Chapter 8 - Priceless

June 12; 8 am

“Brian Get Up!” I yelled jumping on his bed.

“Katie let me sleep!” Brian said turning over and pulling the blankets over his head.

“Fine be that way!” I remarked and got off the bed. About that time a light bulb went off in my head. I walked over to the door and opened it then shut it so it seemed like I left. Then I went over to Brian and gently grabbed the bottom of the covers so he didn’t know I was there yet. I grabbed on tight and pulled while I yelled, “Brian Thomas Littrell get up!”

“Crap Katelene it’s cold and it’s only 8 am!” Brian yelled pulling his knees to his chest after he sat up.

“Your leaving today and I want to spend time with you. Now get up and if you’re not downstairs in 10 minutes your going to get woken up again and it’s gonna be a lot worse than this.” I said motioning to the blankets on the floor and him freezing because of the cool spring morning air blowing in from the open window.

“Oh I’m so scared.” He said sarcastically, “And shut the window please.”

“Ok Brian you have 10 minutes from the time I leave this room to get your lazy butt out of bed.” I said and left the room.

“Ya right” I heard him mutter as I walked down the hall to the steps. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

“What was all that about?” Mom asked standing at the stove cooking breakfast.

“I woke Brian up and he wouldn’t get up so I pulled the blankets off him then said he had to been downstairs in 10 minutes or else.” I said grabbing a glass and putting ice in it. Then filling it with water.

“You wouldn’t?” Nick asked.

“Do what?” I replied. He pointed to the glass I was holding.

“Use it to wake him? Of course that’s what I’m gonna do unless he’s actually down here then I’m gonna drink it.” I said sitting down between Nick and Kevin. I leaned my head against Kevin’s shoulder already missing him and he wasn’t even gone yet.

“It’s ok Kat I’m not leaving forever.” Kevin whispered in my ear.

“I know” I whispered back. I sat there for awhile with my head on Kevin’s shoulder before I looked down at my watch to see it’d been 10 minutes. “I’m gonna go wake Bri and I’ll be right back.” I announced.

“Katelene.” My dad stated with warning in his voice.

“Ya Dad” I said with an innocent smile.

“Atleast take the ice out of it.” He said laughing and going back to his paper. I went over to the sink and took the ice cubes out.

“Just remember Katie, Brian gives pay back too.” Aunt Ann said.

“I know, believe me do I know.” I remarked laughing, as did everyone else.

“Wait I wanna see this I’m coming with you.” Aj said standing up and walking over to where I was standing.

“Anybody else wanna come?” I asked looking at them.

“Yea!” Howie, Nick and Kevin all said jumping up and following me upstairs.

With Jackie, Harold, Jane, Denise, & Aunt Ann

“That girl is too much like her brother.” Denise said smiling.

“I know what you mean the girl loves to joke around and make people smile, she’s very strong minded, and very stubborn all like her brother.” Jackie said.

“Yes she is she also seems very mature for her age and she’s very beautiful.” Jane remarked.

“Yea she really started growing up when Jerald died she took it so hard.” Ann stated.

“Yea she did.” Harold said.

“KATIE!” They heard Brian yell.

“Sounds like Brian’s up.” Jackie said and got back up to start dishing up pancakes.

Back with Brian, the other 4 guys, and me

I threw water on Brian’s chest that happened to be bare since he wasn’t wearing a shirt and the blankets were only pulled up to his waist.

“KATIE!” He yelled shooting up out of bed as the rest of us cracked up laughing.

“Next time you’ll heed my warning right Bri?” I asked through my laughter.

“Yea Kat next time I’ll defiantly take you serious.” He said starting to laugh. “Let me change and I’ll be down.” He said laughing and we all went down stairs.

“oh my the look on his face was priceless.” Howie said as we all walked into the kitchen.

“Yes it was.” Aj agreed. We all sat down at the table with our plates and waited for Brian. Around the table it went like this: Dad & mom on one end and to the left of them was Denise, Aunt Ann, Nick, Aj. Then on the other end of the table was Howie, then to his left it was Brian, me, Kevin, and Jane. We all sat there eating, talking, and laughing. I finished before anyone else and sat there thinking. Thinking about how much I was going to miss all 5 guys, so much stuff was going through my head. I didn’t even realize when mom took my plate and put it in the sink, since I hadn’t done it yet or when everybody else but the 5 guys cleared out of the kitchen and went to the family room to talk.

“Katelene!” I suddenly heard from the whole table.

“What?!” I said jumping almost falling over but Brian and Kevin caught me before I fell. “See what you guys make me do?” I joked as they all laughed.

“Now for the third time do you want to go swimming?” Aj asked annoyed.

“Yea I’ll go put my suit on.” I said starting to walk out of the kitchen.

“Finally, the girl’s not a total ditz and does decide to come back to earth.” Aj muttered

“Oh Aj you’ll really wish you hadn’t of said that.” I said and walked up stairs

“Oh Aj you’re gonna get it!” Brian said.

“Why? She was just playing wasn’t she?” He asked.

“Ya she was playing, kind of anyway.” Kevin said

“Kind of?” Aj asked.

“She’s unpredictable. Sometimes she just says that stuff to play around and it has no meaning behind it and then sometimes you have to watch your back.” Brian said

“Yep Kate is, oh crap!” Kevin said. Then looked to make sure Katie wasn’t around

“Kev, man you’re lucky she wasn’t around!” Brian said.

“I know I’m really lucky, but sometimes it just slips. I don’t mean to call her that.”

“Atleast you’ve never done it when she was around.” Brian stated.

