Chapter 17 - Baby Disaster

*5:00pm same day*

We were all sitting at the very crowded dinner table. Aunt Ann had came over and she had Grandma and Grandpa Richardson and Grandma and Grandpa Littrell with her.

“Katie when did you have to be at school?” Mom asked.

“At five why?” I replied.

“Because it’s five.” Kevin stated from across the table.

“Shit!” I exclaimed standing up.

“Katelene Honesty Littrell!” Mom scolded.

“Sorry!” I yelled as I ran up the stairs. I quickly undressed and grabbed my uniform from the closet and pulled it on. I quickly pulled my socks on and grabbed my shoes. I ran back down the stairs trying to pull my shoes on at the same time. I pulled my last shoe on as I entered the kitchen. I grabbed my keys while trying to tuck my shirt in then opened the ‘fridge grabbing my water bottle. They were all laughing at me because I was in such a big hurry. “It’s not funny coach is going to kill me. I’ll see you guys in a little bit.” I stated grabbing the keys that I had dropped. I quickly rushed out the door and turned on the car. Backstreet Boys came blaring through the speakers as I pulled out of the garage. I quickly drove to the school trying not to speed too much. I pulled into the parking space by Sarah’s car and jumped out locking the doors and running into the gym.

“Littrell you’re late!” Coach yelled when I entered the gym for the second time that day.

“I know I’m so sorry but my brother and his friends came home today and I lost track of time.” I explained quickly.

“I guess that’s a pretty good excuse and you’re only 5 minutes late. Now let’s get started we’ve got a game to win.” He stated.

*Back at the house*

*Nick’s POV*

We were all still laughing when Katie flew out the door. We heard her turn the car on then I heard my own voice blaring through the speakers which sent Brian, Kevin, Howie, Aj, and I into more fits of laughter.

“I never knew she could get ready that fast.” Brian stated through his laughter when we started to calm down.

“Only when she’s late for practice or a game.” Jackie laughed with us.

“Yea but you have to admit it was funny seeing her go through this house like a tornado.” Grace Richardson said. That’s Kevin’s grandma but we all call her Grandma Richardson even Howie, Aj, and I.

“Yes it was.” Harold said. We all agreed.

“Brian I want you to clean the kitchen which won’t take much since Katie did it this afternoon.” Jackie said. He nodded and got up grabbing a couple plates on his way to the kitchen. Everybody else got up and went into the family room except for me. I grabbed a couple plates and glasses and walked into the kitchen.

“Frack you don’t have to help me. I’ve cleaned the kitchen plenty of times before without it.” Brian laughed when I walked in carrying dishes.

“Actually I wanted to. I’ve been around atleast four people for the past year numbering it down to just one is nice change.” I stated. *Ok he’s not going to believe that, I’ve been with Katie all afternoon*

“Yea right Nick. You expect me to believe that? You were with Katie all afternoon and unless she has multiple personalities, that I don’t know about, she was the only one you spent the day with.” He stated laughing. I felt my face heat up just a little from embarrassment. “So what’d you want to talk about Frack? Surly there’s no problems you guys are happy enough to make somebody nauseous.” He asked. I laughed at him and told him.

“You know I’m not sure. You are right though there are no problems what so ever. I just, it’s scary, terrifying would be a better word for it.” I stated.

“Ok I think you lost me there buddy. I don’t get it.” He stated. I have to admit that it didn’t really make any sense.

“Sorry. Let me put it this way. I’m so in love with her that it’s scary. I’m 18 and I realize I’ve been in love with her since I laid my eyes on her 5 years ago. I mean I could see my self living the rest of my life with her, growing old with her and it scares the crap out of me.” I explained as we continued cleaning.

“Wow. I guess I didn’t realize how strongly you guys actually felt about each other. I mean I did but in a way I didn’t. Katie always said she was never able to express her love for you cause there were no words strong enough and I believed her yet I didn’t. You just expressed what she always tried to. Although I think she could’ve said those same words but was too scared to.” He stated.

“I guess great minds think alike.” I said with a smile.

“No you guys just have one brain that you share and she has it most of the time so that’s why you’re so dumb.” He laughed.

“Hey!” I exclaimed as I wiped off the last counter and Brian started the dishwasher

“You know Nick,” He stated as we sat down at the little island in the kitchen. “What ever you do don’t let your fear get in the way of your love for her. If there’s a problem bring it up; bring it to her attention and talk about it. Don’t let it grow and grow and grow and then suddenly come out in one big fight and a bunch of yelling like it did today.” He stated.

“But…” I started but he interrupted me. I wanted to defend myself I mean it wasn’t just my fault everything ended up bottled up inside I mean she stopped calling too.

“I know Nick. It’s not just your fault and it’s not just her fault. It’s both of you guys’ faults. You could’ve called without having a phone message from her in those two weeks. She could’ve called after those two weeks at times she knew you weren’t busy. She could’ve asked to talk to you when I was on the phone with her. You could’ve asked to talk to her while I was on the phone with her. It’s two ways. Kinda like she screamed it takes two to tango and she’s very right.” He said.

“Yea I know she is.” I replied.

