Chapter 23 - Church

“What am I gonna wear!” I exclaimed after looking through my closet a couple times. My hair and make up were done, now I only had to find something the wear.

“What?” I asked when I heard somebody knocked on the door.

“Can I come in?” Whoever it was asked as the opened the door a little.

“Sure Age.” I stated.

“Can’t find anything to wear huh?” He laughed.

“It’s funny J” I smiled.

“Want some help?” He asked.

“Not from you.” I joked looking him over. He was dressed in a bright yellow sweater and a pair of baggy black jeans. He didn’t look bad he looked really good actually but it was fun to tease him.

“Man I don’t look that bad.” He whined.

“You don’t look bad, you look like the Aj we all know and love.” I replied.

“Ha see nobody can resist me.” He smirked.

“Don’t flatter yourself J.” I laughed. “Actually Aj look through their see if you can find anything. Might as well I’ve got enough time.”

“Ok.” He said like a kid in a candy store and turned around looking through my closet. I laughed at him and picked up my ringing cell phone.


“Hey Katie.”

“Hey Sar.”

“So I’m guessing you’re on your way right?”

“On my way where? For what?”

“To the church. You, me, and Haylie are special music this morning remember?”

“Oh crap! Man too much has been going on. I don’t remember anything. Let me throw something on and I’ll be right there.”

“Ok see ya.”

“See ya.” I stated and quickly hung up. “Aj please tell me you have something for me to wear?” I asked hopeful.

“Yep I do. Here.” He stated. He handed me a white denim dress that came about 2 inches above my knees and a dark blue tank top.

“Thanks, you’re an angel.” I stated and kissed his cheek. I ran into my bathroom and quickly slipped into everything. I took one last look in the mirror to make sure I looked ok. I ran into my room and grabbed my white sandals, cell phone, and purse then headed down stairs. As soon as I hit the last step I went into the kitchen trying to slip my shoes on at the same time. “Thanks.” I said when Brian caught me when I almost fell over trying to get my other shoe on.

“Why are you in such a rush?” He asked as I stopped long enough to use him to help keep me balanced while I slipped my shoe on.

“I’m running late again.” I stated grabbing my keys.

“Forgot huh?” Dad laughed.

“It’s not funny Daddy.” I whined.

“Mind if I come Katie?” Aj asked as I opened the door to the garage.

“Not at all. Anybody else wanna come?” I asked. Brian, Nick and Howie all nodded their heads and stood up. “Well come on I don’t have all day.” I smiled.

“Well let’s go.” Brian said coming out the door behind me jumping in the front seat. Nick, Aj, and Howie all crawled in back as I pushed the garage door button. I started the car and patiently waited for it to finish opening. Once it did I pulled out. Heading for the church.

“You mind if I change cds and can you slow down a little?” Brian asked.

“Go ahead.” I stated and slowed down a little just to make him happy.

“Thank you. I don’t need you getting a ticket.” He stated. I smiled and kept driving.

“Man Katie when did you start listening to so much country?” Brian asked.

“Those are just the ones I keep in here. My others are in the house.” I said as he put in Jo Dee Messina’s ‘I’m Alright.” We all talked while I drove. About 10 minutes later we got to the church. “Oh my gosh I’m gonna be early!” I exclaimed. They laughed and followed me inside.

“I think I’m gonna have a heart attack!” Haylie exclaimed when I walked in I laughed at her.

“I am not late all the time.” I said.

“You’re right you’re not. Now let’s get something done girls.” Mrs. Brown said. She was really cool. She was one of the elder people in the church and she was really sweet and could be really funny.

“Hey Mrs. Brown.” Brian stated.

“Brian!” She exclaimed. She went and hugged him. “How are you? You’re looking as handsome as ever.” She stated.

“Thanks. I’m doing pretty good. It’s good to be home.” He stated.

“I’m sure it is. It’s good to have you home. Now I have to get these girls started they haven’t done a thing for today.” She smiled. I couldn’t say anything cause she was right we hadn’t though we had been practicing about 5 different songs that we had wrote.

“Ok so how many songs are we supposed to sing?” Haylie asked as the boys sat down.

“Well your supposed to sing 3. 2 when the choir would normally sing and then 1 at the end before everybody leaves. Oh and the guys that are playing the instruments should be here pretty soon” She said.

“Ok well let us figure out which songs and well be pretty much ready. We did practice a lot.” I said.

“Ok then chop chop.” She said.

“Ok so are choices are Keep the Candle Burning; Rain Down on Me; Life, Love, & Other Mysteries; The Wonder of It All; and The Song is Alive.” I stated.

“Ok well I think we should do Life, Love, and Other mysteries first.” Haylie said.

“That’s great idea.” I said.

“Yea it is.” Sarah agreed. “Ok one down 2 to go.”

“I picked my song you 2 pick which ones you wanna do.” Haylie said.

“I want to do The Song is Alive.” Sarah said.

“Ok Katie which one?” Haylie asked.

“Um, let’s do Keep the Candle Burning.” I said.

“Ok now which order do we want to put them into?” Sarah asked.

“How ‘bout Life, Love, & other Mysteries then The Song is Alive then Keep the Candle Burning?” I stated.

