Chapter 7 - Electricity Secrets

Katie’s POV

Nick and I walked into the living room and laid everything on the coffee table. “Well we’re all set if the lights go out.” I said. They all silently agreed. I sat down on the other side of the couch from where Brian was and Nick sat on the floor. We all sat there for about 5 minutes not knowing what to do. Finally I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, remembering “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air” was on. We all sat around watching and listening to the raging storm for about 15 minutes. CRASH “aaahhh” I screamed jumping from the unexpected sound.

“It’s just thunder Katelene” Aj said.

“I know it was just unexpected.” I retorted. Rrriiing

“Does that thing ever stop ringing” Nick asked laughing.

“No” Brian and I replied smiling.

“You get it B” I said as I went back to watching tv.

“Bye” He said hanging up about 2 minutes later. “That was mom she wanted to tell us that she wasn’t going to make it home tonight and neither was dad he’s going to get a room in the hotel that’s right there close.” He stated.

“Ok” I said tiredly.

“You ok?” He asked.

“Ya just tired.” I replied.

“Come here.” He said pulling me close toward him. I laid a pillow that was on the floor in his lap then laid my head down. I drifted to sleep to the sound of Fresh prince and Aj, Nick, and Brian laughing.

Brian’s POV

I looked down at Katie to find her sleeping.


“Come here Katie why don’t you lay down” I said to my 3-year-old sister that looked like she was about to fall asleep standing up. We were outside at the Littrell family reunion. I was laying under the huge weeping willow that was in the yard of the hotel the reunion was at. She nodded her head and walked over to me. She laid her head in my lap and instantly fell asleep.

End Flashback

“Brian!” Aj quietly said.

“What?” I asked.

“You ok man? You looked like you were of in LaLa Land.” He replied.

“Oh ya I’m fine. Just remembering a time when Katie was 3 and she fell asleep just like this.” I said laughing a little. About that time the thunder rolled extremely loud and Katie woke with a start jumping what seemed to be about a foot in the air. Then just as luck would have it the lights flickered and then went out.

“Great” Katie sighed as she slowly moved to the coffee table to light candles. I heard her strike the match and suddenly there was light.

Katie’s POV

I slowly lit all six candles, only taking 2 matches to do it. “That’s better” I stated. I looked around to see all 3 guys just sitting there.

“You guys got any board games?” Nick asked.

“Yea we do I’ll get ‘em.” I replied and got up. For the next 7 hours we sat around playing games and talking. The storm passed about 1 hour or 1 ½ after the lights went out but we still had no electricity.

9 pm

“I think I’m gonna head to bed” Aj said standing up and stretching.

“Me too” Brian said doing the same thing.

“I’m not really that tired I’m gonna stay down here for awhile see if I can find anything to do.” I replied.

“I think I’ll have to agree with Katie.” Nick said.

“Ok well night.” Brian stated walking up the stairs behind Aj.

“Now what?” Nick asked.

“I don’t know a whole lot about you why don’t you tell me.” I replied.

“Ok first of all can I sit up there?” He questioned.

“Of course as long as you don’t mind me using you as a pillow like I did Bri.” I said.

“Not at all.” He replied. I grabbed my pillow, laid it in his lap, and laid my head just as I had did with Brian.

“So where do I start?” He asked.

“I don’t know how ‘bout your birthdate?” I suggested. We went on talking for another hour and a half until we both fell asleep, my head lying on his shoulder, and both my hands on his chest. His right arm around me, his left hand lying across his stomach, the chair reclined back with our feet up, and a blanket draped over our legs. We slept like that all night. Can you imagine the surprise Brian got when he came downstairs in the morning?

9 am the next morning

Brian’s POV

I came downstairs wondering where Nick and Katie since neither of them were in their rooms. I looked in the living room where Aj and I had left them last night. “Oh My God” I thought seeing them snuggled together on the couch. About that time I heard the front door open and a bundle of people come in. I walked out there to see Kevin, Aunt Ann, Howie, Denise, Jane, and Mom all standing there. “You guys have got to see this” I said, figuring my mom and Jane would freak, I mean it’s not like I wanted to get them in trouble but I don’t want them ‘together.’ We’re leaving at the end of the week and that would just hurt Katie more than it’s already going to. I lead them to the living room and pointed then out.

“Oh how cute.” My mom, Jane, Aunt Ann, and Denise all said. I couldn’t believe that was the reaction I got.

“Mom! I...” I started to say.

“Brian hush. Let’s go so we don’t wake them.” She said and we walked to the kitchen.

“I’m willing to bet they get married one day.” Jane said smiling.

“Jane! I doubt that!” I said raising my voice.

“Brian!” My mother stated scolding me.

“Mom they’ve only known each other a day and ya’ll are already saying they’ll end up married one day.” I remarked.

“Brian what’s wrong with that?” My mom asked.

“I don’t want to see her hurt!” I said a little harsher than I meant.

“Nick wouldn’t hurt her Brian.” Jane said somewhat mad.

“I know. He wouldn’t purposely hurt her but we’re gonna make it big I can tell and then that means we’ll be on tour a lot and they’ll hardly see each other. Not to mention she’s only 12.” I said.

“Brian whether you want to or not you have to accept the fact that she’s growing up.” My mom said. She was right my little sister was growing up faster than I realized and it scared me I was going miss so much.

“I know” I said and walked back upstairs to pack for the many months I’d be gone on tour.

Nick’s POV

With Nick And I

I headed upstairs to go to the restroom as I walked by Brian’s room I heard him and Kevin talking. I didn’t mean to easvedrop but the first thing I heard from Brian made it kinda hard not to.

“I just don’t want it to happen again Kev. I worry about her so much.” Brian said. ‘What happen again?’ I thought.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine B. Just don’t worry so much about it happening. It may never happen again” Kevin replied.

“I know. Let’s go on to a better subject.” Brian suggested and they went on talking. I went to restroom and then walked back downstairs into the living room to find Katie up.

“Good Morning.” I said with a small smile.

“Oh morning Nick” she replied.

“Katie can I ask you something without you getting mad?” I asked.

“Sure.” She stated smiling.

“Ok well I accidentally easvedropped on Brian and Kevin talking, and Brian said ‘I just don’t want it to happen again. I worry about her so much” I stated hoping it was nothing to personal and she wouldn’t get mad.

Katie’s POV

‘Oh God’ I thought once he had finished talking. ‘You knew this as going to happen sometime Katie, you might as well tell him now.’ I silently said. “Well, my Uncle Jerald and I were really close and um, when he died, I took it really hard. I was so heart broken I stopped talking for about a month.” I said looking at the floor.

“Oh Katie I’m sorry I asked. That wasn’t something you had to tell me.” He said sincerely sorry that he had asked something so personal.

“It’s ok Nick really. You were bound to find out one way or another and I glad you asked me about it instead of somebody else.” I said smiling.

“Ok I just didn’t want to hurt you or anything.” He said with relief in his voice.

“Nope you didn’t. You can always ask me stuff and if I don’t want to tell you then I won’t” I remarked.

“Well that’s good.” He said. “Now I’m hungry let’s go get something to eat.” He said and pulled me up and towards the kitchen. The rest of the week went pretty normal Jane Denise and Howie all slept at Kevin’s and Nick and Aj slept at my house. Then during the day all the guys and I would do something like swimming or basketball or just sit around and talk. Them getting to know me and me getting to know them. By the time they all left Friday afternoon, we all knew each other extremely well. Especially Nick and I we were the best of friends.

Chapter 8
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