Chapter 5 - Introductions

Inside after Kevin, Brian, and I have changed

“Katie?” Brian said.

“Yea?” I said.

“Do we have any hot chocolate I’m freezing?” He asked.

“Yea, we do.” I said. “That’s actually a good idea.” I said quietly to myself. Turning around to all the other people sitting in the family room whom I still hadn’t been introduced to. “Oh ya introductions.” I remembered. “Hey Bri…..” I said turning around then realizing he wasn’t there. “Um, ok.” I said to myself. “Hey Kev?” I said looking at him.

“Yes?” He asked turning around to face me.

“Could we maybe…..” But before I got the chance to finish my sentence he interrupted me.

“No! No way, No how! I am NOT doing anything for you!” He said not even knowing what I wanted. So maybe I had asked and tricked him into doing a lot of stuff, and it’s really easy to do when your cousin has a soft spot for you.

“Have some introductions.” I said finishing my sentence. Kevin blushed deep red after that.

“Sure get Brian in here, he can introduce you.” He said trying to hide his embarrassment while everyone else laughed.

“BLT get your but in here!” I yelled using the nickname he hated. (AN if any of you don’t get the ‘BLT’ thing e-mail me)

“I am not a food Kat.” Brian stated walking into the family room blowing on his Hot Cocoa.

“Well it would be nice for some introductions since I have no idea who these people are.” I stated, “Otherwise you are gonna be food, to the sharks cause I’m gonna kick your butt all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.” I said smiling knowing I’d get everybody but Brian laughing. I was right everyone else laughed and Brian rolled his eyes.

“Ok, I’m sure most of you know this is Katelene, my sister.” Brian stated motioning towards me with his hand. “Kat this is Howard Drough or Howie.” He said motioning toward the guy that had short brown hair and brown eyes.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Katie.” Howie said shaking my hand.

“Nice to meet you too Howie.” I said.

“And this AJ McLean.” Brian said motioning towards the guy standing beside Howie, he was the one wearing the sunglasses.

“Pleasure to meet you Katie.” AJ stated taking my hand and kissing it.

“You too AJ.” I said laughing lightly. “AJ that’s my sister and she’s off limits to you.” Brian said butting in and AJ dropped my hand as I kept laughing

“Alexander James McLean!” The woman standing behind him that had the dark hair said. “

That must be his mom.” I thought.

“Apologize to her. You shouldn’t hit on a girl that’s probably only 13 and especially when you’re staying in her family’s house.” She finished.

“Actually I’m only 12, I don’t turn 13 till January of next year, and don’t worry about it, it’s no big deal. I’m just one of the first to know he’s the flirt of the group.” I said everyone just laughed agreeing with me.

“You’re right about that. I’m Denise McLean, AJ’s mother.” She stated sticking her hand out for me to shake.

“Nice to meet you Mrs. McLean.” I said shaking her hand.

“Please call me Denise.” She said with a warm smile.

“Ok.” I said smiling

“I’m Jane Carter and this is my son Nickolas.” The lady with blonde hair said sticking out her hand.

“Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Carter.” I said shaking her hand and smiling. “You too Nickolas.” I said shaking his hand too.

“Please call me Jane.” She said at the same time Nick said “Actually it’s Nick.”

“Ok got it.” I said. “Cool now I won’t have to feed Brian to the sharks.” I said joking; everybody else laughed even Brian.

“So would any of you like something to drink?” I asked, getting answers of yes please, yea, and sure. “Ok what do y’all want?” I asked

“Hot chocolate.” Howie, Nick and AJ stated in unison.

“I’ll take hot tea if you don’t mind please Katie.” Denise said.

“I’ll take hot tea too please.” Jane said.

“I already have something Kat.” Brian stated with a smile.

“I know that Bear.” I said with a smug smile, stressing the ‘bear’ part because he hates that nickname. He folded his arms and started pouting making everybody laugh. “Oh Bri maybe you should go live in the woods with all the other bears.” I said talking to him like he was a baby and ruffling his hair only making everybody laugh more.

“Very funny Katie.” Brian said trying to act like he was mad.

“Oh I know.” I said over dramatic. “You want anything Kev.” I asked laughing.

“Yea just a hot chocolate Katie.” Kevin said laughing.

“Ok I’ll be right back.” I said walking into the kitchen.

In the kitchen

I grabbed the kettle from the cabinet and filled it with water putting it on the stove to heat up. I went over to the cabinet that had all the glasses in it and began grabbing the 7 mugs I needed.

“Katie.” I heard from behind me nearly dropping last mug. I turned around to see Nick.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized walking up to me.

“It’s ok.” I said smiling at him and turning back around, “What can I do for you.” I finished, as we both laughed a little.

“Actually I was wondering if you needed any help?” He asked

“Well there’s not much to help with unless you want to grab the hot chocolate mix and tea bags from the cabinet in front of you.” I stated just as the kettle started whistling.

“Ok” He said grabbing the stuff out of the cabinet as I walked back over to the counter that had all the cups on it with the water. After I set the kettle down I grabbed the box that had all the tea bags in it and took 2 out as Nick took 5 packages of hot chocolate mix out of the other box then he put the 2 boxes away.

“Thanks I could have done that.” I said speaking of the boxes he put away.

“No big deal. I gotta learn where stuff is anyway since I’m gonna be here for a week.” He said smiling and started putting hot chocolate mix in 4 of the cups while I put tea bags into of the cups and hot chocolate in 1. Then I started pouring the water.

“Aaahhh.” Nick and I both yelled when thunder suddenly rolled louder than it had been before.

“You two ok?” Kevin yelled form the family room.

“Ya we’re fine.” We yelled back in unison.

“Jinx.” We yelled at each other but I beat him by not even a full second.

“Haha I beat you.” I said laughing knowing he couldn’t say anything. I picked up the kettle back up and started pouring the water again. “So Nick how did you and the rest of the guys get together?” I asked with a smile. “You know Nick you are really shy.” I joked about him not being able to talk. He stuck his tongue out at me as response. “Oh that was real mature Nick.” I said letting his name accidentally slip. “Oops” I said covering my mouth.

“Thanks Katie.” Nick said with a smug smile now that he could talk again. I just playfully rolled my eyes. “Ask Howie how the guys and I got together he’s good at telling that. I’m only shy around people I don’t know.” He said answering my question.

“Well no need to be shy around me. I mean it’s not like Brian and I don’t drive our mom and dad crazy with how we can be sometimes, but I’m the same way a lot of the time. I said smiling and grabbing and grabbing 3 of the cups. “You can grab 2 of the others and then I’ll come back and get ours.” I said.

“No it’s ok I’ll come back and get ours.” He said.

“Really it’s ok you’re a guest I’ll come back and get them.” I said

“No please Katie. Let me be a gentleman and get them.” He said with puppy dog eyes.

“Oh fine.” I said laughing. He grabbed 2 of them and we walked into the family room.

“This storm should hit Lexington about 2:00 this afternoon. We advise you to stay inside and to not be driving. This storm could produce golf ball sized hail. It has heavy rain and the wind has been reported up to 70 mph in places. Once again Fayette, Scott, and Woodford counties are all in a severe thunder storm warning.” The weather guy on the tv said as Nick and I handed out drinks and Nick went back into the kitchen to grab ours.

“Wow this could be one of the worst summer storms we’ve had in a while.” I said as I sat on the couch beside the phone knowing mom would be calling as soon as she got a look at that weather report.

“Sure seems that way huh?” Brian said.

“Here you go.” Nick said handing me my drink.

“Thanks Nick.” I said smiling as he sat down in the middle of the couch between Brian and I.

Chapter 6
Stories Home
