Chapter 9 - Never The Same

3pm that afternoon

An hour after Nick and I had gotten out and went inside everyone else decided to get out and get dressed back into normal cloths. We had been playing basketball afternoon till about an hour ago when the boys had decided it was time to get showers then start packing. Kevin and Howie had let after we started playing to go back to Kev’s house since that’s where everything of there’s was. Now I was upstairs with Brian helping him pack.

“Grab my blue striped shirt please.” Brian said packing stuff from his dresser as I grabbed stuff he wanted from the closet.

“Which one?” I asked staring at 3 ‘blue striped shirts’

“The short sleeved one.” He replied.

“The light or dark blue one.” I asked giggling.

“Katie.” He stated aggravated.

“It’s not my fault you have 3 ‘blue striped shirts.” I replied.

“Oh pick one I don’t care.” He replied laughing. So I grabbed the light one, it had always been my favorite, then threw it at him. “You know you could’ve thrown it in the suitcase.” He replied with a lopsided grin.

“But that’s no fun.” I replied smiling.

“Ok whatever grab a couple pairs of jeans too.” He said. I turned around to be faced with 5 different pairs of jeans.

“Does it matter which ones?” I asked.

“Nope.” He stated. I grabbed 2 pairs of blue jeans and threw them on the bed. I turned back around and grabbed his Wildcats jersey I knew he’d want that. “Oh grab my Wildcats jersey too.” He said.

“Already done.” I replied pointing to the bed where it was lying.

“Thanks.” He said

“Sure no problem.” I stated. I looked at the rack of cloths once again to see Brian’s favorite sweater. It was one I’d given him for his last birthday. It was a solid black sweater with a single gray broad stripe across the chest. There was nothing magnificent about it but it was still Brian’s favorite. We were out shopping for school cloths and he had seen it in the mall and wanted it but didn’t have enough money left.


“Oh wow look at this sweater.” Brian stated looking at a solid black sweater with a broad gray stripe across the chest. There was nothing magnificent about it but for some reason it looked gorgeous. “34 dollars man I’ve only got 20 left. I guess I’ll have to come back another time and get it.” I looked and it was the only one left and it was just his size. *Well Brian’s birthday is in a week and I haven’t gotten him a present yet. Mom did give me 20 extra dollars to buy him one even if it is a little over I don’t care.* I thought to my self. I quickly grabbed the sweater and paid for it. “You ready to go Katie?” Brian asked walking up to me.

“Yea I’m ready.” I replied.

“Oh I guess I won’t come back and get it. Somebody already bought it.” Brian said sounding kinda crushed that it wasn’t still there. I almost gave it to him right then but I knew it mean a lot more to give it to him on his birthday.

*End Flashback*

“Katie?” Brian asked standing beside me.

“Hmm What?” I asked looking up at him.

“You ok?” He asked concerned.

“Yea why?” I replied.

“You just left civilization there for a couple minutes.” He stated.

“Oh sorry I was just thinking.” I said.

“Ok.” He replied walking back over to his suitcase. I grabbed the sweater off the hanger and quickly threw it on the bed.

“Anything else you want Bri? You’re closet is three-fourths empty.” I stated.

“No I think that’s it.” He replied zipping up his suitcase.

“Ok.” I replied. I looked down at my watch to it was 5 o’clock. *Only and hour before we have to at the airport*

“Katie come here.” Brian said patting the spot beside him. He had set his suitcase on the floor and was now sitting on the bed.

“Here.” He said handing me a t-shirt. I unfolded it and looked at it.

“Brian this is you favorite Wildcats shirt I can’t take this.” I said surprised and handed it back to him.

“No I want you to take it for now. You can wear when you miss me and stuff. Then when I come back I want it back.” He said.

“Mom told you about that huh?” I asked blushing.

“That you would wear my shirts when you really started missing me while I was gone? Yea she told me.” He replied. “And believe me it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I love you and I missed you a lot while I was gone. I’ll miss you a lot while I’m gone this time too. I also have one other thing for you.” He said gently grabbing a box that he had sitting beside his bed. I had no idea what it was since the top of the box was already open. The box was only 12” by 6” and was only about 4 inches deep. I looked inside to see a white and black baby pug.

“Oh Brian it’s adorable.” I squealed picking up the puppy.

“It’s a he and mom already said you could have one but you have to take care of it and he’s not named yet. That’s up to you.” He stated answering my questions before I even asked them.

“Ok.” I stated. “So help me pick out a name.”

“Ok let’s see. Elmo.”

“Nooo.” I said laughing.










“No Way!”

“Ok Pooh?” He said naming my favorite cartoon character.





“Yea.” I stated smiling.

“Ok how about… Oh what you said yes, finally! Thank you God!” He said looking to the sky. I just laughed at him

“Well atleast that didn’t take too awful long.” Brian said.

“Yea.” I said and looked up at him with tears in my eyes. It was getting closer to when he had to leave and I was dreading it.

“It’s ok Katie.” Brian said. I buried my head in his shoulder and started crying. I was going to miss him so much. “Oh Katie please don’t cry. I hate to make you cry and you know it. It’ll be ok, don’t worry.” He said the tears starting to run down his cheeks too.

“I love you Sissy.” Brian said through his tears. Brian hadn’t called me that since I was 3.

“I love you too BB.” I stated. It was kinda weird that was something I hadn’t called him since I was three either. We had just stopped using them nicknames because we’d started using ‘KatieKat’ and ‘BriBear.’ I little while later I stopped crying and just laid there not wanting to let go of the person that had always been in my life and I realized that nothing would ever be the same.

Chapter 10
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