*Leigh’s POV*

I woke up and thought I had open my eyes but all I seen was darkness. I tried opening them and realized they were open. I started coming to a little more and realized we were moving which meant we were probably in the back of a truck of something. *Madison* I suddenly remembered.

“Maddie.” I whispered.

“Leigh.” I heard her whisper back.

“Where are we?”

“I don’t know I think were in the back of a van but I couldn’t tell you where we are as far as outside goes.” She replied.

“Do you have any idea how long we’ve been traveling?” I asked I knew she probably didn’t have an answer but keeping her talking and knowing she was there was keeping me form panicking.

“Well I’ve still got my watch on and it’s got the light on it and it tells you the date but I can’t see it cause my hands are tied behind my back.” She stated.

“Ok well uh keep talking and I’m gonna come to you.” I told her.

“Ok well uh I don’t know what you want me to say. Oh I do want to make one suggestion though.” She said. We hadn’t been that far apart cause I had found her just after that little bit she said.

“What’s that?” I asked sitting beside her.

“When Brian says take security even if it is just down the hall. We’re taking security.” She said giggling a little.

“I think I’ll agree with that.” I replied also giggling a little. I moved my hands a little and realized they hadn’t tied the knot very tight. I moved resting my back against the wall before lifting my hips and bringing my hands under them so they were against the back of my knee.

“What are you doing?” She asked as I moved both my legs and finally got my hands in front of me.

“Getting my hands in front of me.” I replied.

“How’d you do it and how do you know how to do it?” she asked.

“One of the movies I was in I had to do that and they taught me how.” I replied.

“Oh cool. Know how do you do it?” I quickly told her how and she got her hands in front of her.

“Now you can see your watch” I stated.

“Your right I can.” She moved her hands and suddenly the back of the van was lit up in green. “Well it was 11pm on the 28th when we left Howie’s room and it’s about 12:30 am of the 29th so we’ve only been gone for about an hour ‘n’ a half.” She said.

“Yea well 10 minutes is long enough to make Brian and Nick start worrying so they should be looking for us.”

“Yea atleast I hope they are. Good I wish I was back with Nick.” She said. I could tell by the sound of her voice she had started crying.

“It’s ok Maddie they’ll find us. Brian and Nick won’t let anything happen to us.” I stated tears starting to run down my face too. She gently laid her head on my shoulder and I laid my head on hers wishing the same thing she was. I said a quick prayer before closing my eyes.

*Back to the hotel with the guys*

The whole 8th floor was swarming with cops and had been since Kevin had called them. Nick was no longer calm and neither was Brian. They were both hysterical with tearstains on their face and a couple tears escaping every so often.

“Oh god what if, what if he never brings them back, or if he, he kills them or, or…” Brian rambled on to Howie holding Leigh’s necklace tightly in his hands.

“Brian calm down. We’ll get them back, he won’t kill them just calm down you’re not helping anybody by panicking.” Howie said trying to calm him down. Both necklaces had been dusted for fingerprints but nothing had turned up.

Nick was in about the same shape rambling on to Aj and holding Madison’s necklace tightly in his hands. Kevin was trying to stay calm not only for everybody else but for himself too. “Shit Aj what if he does something terrible to her. She’s been through so much and Leigh oh god…” Nick rambled.

“Nickolas Gene Carter.” Aj said firmly. Nick stopped and looked at him. “Stop the what ifs. It’s not helping anything and it’s definitely not helping Madison. You have to be strong, help find her.” He said.

“I know that. I just…” He trailed of gently brushing his hands over something in his jeans pocket. “I love her so much I couldn’t bear to lose her.” He whispered.

“What’s in your pocket Nick?” Aj asked quietly. Nick reached in his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box, then handed it to Aj. Aj took it and slowly opened it.

“Oh my god Nick.” Aj whispered.

“I was gonna ask her to marry tomorrow night. We had the night off and didn’t have another one till tour ended. I had everything planned out it was perfect. Now I just wish she was here.” He said a couple tears escaping from his eyes.

“It’s ok Nick we’ll get her back don’t worry.” Aj said.

“Aj,” Nick said looking him in the eye. “Tell me I’ll get her back, please tell me I’ll get her back and that she’ll be ok.” He begged him with his eyes; they were such a deep blue, that they were almost black. Aj sighed knowing he shouldn’t do this but he also knew Nick needed a little comfort even if it meant that it wasn’t true.

“It’s ok Nick. Don’t worry we’ll get her back and she’ll be ok. Don’t worry.” He whispered.