“That’s good. Now since it’s 5:20, Mom will want to leave in about 5 minutes so we can actually get a parking place somewhere in the school parking lot and not 2 blocks away. It’ll probably take about 10 minutes to get to the school with all the traffic that, I’m sure, will be out. So if you want to change or anything you better do it now.” He said. I nodded my head and stood up, then ran up the stairs. I walked into Katie’s room and threw off my shirt. I went to the closet and grabbed a white tank top. I threw it on then grabbed a dark green button up shirt and slid it on leaving it unbuttoned. I quickly ran my hands through my hair and jogged back down the stairs.

“Is everyone ready?” I heard Jackie ask when I entered the den.

“Yes.” Everyone replied.

“Ok we’ll take 4 cars. Brian, you, Kevin, Aj, Nick, and Howie go in your jeep.” Harold said. Brian nodded his head. “Harry you, Tacey, and Grandma and Grandpa Littrell go in your car. Jerry you take Kathy, Tim, and Marie with you and we’ll take Grandma and Grandpa Richardson and Ann with us. That ok with everybody?” He asked. Everyone nodded their heads except for Kevin.

“It’s easier to fit 4 in Bri’s jeep. Why don’t I ride with Jerry?” He asked.

“That’s fine.” Jerry said.

“Ok well let’s get out of here.” Jackie stated and we all walked out the door getting into the appropriate cars.

*Katie’s POV*


“Littrell?” Coach said walking up behind me.

“Yea?” I asked turning around as I continued to dribble the ball in my hand.

“I’m gonna go call my wife. Make sure she’s doing ok and everything.” He stated.

“Ok. Tell her I said hello.” I replied. Coach Hayes’s wife, Rachel, was pregnant and due any day now.

“Will do. Keep practicing.” He said and walked off. I turned around to see the girls doing lay-ups or practicing in some other way. Sarah was goofing off trying to make a three point shot like I did a couple minutes ago. I was goofing off not even trying to make it and I shot the ball up and it actually went in. I had tried again after that and couldn’t make it so I decided it was just a spare of the moment when I wasn’t trying to actually make it type thing. I went up to the free throw line and shot the ball up hitting the backboard and bouncing into the net.

“Dang I hope you can shoot as good as you have been in the game. The other team won’t have chance.” Liz said. I just laughed at her and tossed her the ball going to the back of the line.

“Katelene!” I heard the coach yell from the other side of the gym. Ok there had to be something wrong he never called me by my first name.

“Yea Coach?” I asked running up to him.

“Look while I was on the phone Rachel’s water broke. I have to get home and get her to the hospital.” He said.

“But the game!” I exclaimed.

“I know. Ok you’ve been helping me coach for the past months since Rachel couldn’t anymore. I’ve gone over every play with you. You’ve said Brian knew every rules to the game of basketball and loved to play. You also said he was in town so I’m guessing he’ll be here?” He asked. I nodded my head. “That’s good when he gets here ask him to coach because if you don’t have a coach you have to forfeit the game and you can’t do that we’ve come to far to give up. If your brother won’t do it ask anybody that knows even a little about basketball. Just get somebody you can say is a coach. Then you can do a lot of it. Now I have to go Katie I’m sorry. Good luck.” He said and turned to walk away.

“Good luck to you too Coach. Make sure you call when that little baby’s born.” I stated.

“Thanks and I will don’t worry.” He said running down the hall. I turned around and took a deep breath. Here I was going to have to not only play in this game but pretty much coach it too. It was a good thing Brian was here. I had talked to him over the phone about the games and some of the plays we did so he knew some of ‘em. Ok now it was time to tell the rest of the girls what was going on and how we were going to do this.

“Why did Coach just go running out of here Katie?” Jen asked.

“Because Rachel’s water broke and now were on our own.” I replied.

“What?” They all yelled.

“How are we supposed to do this without forfeiting. We have to have a coach. It’s the rules and no player on the team can be the coach. They can be assistant coach like you and Sarah have been for the past month but not head coach.” Becky said.

“I know that. That’s why I’m gonna ask Brian to coach. He knows enough about basketball to do it and Coach left the playbook but I know how were supposed to do this. The only thing we’re gonna have to change is that Sarah and I can never play together that way there’s one of us to sit there with Brian to help. You all know a lot but you don’t know the plays we’re supposed to use tonight and the other things coach has this game going a lot different. I’m not supposed to play till the second half and I normally start.” I said.

“Ok well there’s your family now better go ask him.” Kelly sighed.

“Yea I’ll be right back.” I stated.

“Katie why did we just see your coach running out of here?” Mom asked once I had gotten to them.

“Because his wife’s water just broke so he’s on his way home to take her to the hospital and now we’re stuck without a coach and without a coach we have to forfeit the game and I am not forfeiting.” I stated then turned to Brian. “You know enough about basketball you can coach Brian and either Sarah or I will be on the bench with you since we’ve been assistant coaches for the past month and a half. We know what were supposed to do tonight and it’s far from what we normally do otherwise Sarah and I could be in the game tonight and one of the other girls could help but that’s not the case.” I stated. He knew what I was asking and I got the answer I wanted.

“I’ll help, call ‘em in. The game starts in ten minutes.” He stated.

“Thank you thank you thank you!” I exclaimed hugging him. He laughed and walked towards the bench meant for our team. “Girls get in here.” I exclaimed.

Chapter 18
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