kevin and Brian were next.

“It’ll be ok Katie.” Nick whispered. I nodded my head taking another deep breath and looking over to where Brian and Kevin had just finished saying goodbyes to everyone else. I walked over to them and was enveloped in Kevin’s arms.

“Don’t cry Katie, it’ll be ok. We’ll be back sometime and we’ll always call.” He stated.

“I know and I’ll make sure to call sometimes too.” I stated trying to hold back tears.

“I’ll always love you Katie, remember that. And that we’re always here, in your heart.” He stated pointing to my heart. I nodded me head.

“I love you too Kevvy.” I replied hugging him again. As soon as I pulled away I was in Brian’s arms.

“Be strong Katelene, don’t cry.” I nodded my head still holding back tears but I didn’t know how much longer I could do that. “I love you Katelene. I know Kevin already said this but don’t forget that no matter where we are, we’re always here with you in your heart.” He stated. I again nodded my head not trusting myself to speak.

“Final boarding call for Flight 125 to Stockholm, Sweden. Final call For Flight 125 to Stockholm, Sweden.”

“I have to go now. Take of Baby and don’t wear out my t shirt too much.” He said.

“Ok” I giggled.

“I love you KatieKat.” He said.

“I love you too BriBear.” I stated pulling out of his arms.

“Remember don’t cry or atleast wait till your home ok?” He said. I nodded my head.

“Come on Bri we gotta go.” Kevin said. “I love you Katie.”

“Love you too Kev.” I replied. They both walked off to the door that would take them to the plane. I stood there watching as they gave their tickets to the lady and she looked over them and then handed them back. Before they walked through the door they turned around and waved. I waved back giving a small smile. I walked to the window to watch the plane take off. 10 minutes later they were out of site. Mom, Dad, Aunt Ann and I all turned around walking to the cars. We got home about 15 minutes later. I hadn’t said a word since I told Kevin I loved him. I knew if I did I’d start crying but I wanted to fulfill Brian’s wishes and not cry till I got home. Once we got home I got out of the car and ran in the door and upstairs to Brian’s room where I’d left Baby. I picked him up, laid down on the bed and started crying.

Chapter 11
Stories Home