“Works for me.” Sarah said.

“Me too.” Haylie agreed.

“Mrs. Brown we figured it out.” Sarah said.

“Ok so what are you doing?” She asked.

“Well we’re doing Life, Love, & Other Mysteries first, then The Song is Alive, then Keep the Candle Burning.” I stated.

“Oh those are beautiful songs of course with the three of you writing them they’d have to be.” She smiled. We blushed a little at her complement. “Girls what about that one song you were writing a couple weeks ago. It was called, um, something Grace. I don’t remember the first part.”

“Oh Saving Grace. It’s not done yet.” I said.

“Oh ok. Well why don’t you guys make sure the guitars and stuff are tuned and you should be done. Try to be done in about 5 minutes since church starts in 10.” She stated.

“Ok.” We replied as she walked off.

“So you guys wrote the songs your gonna sing huh?” Brian asked.

“Yea we did. We write most of the songs we sing.” Haylie said picking up the bass guitar. Sarah picked up the other guitar and I went to the keyboard. We each played the first couple bars of The Song is Alive on them. We finished up then went and sat down.

*30 Minutes later when they are supposed to sing the first two songs*

The 3 of us walked up on stage and Sarah began to tell them what we were going to sing.

“Ok well the first song were gonna sing is called Life, Love, and Other Mysteries. It’s one that Katie and I wrote together a couple months ago. I hope ya’ll like it.” She stated as the music started.

You are Lord of life, love, and other mysteries
I find in you all I ever need to know

Some say that life is a string of romances
To some it’s a series of choices and chances
While some only live for the curious dances
Of whatever music’s at hand

And some look for love in the eyes of a stranger
And some love the thrill of the edges of danger
But I have found joy in a world filled with anger
Cause I finally understand

You are Lord of life, love, and other mysteries
You know my future, you know my history
I find in you all I ever need to know
About life, love, and other mysteries

I cannot reason with men in defiance
Or try to explain all the mysteries of science
Cause I’m just a child in the face of these giants
But I never face them alone

Cause when it seems that my heart is surrounded
When all of our questions of life have been sounded
I rest in the hope where my faith has been grounded
I do not fear the unknown ‘cause

You are Lord of life, love, and other mysteries
You know my future, you know my history
I find in you all I ever need to know
About life, love, and other mysteries

Your wisdom confounds the wisest of wise
Your mercy is truth in a world full of lies
Your grace saves us all from a certain demise

You are Lord of life, love, and other mysteries
You know my future, you know my history
I find in you all I ever need to know

About life, love, and other mysteries

You are Lord of life, love, and other mysteries
You know my future, you know my history
I find in you all I ever need to know

About life, love, and other mysteries

You are Lord of life, you’re Lord of love

Katie & Haylie:
And other mysteries

You are Lord of life, you’re Lord of love

And other mysteries

(AN: The three songs are all ones that Point Of Grace sings and I didn’t right any of them)

We finished holding out the last note. We heard everybody applauding as we finished. We smiled and Haylie began to talk.

“Ok this song is called The Song is Alive. It’s one that all three of us wrote just about a month ago.” She said. The music began and we each took a deep breath and began singing.

Can you hear the song moving on the wind
Calling us home, drawing us in
It’s a wave of love that’s melting all resistance
Can you feel it, when it starts
It’s within the reach of our hearts
It’ll change the world around us if we listen

It’s the living, breathing message
Of the mercy of our God

The song is alive
Stirring hope in the soul
Don’t you know it’s the
Heartbeat of life
Moving us with a love
That’s never ever, ever gonna die

The song is alive

It’s pushing down walls
Driving out doubt
No power on earth’s gonna drown it out
And in the middle of the darkest night
His voice will lead us
And the music plays on
When we start to sing the song
No nothing’s gonna stop
The faithful love of Jesus

It’s the living, breathing message
Of the mercy of our God

The song is alive
Stirring hope in the soul
Don’t you know it’s the
Heartbeat of life
Moving us with a love
That’s never ever, ever gonna die

The song is alive

Welling up in us
A love beyond compare
Spilling from the lips
Of the believers everywhere

The song is alive (Holds the last note)

Haylie & Sarah:
Don’t you know,
Don’t you know
Don’t you know

The song is alive (Holds the last note)

Haylie & Sarah:
Don’t you know,
Don’t you know
Don’t you know

The song is alive
Stirring hope in the soul
Don’t you know it’s the
Heartbeat of life
Moving us with a love
That’s never ever, ever gonna die

The song is alive
Stirring hope in the soul
Don’t you know it’s the
Heartbeat of life
Moving us with a love
That’s never ever, ever gonna die

Yea the song is alive

It’s pushing down walls

It’s driving out doubt

Don’t you know
Don’t you know
Don’t you know

It’s pushing down walls

It’s driving out doubt

Don’t you know
Don’t you know
Don’t you know

The song is alive

We finished once again. Everybody clapped and we quickly put our mikes away and sat back down, I took my seat between Brian and Nick.

“You did awesome.” Brian whispered.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

“I never knew you could sing that well, you have a beautiful voice.” Nick whispered putting his arm around me.

“Thanks.” I whispered back laying my head on his shoulder.

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