Carry On Dancing - Waiting

*Madison’s POV*

“Oh Madison you’re up. I guess you probably want out of here for a little while.” K said.

“Yea kinda tired of the pink.” I said carefully. They both nodded agreeing.

“We’ll let you both out but no funny stuff. Don’t try to get out any of the doors cause they’re all locked and you have to have the key.” K said. Leigh and I nodded our heads and they lead us down the stairs. *Thank you god finally* I screamed in my head.

“Do you guys want something to drink?” K asked.

“No thanks.” We replied.

“Ok well we’re going to go into the kitchen you guys can sit here and do whatever and you can watch tv if you’d like.” Two stated then they walked into the kitchen.

“Ok I swear to god they’re trying to help us out of here cause this is way to easy.” I whispered and turned around to quietly search the room.

“Just in case they’re not and this is all just happening by coincidence.” She said turning the tv on. I quickly turned around when I heard Kevin’s voice.

“Please we’re begging you, whoever you are. We’ll give you what ever you want just bring them back to us.” He was saying before it went back to some news reporter. I looked at Leigh to see tears were also in her eyes.

“No I’m not gonna cry because I’m gonna have my way and that means I’m going to see him and my husband and all the other people I love in a couple hours.” She said quickly drying her tears. I nodded in agreement and turned back to look on the shelf for the phone. While she changed channels and began looking for the phone.

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say they were helping us out of here.” Leigh said pulling the phone out from under the couch.

“Thank you God.” I whispered for speaking to Leigh. “I know what you mean.” I told her as she quickly put the battery on the phone. It beeped loudly as it got turned back on. “Oh shit.” I whispered. We looked at each other scared out of our minds just as Two and K walked into the room.

“What was that?” K asked. I looked at the Tv praying for an answer and realized there was a lady on the tv using a cell phone.

“It was the tv.” I replied smoothly and pointed towards it.

“Ok.” They replied before going back into the kitchen.

“Shit that was close.” LeighAnne whispered sitting down.

“Yea it was.” I replied. “We should wait till we get back into the room to use it. We don’t want them to here it.”

“Yea your right.” She replied.

“Oh girls just so you know you only have 30 more minutes out here.” K said peeking his head from the kitchen. We nodded and he went back to do whatever he had been doing. Leigh and I sat down on the couch and began looking at the phone.

“Looks like it’s all in working order. They didn’t change anything.” She said.

“That’s good.” I replied.

“Yea.” She agreed clipping it to her jeans and pulling he long shirt over it. “Now we just have to wait 30 minutes.” She said.

“This is going to be the longest 30 minutes of my life.” I whispered. She nodded her head in agreement. We were silent for awhile till she broke it.

“Atleast he hasn’t done anything really bad. I mean it could be worse.” She stated.

“Yea it could be a lot worse. God I don’t even want to think about it.” I shuddered. She didn’t say another word as we sat there on the couch.

*45 minutes later* (AN: The cell phone numbers in this chapter are NOT real.)

K and Two and decided to let us stay out of the room for a little longer. We hadn’t really wanted to but we couldn’t exactly object. We were now being led back up to the room I had put the cell phone in my pocket and you couldn’t even really tell it was there.

“We’ll see you guys in the morning.” Two said after ushering us into the room. Leigh and I both nodded. He shut the door and locked it. Leigh quickly ran over the door and listened for them to get down the stairs.

“Dial.” She exclaimed in a quiet whisper a couple seconds later. I quickly grabbed the phone out of my pocket and began to dial Brian’s number. “632-6752” I quietly whispered to myself. LeighAnne came and stood in front of me. Her hands her shaking with fear, excitement and nervousness but I couldn’t blame her so were mine. I listened as it began to ring knowing his voice mail picked up after the 5th ring. “1…2…3…4…5…” I quietly counted before I heard the beginning of his voice mail. I didn’t hang up and waited to hear my brother’s voice.

“Hey this is Brian I’m busy at the moment or just don’t want to talk to you. Leave a message after the beep and you can hope I call you back.” It said. I smiled just a little. I quickly hung up when I realized it had beeped. Leigh was standing beside me with tears in her eyes. “Don’t worry Leigh we’re getting out of here.” I whispered. She nodded her head and I began to dial Nick’s number. “645-3836” I quietly whispered to myself just as I had done when I called Brian. I stood listening to it ring waiting for somebody to pick up.

“How many times has it rung?” Leigh asked almost jumping up and down in front of me.

“3.” I replied.

“Hello.” I heard Nick pick up in the middle of the 4th ring.

“Nick.” I quietly said in the phone. BAM!

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