Chapter 20 - Shelly & Feelings

We got out to the parking lot but I was stopped by somebody grabbing my arm and turning me around none to gently.

“This is not over Littrell!” Shelly yelled.

“Yes it is.” I stated trying to stay calm.

“Damn you’ve always been a little wimp! Daddy’s little princess with your brothers always there to back you up and fight your fights and if they weren’t there your cousins were! Then of course there’s all the money you now have from your fag brother and his friends being in some boy band! Then of course there’s that so-called boyfriend of yours. He’s probably only with you so he can get into your pants, then of course you’re only with him for his money so what am I talking about!” She said. God that girl knew how to p*ss me off and she’d definitely succeeded.

“What the hell is your problem?! You’re such a bitch and a slut! I sure as hell ain’t seen anybody fighting my fights against you for the past four years! Oh and my boyfriend! I don’t really need his money. And if he really was with me just to screw me he’d have found somebody else years ago. Then of course there’s the factor that I have someone who’s there and cares about me and has for the past 5 years. You’re a slut and can’t get anything but one-night stands because every guy in school knows you’re easy and doesn’t want used material unless they’re desperate or drunk! One last topic to cover. Say whatever the hell you want about my brother, my cousin, and my friends but keep it to yourself because I’m liable to kick your ass if you don’t. Of course I can do better than that you wanna keep talking trash about them that’s fine. I’ll lay all your shit down right here and now and it ain’t pretty and you can’t do nothin’ cause you ain’t got shit on me. Other than I have a big mouth and know how to defend my self and the people I care about but everybody already knows that. Now get the hell out of my face!” I exclaimed. She just glared at me and stomped off.

“Oh I hate that girl!” I screamed once she had left.

“Hey calm down. You got her real good this time I don’t think she’ll be bothering you for awhile.” Sarah said.

“I can always hope so.” I stated.

“Good going Katie. Somebody needs to tell her off like that.” Josh laughed walking up to me with Haylie beside him.

“Tell me about it.” I said.

“Yea that was real good Kat. I’d never seen anybody put her in her place as well as you did tonight.” Haylie said.

“I know but she’d never pissed me off quite that much before.” I said.

“I know. Well go home get some rest I’ll see ya tomorrow morning at church.” She said.

“See ya.” I replied.

“Oh and Katie I loved that part about desperate or drunk!” She exclaimed walking off.

“Glad to know you have a favorite part!” I yelled back giggling.

“Don’t you think that was maybe just a little cold and a little harsh?” Brian asked.

“No Brian I don’t. You haven’t seen anything that girl’s done to me. Besides I avoided her all night and she knew exactly who you were and who Nick was. She started it. She made the mistake of putting the moves on Nick. She was trying to piss me off Brian. She succeeded but I wasn’t going to stand back and do nothing. I’ve watched her seduce a lot of guys most of the time buy getting them drunk. I wasn’t going to let her do that to my boyfriend. And Nick I’m sorry if I sound possessive but…let’s just leave it at I’m sorry if sounded too possessive. Now let’s go home.” I stated. They all nodded their heads. Nick, Sarah and Aj got in my car with me. Brian and Leigh got in Bri’s car and Kris and Kev got in Kev’s but they were going back to Aunt Ann’s to get some sleep. About 15 minutes later we got back to my house.

“I’m gonna go now k?” Sarah said. I nodded my head. “You gonna be ok?” She asked.

“Of course. I’ll be fine.” I smiled.

“Ok if you need anything you know the number.” She said. I nodded my head and she turned around to walk home.

“Wait your walking home?” Aj asked her stopping her.

“Yea I only live three houses down.” She said.

“Well why don’t I walk you home.” Aj stated.

“It’s ok Aj you don’t have to. I’ll be fine.” She smiled at his sincerity.

“I know but I want to.” He said.

“Ok.” She smiled. I giggled at her a little and she glared at me a little. They took off for Sarah’s house and Nick took my hand leading me inside. Before I could step foot into my room Brian stepped out of his stopping us.

“I’ll meet you outside in 20 minutes ok?” Brian asked.

“I’ll be there.” I smiled. He smiled back and I walked into my room with Nick following me. I took my shirt off not caring that Nick was still standing there watching my every move. He gently cleared his throat reminding me he was there.

“I know you’re there Nick but I’m too tired to really care. Besides it covers as much as a bikini does it’s nothing you haven’t seen.” I stated.

