Chapter 16 - Heart To Hearts

I started to drift off when Nick spoke up. “Katie?” He whispered.

“Hmm?” I asked my eyes still closed.

“What happened? Why can’t you practice that long?” He asked. I opened my eyes and turned over so I was facing.

“A couple months ago I got pushed in one the games and hurt my knee. It’s nothing real major but it could be if I don’t take it easy. I’m doing a lot more than I was two months ago but should I fall really hard again or something it could really screw up my knee.” I answered.

“Ok he just worried me with how he acted.” He said.

“Yea, so what was it you wanted to talk about?” I asked. He looked at me funny. “Before we ate lunch you said we needed to talk. Now what about?”

“Oh yea. I don’t remember what it was I wanted to talk about.” He said sheepishly.

“You always we’re forgetful.” I giggled.

“Hey you’ll pay for that one girl!” He exclaimed smiling. He suddenly grabbed my hands pinning them above my head with one hand then straddled my legs. He had this sly, mischievous smile on his face I was wishing I’d had a camera but I didn’t have time for that I had to beg for forgiveness.

“Come on Nicky you wouldn’t tickle me now would you?” I asked putting on me most innocent look.

“Yes I would.” He said not batting an eye.

“Nickers, You wouldn’t tickle a poor defenseless girl now would you?” I stated pouting. *Oh god I hope this works like it used to* I thought. I looked at his face he hadn’t moved. *Man this is not working* I thought just in time for him to start tickling. “Niiiick…Stooop…Nicky…pp…ple…please…Nic…Niiickers…come…on…I…I…can’t…can’t…bre…breathe…Nick…olas…Gene…Carter…stoooop.” I yelled though my laughter and he finally stopped. His face was red from laughing so much and tears were running down my cheeks from all the laughter. He sat there still straddling me as we both still laughed. Oh how I’d missed this. We stopped laughing when my eyes met his sapphire blue ones. Those eyes of his were dangerous you could drown if you looked into them too long but I didn’t care I just prayed I’d be looking into them for the rest my life I didn’t realize that God would actually answer that prayer. Maybe Nick had forgotten what he wanted to say before but we didn’t need words to have a conversation.

*Nick’s POV*

I finally stopped tickling after she had begged and pleaded with me but I didn’t want to. Her laughter was like angels singing so beautiful and perfect. Nothing seemed to be able to ruin this moment. I was still pinning her down as we laughed even after I had stopped tickling her. Our laughter slowly ceased into small smiles when our eyes locked. I sat there looking into her ice blue eyes. They looked so icy and crystal clear but they were also warm and comforting. I hadn’t remembered what I wanted to tell her before but maybe this was it. Maybe it was supposed to happen like this, our heart to heart talk was to be said with out any words. I had a feeling there’d be many more times like this. The music playing in the background looking into each other’s eyes saying more than words ever could. I said a short prayer asking God to please let me keep this beautiful girl, woman in my arms and in my life forever. I looked at her closer realizing she was studying me, studying this whole moment, trying to make it last forever and I was going to do as much I could to help her. I slowly leaned down and softly kissed her. Oh how I’d missed those lips. Sure I’d kissed her since I’d seen her again but it wasn’t like I got to actually enjoy it. I slowly let her hands go and she wrapped her arms around me. I braced myself with one hand so I didn’t put all my weight on her and gently put my other on the back of her neck pulling her closer. A couple minutes later we pulled away from that sweet kiss I wanted to say something to make sure she knew how much I cared but I knew too many words would ruin the moment. “I love you.” I whispered lying down beside her and pulling her into my arms.

“I love you too.” She whispered. She laid her head on my chest and rested her arm across my stomach. Well here was heart to heart and this was about as heart to heart as you could get. I gently kissed the top of her head and relaxed against the bed. I started thinking about all the times we’d had. “What’re you thinking about Nicky?” Katie asked just a couple minutes later.

“How do you do that? You know what I’m doing with out even looking at me.” I stated. I of course knew how she did it. It was something that comes with the bond we have, I could do the exact same thing.

“I’m just good.” She replied giggling.

“You know I was actually just thinking about our past. I was remembering the day I told I liked you.” I stated a couple minutes later.

“I remember that, you were so nervous and I was scared to death cause I didn’t know what you were going to say.” She giggled.


“Katie I need to talk to you.” Nick stated nervously. What he wanted to tell her was important he just hoped it wouldn’t ruin their friendship.

“What about?” She asked turning.

“Actually I was hoping I could talk to you alone.” He stated.

“Oh ok.” She stated. He walked out of the green room into the boys’ dressing room. He was about to spill his heart out to her he hoped she wouldn’t turn him away.

