Chapter 5 - Wishing

I had fallen asleep just a little after Two had left the room. It was now 10 am. Leigh and I had been up since 6. We had been sitting there quietly since Two and K had brought us our breakfast at 8. We were both wishing we could get out of here and that Brian and Nick would hurry up and find us. We hadn’t even been here a full 24 hours and I was already going nuts. I couldn’t seem to get away from the pink. Everywhere I looked that was all I seen was the color pink. The bathroom was even decorated in pink. At the moment I didn’t know which I wanted more to be back in Nick’s arms or to just be out of this room. I swear if I ever see the color pink again after this that it’ll be way too soon.

“Hello girls.” Guy said coming in. We didn’t know what to call the guy that had been sending the letters so we just called him Guy. I coward as close to the corner of the bed farthest away from him that I could. I felt I was 4 all over again. “Aww don’t be scared girls. We’ll do this the hard way or the easy way.” He stated walking over the window and closing the blind and the curtains. “So LeeLee have you figured out who I am yet?” He asked standing in front of her. *He knows LeighAnne? Ok this is confusing* I watched Leigh and she looked at him carefully.

“Oh my god.” She exclaimed putting a hand over her mouth and jumping up and getting on my bed beside me. “I thought I put you in jail.”

“Oh you did along with all those other girls. You put me in there for about 15 years but I didn’t like it and you should know by now LeeLee you never cross me. You did though so I decided to get my revenge and have a little fun.” He stated evilly. He looked at me and I coward closer to LeighAnne. “Oh LeeLee did you not tell you sister about me?” He asked with an evil smile. Before in knew it he was sitting in front of me on the bed and he had pulled me close to him.

“Leave her alone Lou.” LeighAnne stated.

“Don’t cross me LeeLee or she gets it.” He sneered, pulling a knife from his pocket and laying across the top of my arm. He obviously didn’t want to kill me yet just hurt me. “That’s better” He stated with that evil smile once again. LeighAnne must have backed down. “So do you want to know what I did to her?” He asked. I shook my head. “Well that’s too damn bad because you’re gonna find out anyway.” He sneered. He came closer to my face and for a minute I thought he was going to kiss me but he didn’t. He laid his mouth right next to my ear before whispering “I raped her good and hard at the tender age of 16” He then let out and evil laugh, he sounded like he was a complete lunatic. I quickly pulled away from him wanting to get as far as I could from him. “Now listen here bitch I thought we went over this once!” He yelled before backhanding me across the face “Never pull away from me! Got it?!” He exclaimed again before roughly grabbing my breast and squeezing hard before moving both his hands and squeezing my arms tightly. I nodded quickly hoping he’d let go. “I want to hear you say it. Now let’s try this again.” He said squeezing harder. I could only imagine the bruises I was going to have. “Got it?” He asked

“Yes I got it.” I stated trying not to let the tears roll down my cheeks.

“Good.” He stated throwing me back against LeighAnne. She quickly gathered me in her arms. He picked up the phone and started to dial a number. “Is this Nick?” I heard him ask. I listened to this side of the conversation my stomach churning with every word he said to my boyfriend. It wasn’t but a couple minutes later when he got off the phone by that time though Leigh and I were scared to death. He was going to kill us if they didn’t get to us in time. On the 7th day we were gone. We had a little over 5 days of living left if they didn’t find us. “I’ll be back tonight. Then we’ll really have some fun.” He said before getting up and leaving. I let out the breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding. I then let the tears fall from my eyes. *Oh God please, get us out of here. Please I’m begging you. Get me back to Nick*

*The Boys*

*Oh God please I’m begging you bring my wife back to me. Please don’t let this lunatic hurt her or Maddie. I wouldn’t be able to live with my self if I knew I let something happen to them. Please bring them back.* Brian prayed in his mind. Everybody had been praying and wishing for hours upon hours now. The police had bugged all there cell phones and the hotel phone. Suddenly Nick’s cell phone started ringing. Everybody up and Nick quickly grabbed his phone. He waited till the police told him he could answer before he did.

“Hello?” He answered.