*Back to Madison and LeighAnne*

Madison’s POV

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the doors were swung open and a little bit of light flooded where ever we were. We were both harshly pulled out then drug out of the van. I had realized the light was coming from a flashlight. I hadn’t realized how weak I was till they made me get up and I could barely walk. I looked over at Leigh seeing how frightened and weak she also looked and I could only imagine how I looked. After looking at Leigh I decided to look at the rest of my surroundings. We were in the woods, in a small clearing. The moonlight was shining down just enough for me to tell there was a small cabin in front of us that we were heading for. From a distance it looked small and cozy but I knew that inside there was hell, pure hell. I was curious and scared to know what they were going to do with us. I just wanted to be back with Nick, safe in his arms but at the moment I didn’t know whether or not I’d ever feel those arms again. I didn’t know if I’d ever see his face again, if I’d ever feel his soft lips on mine, hear is soft voice lull me to sleep, to feel his body next to mine as we made love. *God please get us out of here.* I begged closing my eyes. I opened my eyes when I felt it get brighter. We were now in the doorway of the cabin. We were quickly shoved inside and the door was locked. My eyes quickly adjusted and I looked at my surroundings once again. In front of us was a small living room/ family room type thing. It had two couches and a couple chairs along with a lit fireplace. I did have to admit that it was cold. It was the end of November and we were in Ohio. I looked to the left and seen a staircase leading to a hallway. I could only see one door from where I was standing and there were no lights on up there. A little ways from the stairs there was an open door it looked to be a bathroom. To the left there was a closed door. It wasn’t far from the front door so I figured it was a closet. I drifted my eyes to a doorway where light was coming from I figured it was the kitchen. Just as I was about to look in front of me again some guy walked out of the kitchen.

“Ah the beauties have finally arrived.” He stated. I shivered at what he called us. He was dressed nicely in a button up shirt along with a tie and a pair of gray slacks. I watched as he walked closer to us I unconsciously moved farther back against the guy that had drug me out of the van. He walked up to me first. “Yes beautiful you are finally here. I’ll finally get my piece of you.” He said running a finger along my jawbone. I turned away from him.

“Don’t turn away from bitch!” He exclaimed before slapping me across the cheek. Tears sprang to my eyes but I held them back not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. He grabbed my chin and made me face him. “Look at me.” He commanded. I didn’t disobey him not wanting to be hurt again. I looked at him, dead in the eyes. His eyes were crazy; this guy was truly nuts. His eyes showed so much lust that I had divert my gaze from his eyes. “Such a beauty.” He whispered before kissing my lips. I didn’t turn away, not wanting to be hurt even though it was revolting to feel another man’s lips on mine. When I didn’t kiss him back he pulled away. He didn’t do or say anything, just started to walk over to LeighAnne. I looked at her and our eyes locked. She had so much fear in her eyes and I’m sure she’s figured out from my mistake not to turn away from him. She was giving me a help me look but also a sympathetic one. I’m sure I was giving her the same.

“You know there’s a reason I call you ‘love’ I’m sure you’re a wonderful lover I can’t wait to get my piece of you.” He said laying a hand on her cheek. She didn’t move but looked like she wanted to hurl all over him. I felt the same way I just wanted to rid my stomach of all its contents. “Oh so much smarter than your sister.” He stated then kissed her too. He pulled away then directed his attention to the men behind us. “Take them to their room. Make sure you lock the door on the way out and that you untie them there’s no way for them to get out. Be good to them too I don’t want them hurt too bad.” He said before walking past us and out the front door after grabbing his jacket. The guys behind us slowly lead us up the stairs to the first door on the right. They opened the door and turned on the light. There was one window that had glass on it and no bars, which I found kind of amazing. There were two single sized beds. The one closest to the door was decorated in soft pink hearts and the other one that was closest to the window was decorated in pink flowers. There were pink curtains on the window and the carpet was pink and the walls were a really light pink.

“The one in hearts is yours LeighAnne and the one in flowers is yours Madison.” The guy behind me said as they untied us. “You’re free to do what you want. We’ll bring you guys a little something to eat and drink. Don’t try to break the glass in the window because it’s bulletproof.” The guy behind me said.

“Do you think we should give them something to call us should they need us. The boss isn’t gonna be here except for during the night.” The one behind Leigh said. *Oh God only at night* I thought hearing that statement.

“I guess that would probably be a good idea. You two can call me Two and you can call him K.” Two said. We both nodded. “Ok well there’s a bathroom through that door should you guys need it.” Two stated pionting at a door to my left. We nodded again too scared to speak. “Well I guess we’ll be back in a couple minutes with your food.” Two said and they let go of us. About that time LeighAnne fainted and I was still weak so I fell to the ground too. K quickly picked LeighAnne up and carried her to the bed while Two bent down and picked me up.

“I’ll be down stairs.” K said walking out the door as Two laid me on the bed. I held my breath hoping he’d leave but he stood over me. I got a good look at him and realized he really wasn’t that big. He was only about 5’10 but he had a lot of muscle.

“I’m so sorry.” He said softly. “I need the money and then if I didn’t do it he was gonna kill me because I knew his plan. I’m so sorry.” I just lay there shocked that this man was apologizing to me and explaining why. He stood there a couple seconds longer before leaving the room, locking it behind him.

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