“Katie I, I wish, that what I’m gonna tell you could be different, in a different place instead of some messy dressing room. I don’t even know how I’m gonna say this so, so I’m just gonna kind of spit it out and hope you understand what I say and that, that I don’t totally ruin what we have.” He stuttered.

“Ok, you’re kinda scaring me, Nick.” She stated.

“I’m sorry I’m not meaning to scare you I just, you know here goes. I like you Katelene. I really really really like you.” He quickly stated. She sat there in the make up chair completely stunned she couldn’t believe what he had just said but she didn’t realize she was sending totally different signals than what she felt. “Oh god Katie I’m sorry. Now I’ve ruined out friendship and nothing will ever the same and…” He stuttered.

“Nick hush. You didn’t ruin anything.” She stated softly. “I didn’t?” He asked.

“No you didn’t. I like you too Nick. I always have.” She stated. That told the young 16-year-old boy everything he needed to know. From that moment on they would be together forever.

*End Flashback*

“Man I remember I was so sure you weren’t gonna feel the same and I’d be stuck a whole summer with you but not with you the way I wanted to be.” I stated.

“I know, I was actually gonna do the same thing that night but I was going to wait until after the show.” She stated laughing.

“You’re kidding?” I asked laughing.

“No. Hey do you remember that time we were like in Rome and we went swimming at like midnight and the hotel caught us and yelled at us. Then when they realized who it was they apologized and gave us free room service for the next day.” She laughed.

“Oh man do I ever!” I replied.


*knock knock* Katie heard on her door. “Thank god maybe that’s somebody to save me from my boredom.” She quietly said to herself. She quickly looked out the peephole to see it was Nick and he looked wide-awake.

“I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked when she opened the door.

“No you didn’t come on in.” She stated. He walked in and she gently closed the door.

“I’m sorry if you were like in bed or getting ready for bed but I couldn’t sleep you were the only one I could think of that might still be up and wouldn’t kick my ass if I did wake you.” He stated sitting down on the couch.

“No I just changed in to my pj’s I couldn’t sleep either. I was watching tv and figured when you knocked that it was Brian or Kevin here to yell at me cause I was still up.” She giggled.

“They seem to do that a lot. So got ideas on what we could do?” He asked. She shook her head.

“Not a one.”

“You know I’ve been wanting to go swimming why don’t I go back to my room and change and you change really quick and we’ll go.” He stated.

“Nick the pool’s closed already.” I stated.

“Not to us it’s not. We get it anytime we want.” He said.

“Meet me outside my room in five minutes.” She smiled. He smiled back and walked out the door. They both quickly changed and met outside the door.

“Ok let’s go.” He stated grabbing her hand and walking for the elevator. Once they got down stairs they jumped in splashing and playing around.

“What are you two doing the pool is closed.” Some lady that worked for the hotel asked.

“Ma’am we…” Katie started to say but the lady interrupted her yelling at them.

“Ma’am I’m Nick Carter. I’m with the Backstreet Boys Party room 843.” Nick stated 10 minutes later when she had stopped yelling and lecturing them.

“Oh my gosh Mr. Carter I am so sorry. I didn’t realize it was you. Please keep swimming. I am so sorry about this you and your friend can have free room service all day tomorrow. I am sorry I’ll be going now.” She stated embarrassed and walked out the door. Nick and I looked at each other and then cracked up.

“Oh my gosh did you see the look on her face!” Katie exclaimed.

“Oh man did I! Can you believe it free room service tomorrow and we have tomorrow off!” Nick screamed. Katie just laughed and they jumped back in the pool.

*End Flashback*

*Katie’s POV*

“Oh my gosh that was hilarious. I still can’t believe they gave us free room service for a day!” Nick exclaimed.

“I know that was unbelievable. Then when we finally went back to my room at like 2 we crashed on the bed an ended up falling asleep in our swim suits. Then Brian and Kevin walked in to wake me up in the morning and we got busted oh my god they were mad!” I laughed.

“I know I don’t think I’ve ever seen Brian’s face get that red!” He exclaimed. They reminisced for the rest of the day till 4:00 when they were called down for supper. They had a great time that afternoon, reminiscing about the great times they had, imagining about the times that were to come, and reveling in the love they shared but they didn’t realize how many trials were about to be put in front of them. Their love and relationship were made in heaven no doubt but fate would soon kick in and they would be tested. They were about to take a trip to hell and back. Exactly how strong is their love? Can it pull them through everything they’re about to go through? Will they come out stronger than ever but still together? Will they survive what fate has in store for them? They’ve been tested once and they came through but that was only the beginning.

Chapter 17
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