Chapter 6 - Calls and Crushes

Riiiinng Riiiinng went the phone 20 minutes later just as I had predicted (AN: it’s now 12:45 pm)

“Hello” I said picking it up.

“Hi Katie did Kevin and everybody else get there?” My mom asked.

“Yea mom they all got here.” I stated.

“Ok that’s good. There’s also been a change of plans here at the hospital I won’t be able to get off at 2 like I thought. With that storm coming in they want me to work my normal shift.”

“Ok that’s fine. So you won’t get off till 5 right?”

“Yes, that’s right and depending upon how bad the storm is I may have to work even later. Your father has to work late too. I’m not sure how much later but he should call and tell you.”

“Ok, anything else?”

“Yes. I left the other car there just in case you and Brian wanted to go somewhere. So now if you want to go get something before it starts raining you can. You might want to grab something for supper for all of you too. Also tell Brian I’m sorry I can’t get home sooner and I’ll see him tonight.”

“Ok got it.”

“You guys will be ok during the storm?” She asked worriedly.

“Yes Mom! We’ll be fine.” I reassured her.

“Ok I’ll see you tonight. Love you.”

“Ok. Love you too.” I said and hung up.

“What’d Mom want?” Brian asked.

“To tell us that she had to work a normal shift because of the storm and wanted to make sure we’d be ok during the storm. She also said we have the extra car so we could go get something for supper before it started raining. They haven’t been grocery shopping yet so there’s only like cereal to eat and on top of that we used the last of the milk this morning so…” I said only to be interrupted.

“In other words there’s nothing to eat and we better get are asses up and go get stuff so we can make sandwiches right?” Brian said finishing my sentence.

“Ya that was something along the lines as to what I was going to say.” I said laughing at Brian’s small outburst as was everyone else. “She also said to tell you she was sorry she had to work late.”

“Oh well, no big deal.” He said

“Well Katie I think we’re…” Kev started to say right before the phone rang.

“Hold that thought just a minute Kevvy.” I said answering the phone.


“Hey Kat did your Mom call yet?” Dad asked.

“Yea she called.”

“Ok did she tell you both of us would be home late?”


“Ok I have to work a normal shift till 5 then I have to swing by the hospital to pick up your mother then I’ll be home, ok?”

“Yea Dad that’s fine.”

“Ok will you guys be ok?”

“Yes Dad don’t worry we’ll be fine!”

“Ok I just worry about you. You’re my only daughter.”

“I know.”

“Ok Katie, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Ok talk to you later.”

“Love you”

“Love you too.” I said and once again hung up the phone.

“What’d dad want?” Brian yelled from the kitchen.

“You know I should have just let you answer the phone.” I said shaking my head at his, what do I want to call it um, child like curiosity. “He wanted to tell us he’d be home late, he has to work a normal shift too.” “Now what was it you were telling me Kev?” I asked directing my attention back to him.

“Denise, Jane, Howie, and I are all going to go to my house so I can spend some time with my mom and so we’re out of here before that storm hits.” Kevin replied.

“Ok that’s fine.” I said then realized who he was leaving me with. “Wait! You’re leaving me with Brian, that pretty much explains itself,” I said as Brian shouted ‘Hey!’ walking back into the family room from the kitchen, “AJ which is kinda scary cause he hit on me within the first 10 minutes of seeing me and Nick, well I haven’t found anything wrong with staying here with him but it wouldn’t surprise me if I did.” I finished as Nick and AJ’s mouths dropped to the floor thinking I was serious but they couldn’t see the smiling face I wore like Denise, Jane, Howie, and Kev could.

“Sorry Katie I am.” He said mocking sympathy.

“Ya Kev you sound real sorry there.” I stated smiling.

“Oh come on sis don’t you want to stay with me?” Brian asked laughing.

“No not really.” I replied not turning around to look at him.

“Howie are you ok?” I asked him cause he had been laughing since I mentioned the thing about staying with Aj and Nick.

“Look behind you.” He stated through his laughter. I turned around to see a very shocked Aj and a very shocked Nick.

“Oh you guys I’m sorry. I was only kidding though.” I said laughing realizing they didn’t know I was joking.

“Oh” they both said very embarrassed.

“Bye” I yelled and waved to Kevin and the rest of the crew that was going to his house. It hadn’t started raining yet but the wind was blowing pretty harde and you could her the thunder. I walked back inside where Nick, Aj, and Brian were. “What are you guys doing?” I asked a little scared. They were sitting in the living room Nick on the couch, Aj on the chair beside the couch, and Brian in the love seat across from Aj and by the way it looked they were planning something which could only mean trouble for me.

“Nothing just talking” Brian said naturally.

“Ok” I said cautiously and sat down on the couch.

“So Katie I hear you’re extremely ticklish” Aj said with a Cheshire cat grin. I jumped out of my seat and stood behind the couch.

“You did not Brian.” I remarked talking about how ticklish I was.

“Sorry I did” He said mischievously. I was so involved on watching Brian and Aj to make sure they didn’t move I totally forgot about Nick. About that time Nick sneaked up behind me and started tickling me. I fell to the ground in laughter. Then it was Aj and Brian’s turn to attack too. I had all three of them tickling me mercilessly.

“You…guys…sss…stop…pl….please.” I tried to protest through my laughter. They finally stopped only because they were all laughing so hard too that couldn’t keep their balance.

“You guys are cruel you know that.” I said with a smile once my breathing had returned to normal.

“We know” Nick said smiling. We all got back up and sat back down. Nick and I on the couch, Aj on the love seat, and Brian in the reclining chair. We sat around talking about the group for about 30 minutes. I learned the name of the group, finally! They called them selves the Backstreet Boys, named after a popular hang out in Orlando.

“Hey guys they said that storm was supposed to hitting in about 30 minutes I think we should turn the whether channel on, see what it’s doing.” I suggested.

“Ya your right that’s a good idea.” Brian said and turned the Tv on turning it to the right channel.

“Wow” Aj said. The tv was showing what the storm was doing about 30 miles away, and it didn’t all that tranquil. Brian shut the tv off after we had heard the whether report. The was headed right for us and not only that but it was coming sooner than we thought, we had 15 minutes to get ready.

“I think we should go cover the pool” Brian said, “I don’t feel like having to clean it after the wind blows a bunch of crap in there.”

“I agree. Lets go” I stated. We all got up and headed for the back yard. We opened the door to have it seem like the wind was going to blow us over. I started to walk to the pool house where we kept the tarp. “Hey Nick come help me would you?” I yelled over the wind although I was only about 10 feet from him. He nodded his head and walked toward me. I opened the door and grabbed the tarp and then with Nick’s help we carried it over to the pool.

“Ok Katie you hook that corner and Nick you hook that corner.” Brian said as we unfolded it. He and Aj then hooked the other 2 corners. We then hooked it on the other 6 hooks that were positioned in various places around the pool. All of us then ran inside.

“Wow this is gonna be some storm.” I shake running my hands through my tousled hair.

“You got that right” Nick replied.

“I’m gonna go get some candles and flashlights just in case.” I said and walked toward the kitchen.

“I’ll come with you.” Nick said and followed me too the kitchen as Aj and Brian walked to the living room.

With Brian and Aj

Brian’s POV

“You know B you might want to be watching Nick when he’s alone with Kat.” Aj said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Come on Bri you can’t be that blind! You can’t tell Nick has a crush on her.” Aj asked astonished.

“Yes I can tell! I was just hoping I was wrong.” I said. Katie and Nick then walked in. That was the end of that conversation.

Chapter 7
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