Chapter 25 - Brady


“Hey girls I’m gonna go get a little fresh air.” I stated. They nodded their heads and I headed out side. Since it was 3 there wasn’t anybody there except a couple of the kids form school and we had all just been sitting around talking. I leaned up against the brick wall of the building and closed my eyes. I don’t know how long I stood there before I heard I voice I’d hoped I’d never have to hear again.

“Hey baby.” He stated. I opened my eyes to see Brady standing right in front of me.

“Get the hell away from me Brady.” I exclaimed.

“Aww come on baby don’t act that way.” He said pinning me against the wall and running his hands over me.

“Damnit Brady don’t!” I yelled trying to push him off me.

*Sarah’s POV*

“I know he’s so annoying.” Angie said. Suddenly I heard Katie yell ‘Damnit Brady don’t.’ *Oh shit* I thought. I ran to the front and looked out the open window. Sure enough there was Brady and he had Katie pinned up against the wall with his hands all over her. I quickly picked up the phone and called the cops telling them what was going on. They knew Katie and Brady real well. “Nathan, Eric, Josh come on. Brady’s back.” I stated after getting off the phone.

“Shit.” Nathan stated as they all got up. I looked out the window and realized I should have told them before I called the cops. He had one hand up her shirt and the other was holding her hands above her head. He was also kissing her as she tried to get away. Nathan and Eric grabbed him while Josh grabbed her pulling her about 20 feet away from him. About that time the police pulled up and Andy, Angie, and I ran out there.

*Katie’s POV*

“Are you ok?” I heard Sarah ask. I numbly nodded my head glad Josh was holding me up other wise I would have been on the ground by now.

“Katie?” I heard Officer Branan say.

“Yes?” I asked looking up at him from the ground.

“Can you come with me real quick?” He asked. I nodded my head and followed him to his car. “You can take a seat.” He said pointing to the back bumper. I nodded and sat down. Officer Branan was Josh’s dad and he had dealt with Brady before. “Ok Katie sweetheart, I need you to tell me exactly what happened this time.” He stated. I nodded my head and told him every detail. “Ok thanks Katie. Now why don’t you try and get the rest of the day off so you can get some rest.” He stated. I nodded.

“I should be able to.” I stated.

“Ok.” He stated. I got up and walked towards Andy and the rest of my friends.

“Katie take the rest of the day off ok?” Andy suggested.

“Yea I was just gonna ask for it off.” I said. He nodded.

“Josh why don’t you take Katie home in her car and I’ll call mom and have her meet you there so she can take you home.” Officer Branan said.

“Yea Dad that’s a good idea.” He stated. “Katie where’s your keys?”

“In the back with my purse.” I stated.

“Ok I’ll be right back.” He said. I nodded my head and he walked back inside. I listened to everybody around me talk too much in shock from what had happened to make any comments. There had already been a list of things he’d done and what he’d just done was nothing new. The thing that scared me the most though was that he wouldn’t get anymore that a month of jail time since other than sexual harassment he broke a restraining order. A couple minutes later Josh came back with my purse.

“Here I don’t have your keys, I didn’t want to dig through it.” He said handing it to me. I took it and dug my keys out of it then gave them to him. “Bye.” He stated.

“Bye guys.” Angie, Nathan, and Eric said. I smiled a little and waved.

“You gonna be ok?” Sarah asked.

“I think so.” I stated softly.

“Ok well I’ll call tonight.” She said. I nodded my head and Josh and I headed for my car. He opened the door for me and I got in. He shut the door then went to his side.

“You sure your gonna be ok?” He asked about half way home. I nodded my head. “Ok.” He sighed. I knew everybody was worried but I was still in shock and I didn’t feel like talking. We pulled up into my drive way a while later and he opened the door for me then helped me out. “There you go.” He smiled.

“Thanks.” I stated quietly.

“No problem. There’s my mom. C-ya Katie.” He stated.

“C-ya.” I replied and walked to the door. I opened it and went straight for the stairs.

“Who’s that?” My mom yelled.

“Just me.” I replied already halfway up the stairs. I heard the phone ring but didn’t pay any attention to it.

“Katie!” I heard her exclaim as she came towards the stairs form the den. I knew she’d do that I wasn’t supposed to be home for another 3 hours and I didn’t sound right either.

“What?” I asked.

“Why are you home so early and what’s wrong?” She asked.

“I just don’t feel good.” I stated and continued up the stairs.

“Katelene Honesty. Get your butt down here.” She said.

“What?” I whined going back down the stairs.

“I don’t believe you, you felt perfectly fine just 2 hours ago. Now why don’t you try the truth.” She said.

“It is the truth.” I said. I wasn’t lying I didn’t feel good I just didn’t want to say why.

“But it’s not the whole truth.” Dad said coming up beside Mom.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“That was Steve Branan on the phone. He wanted to make sure you got home. He also told me why you were coming home when I asked.” Dad stated sympathetically. “I’ll tell your mother and Harry and Tracy you go tell everybody else about Brady.” He said. I nodded my head.