“I know, but I didn’t want to end up seeing something I haven’t seen.” He stated. I looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Not that I don’t want to. It’s just it’d be kinda like invading your privacy and I don’t want to do that.” He blushed. I giggled at him a little.

“You worry to much Nicky.” I stated going up and giving him a kiss. We were standing there kissing when he deepened it making it more passionate. Before we knew it we were lying on the bed making out, his shirt was off, my hands were running up and down his back while his hands were running up and down my whole body. Suddenly it hit what exactly we were doing and what this could lead to. “Nick.” I stated in between kisses.

“What is it baby?” He asked kissing me again.

“Nick.” I said pushing against his chest a little. I think it hit him then what exactly we were doing because he quickly rolled off me and sat up putting his face in his hands.

“Oh shit. God Katie I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even realize it.” He said rubbing his face.

“It’s ok Nick.” I stated getting up and kneeling behind him putting my hands on his bare shoulders and gently massaging them.

“Katie.” He stated softly pushing my hands away and standing up. I sat back on my ankles and put my hands in my lap sighing softly. He didn’t quite understand. I loved him he didn’t have to apologize when stuff like that happened. I just wasn’t ready to go that far but that didn’t mean it had to totally stop. I looked at my watch seeing I had 10 minutes left before I had to meet Brian. I got up and walked into the bathroom to wash all the make up off. I quickly took all the little rhinestones off my stomach then I wet my face and put the soap on it. I washed the soap off and grabbed the towel wiping the water off my face. When I brought the towel away from it and looked in the mirror Nick was standing behind me. I had already known he was there though. It was so weird I could feel him walk into a room. I stood straight up looking into his eyes from the mirror. He slowly reached up and pulled the butterfly clips out of my hair letting it fall around my shoulders.

“Your beautiful.” He whispered wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. He didn’t really have to bend down because I was still wearing my shoes making my 5’7 frame about 5’9. “I’m sorry.” He whispered again still looking in my eyes and drawing small circles on my stomach with his finger.

“Stop saying you’re sorry Nick. It happens and it’s no big deal.” I said.

“No Katie. I’m sorry I upset you by pushing you away. I’m not sorry I was kissing you or… or touching you the way I was. I was at first because I thought you were upset with me but I realized you weren’t. Then I went and pushed you away and I’m sorry.” He stated. He lightly kissed my neck still looking into my eyes and I looked straight back into his.

“It’s ok Nick. Sometimes you just have to push them away to control yourself. I knew if I didn’t stop us then I wouldn’t have been able to stop us at all.” I said.

“I know what you mean. It’s hard to control myself around you Katie but somehow I do it. Then when stuff like that happens it’s hard cause all I want to do is make love to you, to show you how much I love you but I can’t do that. We haven’t been back together again that long and I don’t want to pressure you into anything. I’m not trying to pull a guilt trip or anything on you. I’m just saying what I feel. I mean most of the time I can feel you walk into a room.” He stated.

“I know how you feel. I can feel you walk into a room too and it’s kinda scary because we can feel each other just being in the same room with you without physical contact. Then when we start kissing and making out and touching each other it makes it really hard to control yourself because you can’t think straight. One moment were standing up having a simple kiss and the next were on the bed with our shirts off making out. It’s scary.” I stated.

“Exactly. That’s exactly how I feel.” He stated. I turned around in his arms and smiled at him. I gave him a small kiss.

“Nick do me one favor?” I asked.

“What’s that?”

“Don’t be sorry for anything that happens because I wouldn’t take any of it back, even that bad stuff. Don’t have any regrets about anything that happens.” I said.

“Ok.” He smiled. I looked down at my watch and seen it was 11pm I was supposed to be down stairs right now.

“I better change I’m supposed to be down stairs right now.” I said pulling out of his arms. I quickly went into my room and pulled out a pair of silver track pants and a black tank top.

“Katie you coming?” Brian yelled up the stairs.

“I’ll be right there!” I replied. I kicked off my shoes and slipped off my skirt. Then slipped my pants on and pulled my shirt over my head and slipped some sandals on.

“Don’t wait up Nick. It’ll be late when we get back.” I stated kissing him.

“Ok.” He smiled.

“See ya baby.” I stated walking out my bedroom door.

“See ya.” He stated.

Chapter 21
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