“Ok, guys why are you so worried about calling her Kate if she’s around?” Howie asked curiously.

“That’s something you might want to ask Katie later, like a couple years from now. Just take my advice what ever you do don’t call her Kate.” Kevin said.

“Ok.” Howie, Aj, and Nick replied. Then they all got up and went outside to the pool. (AN: The sentences put in stars *…* are what the person is thinking)

I came downstairs to find all 5 guys out by the pool. Aj was about ready to jump in and that seem to be my chance to get him. I wasn’t going to do anything before but you know when you have the opportunity use it, and that’s exactly what I did. I snuck out the door and up behind Aj, I gave him a good shove and he went flying into the pool never knowing what hit him. I hurried and sat down in one of the chairs before he came up. I sat down and picked up my book pretending to be innocent. A couple seconds later Aj came up sputtering.

“Alright which one of you pushed me in?” He asked looking at the other 4 guys who were all in the pool laughing their butts off.

“None of us did.” Kevin said through his laughter while motioning to himself, Howie, Nick, and Aj. I sat there trying not to burst out laughing at how confused Aj looked. Suddenly he looked behind him staring straight at me.

“Hey J.” I said smiling innocently giggling a little.

“I should of known it was.” He said laughing and they all went back to splashing and playing around. I was going to get in after they settled down a little. I was sitting there watching them and realized there was only 4 of them in the pool. *Ok there’s Kev, and there’s Howie, there’s Aj and Brian’s right there. Where’s Nick?* I started to look around to find him. I spotted him sitting at the edge of the pool with his feet in the water. Then I realized he was staring at me.

Nick’s POV

After the rest of the guys went back to goofing off I hopped out of the pool. I started staring at Katie not realizing I was doing it till suddenly she looked up and caught me. She just kinda stared back and then smiled at me. I quickly broke our gaze.

“Hey Nicky what you doing up there?” Aj asked.

“Oh nothing just thinking.” I said. He didn’t push the subject any farther thank God. Brian and Kevin would of killed me for thinking of Katie as more than a friend but her being more than a friend was something that would never happen.

“You know Nick if you keep staring at Kat like that, Brian and Kevin are both going to kill you.” A voice beside me said. I looked to see it was Aj.

“I was not staring at her.” I protested quietly.

“Yea right and I’m Elvis.” Aj replied.

“Nice to meet you Elvis.” I replied sarcastically. Aj just shook his head.

“Nick I should have told you this before but don’t get too attached because we leave today at 6pm.” He said

“I know that Aj.” I replied.

Katie’s POV

I looked up again to see Aj out of the pool to talking to Nick. *Wonder what they’re talking about?* I decided it was time to have a little fun. I got up and stood right above where the other 3 were in the pool. I made sure they didn’t know I was there then I jumped over their heads and into the pool. I came up from below the water to hear Brian.

“My God Katelene Honesty you scared me death.” He said as every body else laughed.

“Sorry” I said laughing. I swam over to where Nick and Aj were. “Hey guys.” I said with a sly smirk.

“Hi.” Nick said cautiously.

“What’s with the smirk?” Aj inquired.

“Oh nothing. Aren’t you two going to get in?” I stated. Then before they replied I grabbed one of each of they’re arms and pulled them in. “I guess that’s a yes.” I replied laughing when they came back up.

“Girl you better swim and swim fast.” Aj said. I took off swimming towards Kevin.

“Kevvy save me.” I said hiding behind him.

“Now Aj leave my cousin alone.” Kev said.

“Man Kev you take the fun out of everything.” Aj sulked.

“Oh Aj you just never get it.” He said and grabbed me.

“Oh no Kevin you wouldn’t. Please Kevin no, you wouldn’t hand me over to him.” I begged.

“Sorry Kat I would.” He said and all 5 of them started to tickle me. After they were done and we had all finally stopped laughing we decided to play Marco Polo with Kevin starting since he was the oldest. We played that for a while before we all got out.

“Hey Katie why don’t you go get some drinks there should be lemonade in the ‘fridge.” Brian said.

“I am not your slave.” I said with a small smile.

“Oh pretty pretty please with a cherry on top.” Brian begged.

“Yuck I don’t like cherries.” I said smirking.

“Let me try this Bri.” Aj suddenly said. I looked at Aj curious as to what he was going to say. “Katie would please go get us some lemonade and Nick will help you.” He said.

“Oh fine. You know it’s really hard to turn down then pathetic puppy dog eyes.” I said and got up.

“Oh Aj you’re good.” Nick said.

“Yea but I volunteered you to go with her.” He replied.

“Oh yea.” Nick said. He got up and followed me inside.

With Brian, Kevin, Aj, and Howie

“Hey Bri?” Aj said.

“Yea?” Brian stated.

“Would it bug you if I don’t know maybe one day Nick and Katie ended up dating?” Aj asked.

“It did at first, but he likes her and I can tell that. She just doesn’t know that he does yet. I mean I hope he doesn’t act on them right now cause were leaving this evening and I don’t want her hurt more than she’s already gonna be.” Brian said.

“Yea I know what you mean of course who knows the next time we come back and when we do those feelings may not be there anymore.” Aj stated.

“No I have this feeling the next we come back those feelings he has will still be there. It just kinda seems like they are meant to be.” Brian said and about that time Nick and I came out with their drinks never having a clue as to what they were talking about. I sat down the three drinks that I was caring and Nick followed me actions and everybody grabbed one.

“I’m going to go inside for awhile. I’ll be back out in a bit.” I said walking to the door.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Nick asked me.

“Not at all.” I said missing the knowing smiles on the other 4 faces.

Chapter 9
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