“Where’s Aunt Ann, Tim, Marie, Jerry, Kathy, and both sets of grandparents?” I asked.

“They’re all over at Aunt Ann’s.” Mom said. I nodded my head and walked past them into the den just as Harry and Tracy were walking out. Harry stopped and gave me a comforting hug then continued into the kitchen. I took a deep breath and walked into the den.

“Katie?” Brian questioned. Suddenly he jumped to his feet coming towards me. “What happened?” He asked very worried.

*Brian’s POV*

I was surprised when Katie walked into the den looking like crap none the less. “Katie?” I questioned. I looked in her eyes and suddenly I realized they weren’t their normal bright blue. They weren’t blue at all but a grayish color meaning there was something really wrong. “What happened?” I asked quickly jumping to my feet and walking towards her. I watched as a single tear slid down her cheek. I pulled her in my arms and hugged her.

*Katie’s POV*

I held on to Brian not wanting to let go. I stood there hugging him for about 5 minutes before I pulled away.

“I’m sorry I’m fine.” I said. I hadn’t cried on his shoulder except that solitary tear. I think I was still in too much shock to cry.

“No you’re not.” He whispered. “Now why don’t you sit down and tell us whatever you were going to and don’t forget what I told you. Don’t be too strong.” He whispered. I nodded my head and walked past him sitting down on the couch between Nick and Aj. Aj smiled at me sympathetically. I remembered all the late night phone calls, him, his grandparents, and Denise being here for Thanksgiving, and all the support he’d given me and he’d kept my secret no matter how much he wanted to tell Brian so he would know what was going on in my life.

“I should probably tell you guys about Brady now. That’s what all this has to deal with.” I stated.

“What’d he do Katie?” Kevin asked.

“I’m just gonna start from the beginning. Is that ok with everybody?” I asked. Everybody including Aj nodded their heads and I started telling them. “I met Brady about a year and a half ago, in November of ‘97. He was a senior and I was a sophomore. I didn’t really know him since he had just transferred. Sarah, Haylie and I were at Kaleidoscope with Josh, Seth, and Cole. He was there with some of the other stuck up guys that were on the football team. He kept coming onto me, asking me to dance and crap but I wouldn’t. After about an hour of him bugging me we all left. I thought that was the end of it but then he’d bug me at school and he started stalking me. I started getting these really, excuse my language, f**ked up letters and phone calls but I had no way to prove that it was actually him doing it. He knew everything I did. I couldn’t go out with my friends without him knowing where I was. I had to watch my back all the time and I never knew whether he was there or not.” I had to stop to try and recompose my self. Tears had started to gently roll down my face and Nick pulled me closer to him.

“It’s ok Katelene I’m here and no matter what I won’t judge you. I know it’s not your fault.” Nick whispered in my ear.

“It’s ok Katie. You don’t have to tell us anymore if you don’t want to.” Kevin stated softly.

“No it’s ok.” I said. “This went on for quite awhile, till the first week of July of last year to be exact. He had never down anything real bad except harassing me and stuff. Mom and Dad weren’t home yet and I was out by the pool trying to relax just a little.” I had to stop as the tears started running down my face a little faster.

“Shhh it’s ok I’m here.” Nick whispered.

“He um, tried to, uh…” I stopped again crying not sure whether or not I could actually finish.

“He tried to rape you?” LeighAnne asked quietly from the other side of me. I nodded my head against Nick’s chest. I could tell by the way her voice sounded she was trying not to cry to stay strong for me and I could tell by Nick’s breathing that he was trying to push back tears too.

“She’s in the den Sarah.” I heard Mom quietly say from the foyer.

“Thanks Jackie.” Sarah said. “Hey” she stated quietly walking into the den.

“Hey.” I replied my head still resting against Nick’s chest.

“I figured you could use a little support. Maybe even a little help.” She sitting beside me after Leigh had moved over. I nodded my head agreeing with her.

“You don’t have to tell us anymore Katie. You can wait we don’t have to know.” Brian said.

“Yes you do need to know because a lot happened.” I said. Brian gently nodded his head and I continued. “Harry and a friend of his Allen, came here for a surprise visit. Brady hadn’t gotten far when they came in so they stopped him that time. He was put in jail for a week then got out on bail. I was home alone the night he got out and nobody called to tell me he got out like they were supposed to. Mom and Dad we’re gonna be gone till about 1am at a business function. He picked the lock on the back door and got in. I wasn’t as lucky as I was the time before.” I explained. I started sobbing again against Nick’s chest. Nick started whispering in my ear again telling me it was alright and that he was there while he gently rubbed my back. I pulled away and started again. “I got him thrown in jail cause I could prove that he had done it and everything. A month later I found out I, that I, I was pregnant.”

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