“Is this Nick?” The voice asked.


“I’m sure your wondering what the last lines on the notes mean. Some tell exactly what’ll happen to your beautiful girlfriend and her sister everyday and some tell what you better be doing. Those days you won’t know what’s happening doesn’t that just kill you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Listen up blondie and listen good. First things first, the fear’s established. One by one the beauties march on. Two by two have a little fear. Three by three have a little fun. Four by four dry you tears. Five by five you better hurry. Six by six they shall be royalty. Seven by seven they’ll be no more.” He said then hung up.

“Oh god.” Nick cried dropping the phone. He quickly rushed out of the room with Brian following him. Nick ran till he reached the end of the hall where his room he shared with Madison was. He quickly grabbed the key and unlocked the door. He rushed to the bed and was about to fling himself on it but instead ended up running to the bathroom. He made it just in time to empty the contents in his stomach. Brian quickly followed him. He kneeled down beside Nick and rubbed his back.

“It’s ok Nick. We’ll get ‘em back. Don’t worry just have a little faith and do a lot of praying.” Brian whispered as Nick leaned over the toilet. A couple minutes later when he was sure he was done he moved back away from the toilet and leaned against the bathtub. Brian got up and grabbed a washcloth and quickly wet it down with cold water. He sat back down beside Nick and wiped his mouth like you would a little kid. He then ran the wash clothe over his forehead.

“I wish she was here. I wish I’d never have let her out my arms that night. I felt something was wrong. That something wasn’t right before she even walked out the door. I should’ve stopped and told her I’d go.” Nick said his voice hoarse and tears started to run down his face. It was only 11:00 am and it’d had already been one of the worst days of his life.

“I wish they were here too Nick.” Brian replied tears starting to fall too. “We’ll get ‘em back though. Just have a little faith.” He said. He wasn’t sure who he was trying to reassure more, Nick or himself. He sat there beside Nick thinking. They were comforting each other without saying a word they were just simply sitting there. Both of them knowing the other was in as much pain as he was. One thing kept going through Brian’s mind “Seven by Seven they’ll be no more.” Suddenly his stomach churned and he quickly moved to the toilet and threw up. Nick was right beside him doing the same for Brian as he had done for him.

*LeighAnne and Madison*

They both sat there crying and shaking for a couple minutes when suddenly Madison got up running for the bathroom. She made it just in time to kneel down and see her breakfast once again. It really hadn’t been something she’d wanted to see again. She was sobbing and throwing up at the same time only causing her to become weaker. LeighAnne kneeled beside her, rubbed her back, and held her hair back. After she was sure she was done she slowly sat back and leaned against the tub.

“Oh Maddie are you ok?” LeighAnne asked tears in her eyes. Madison slowly nodded.

“Is there a glass in here so I could rinse my mouth out?” She asked. LeighAnne got up and looked. She opened the medicine cabinet and found a glass along with 2 brand new toothbrushes with their names on a piece of paper taped to them and some tooth paste.

“Here.” Leigh said handing her the cup filled with cold water. “There’s also toothbrushes in here for us too.” She said.

“Oh thank god.” Madison said spitting the water out in the toilet. She shakily stood up with LeighAnne helping her. “Oh god they’re pink with hearts on and flowers on the other and the toothpaste is even pink!” Madison exclaimed looking at the articles LeighAnne had put on the counter.

“Yea I know atleast we can brush our teeth though.” LeighAnne said.

“Yea.” Madison agreed and started brushing her teeth. After they were both done they went back into the bedroom and lay down on the beds.

“I wish I would’ve listened to Brian that night.” Madison said.

“I wish I would’ve too.” Leigh agreed.

“I wish I wasn’t here. I wish I was home, in Nick’s arms. I wish… I wish.” Madison said but had to stop as the tears quickly ran down her face and she began to sob again. Leigh quickly moved to Maddie’s bed and wrapped her arms around her.

“I know sweetie, I know. Believe me I’m wishing the same things.” LeighAnne whispered beginning to cry too. *Oh god please get us out of here* She silently prayed.

Chapter 6
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