Rise And Fall

“Hey Laura what are you doing back here you’re shift doesn’t start until 9:00 a.m.” Francine, the night receptionist, set down her cup of overpriced coffee and flashed Brian and Laura a smile as they walked into the lobby of The Hospice House.

“I brought a friend of Nick’s in to see him.” Laura hooked an arm through Brian’s arm. “This is his buddy Brian.” Brian leaned forward shaking Francine’s hand.

“Brian, we’re glad you came. He’s not doing so well.” Francine shifted her gaze over to Laura and back to Brian. “We don’t think it is going to be much longer.”

Laura’s grip on Brian’s arm tightened slightly and then released.

“Thanks Francine.” She said turning and walking quickly down the hall towards Nick’s room, Brian following closely on her heels.

The two walked in tandem down the dimly lit hall towards Nick’s room a sense of urgency hanging heavy in the air as Laura placed her hand on the knob, opened the door and walked inside.

Sandy, Nick’s night nurse sat in a chair beside his bed her hand gripped loosely around his wrist as she timed his pulse on her watch. Glancing up she smiled faintly at Laura and Brian shaking her head.

“It won’t be long now.” She whispered lying Nick’s arm at his side before standing.

“Is he in pain?” Brian stepped forward out of the shadows.

“No, he’s not in any pain.” Sandy grabbed for Laura’s hand squeezing it tightly. “I’m glad you came back, I know he would want you here at the end.”

Brian walked forward, eyes closed, into the glow of the lamplight beside Nick’s bed. Opening his eyes slowly he looked down at his friend shaking his head.

“Ah Nick, look at you buddy.” He whispered.

Nick lay motionless in the bed the burgundy sheets pulled up around his chest his arms at his side. His skin was pale and his cheeks were hollow from the loss of weight. There were dark circles beneath his eyes and his hair had turned a strange shade of sandy blonde. It was odd to Brian how quickly Nick’s looks had changed in the week or so since he had last seen him, a sure sign of the toll his disease had taken on him.

Sitting in the chair Brian reached for Nick’s hand.

“Buddy can you hear me?” Laura melted into the shadows in the back of the room, tears pooling in her eyes as Brian spoke.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. But you little shit you wouldn’t tell anybody how to reach me.” Brian laughed softly “Leave it to you to be a pain in the ass even when you’re…….dying.” His voice caught on the last word.

“Dying.” He said it again clearing his throat. “You’re really dying.” Nick’s hand twitched beneath Brian’s hand as he struggled to open his eyes.

“Bri.” His voice was weak and barely recognizable but the brilliant blue of his eyes was pure Nick.

“I’m here Nick.” Brian leaned in resting his chin on Nick’s arm as they stared into one another’s eyes.

“Everything is going to be okay Brian.” Nick whispered lightly squeezing Brian’s hand. “Kara will make sure of it. She’s going to take good care of me now.” Brian shook his head.

“Who is Kara Nick? Where can we find her?”

Nick smiled. “She’ll know when it’s time Brian, she’ll know when it’s time.” Then closing his eyes he sighed.

“I’m so tired.”

“Then you go ahead and close your eyes and rest for awhile Nick. I’ll be right here if you need me.” Smiling Nick nodded before drifting back to sleep.

* * *

As dawn began to break, the pink and yellow hues of morning slowly melted their way through the curtains in Nick’s room, washing away the darkness of night and bathing the room in a soft pastel glow.

Laura slept curled up in the recliner in the corner of the room while Brian slept in the chair at Nick’s bedside, his head lying on his arm which was draped over Nick’s chest so he could feel the slow rise and fall of life left in his friend’s body.

The door to the room opened slowly and then closed as Kara made her way quietly through the room, the red sweatshirt tied around her waist a smile on her face.

She glanced over at Laura and then down to Brian before setting her eyes on Nick. Walking around to the opposite side of the bed from where Brian slept she leaned down fluttering her eyelashes playfully across Nick’s forehead and cheeks. His nose twitched slightly as he opened his eyes.

“You’re here.” He whispered.

“Did you doubt I would come for you?” She replied.

“Never.” Nick shook his head brushing her hair from her shoulder. “I never doubted you for a second.” Cupping his face in her hands Kara smiled.

Brian’s eyes were open but his head remained still as he silently watched his friend carry on the one sided conversation with the air.

“Kara I’m ready to go now. Is it time?” Kara ran her hands slowly up the side of his face lacing her fingers through his wild hair, enveloping him with warmth and understanding.

“Yes Nick, its time.”

“She’ll know when its’ time.”

Lying there listening to Nick speak, realization washed over Brian and he knew. Knew that Kara had come for Nick, just as he had said.

It was time.

Across the room Laura peered through her long lashes at the beauty of what was happening right before her. The beauty of life walking hand in hand with the mystery of death.

Then Brian felt Nick’s chest rise and fall………rise and fall………rise and fall……. rise and fall……….rise……………………………….

And then he was gone.

* * *

Nick and Kara walked across the field hand in hand towards the white canvas tents billowing in the warm summer breeze. Toby came out to meet them circling around Nick’s feet until he stooped to pet the scruffy little guy on the head. Satisfied with the attention Toby then turned and headed back in the direction of Kara’s Grandparents tent.

“First thing I’m gonna do is give that little mutt a bath.” Nick laughed watching Toby swipe and apple from an unsuspecting customer’s box of apples. “And maybe teach him some manners.”

Kara giggled watching Toby haul the apple around the back of the tent. “He’s going to be a handful are you sure you’re ready for that kind of responsibility?” She said standing on her tiptoes to ruffle Nick’s hair.

“You know it.” He reached out ruffling her hair back before grabbing her around the waist and hauling her off of her feet. “And I’m pretty sure I can handle you too Miss Clark.”

“Oh you think so Mr. Carter?”

“I know so.”

Setting her down the two continued in the direction of the tents Nick grabbing an apron out of the old blue pickup truck before following Kara through the back flap of the tent to where her Grandparents and sister were busy with their customers.

Kara’s Grandmother turned a bright smile on her face when she saw Nick, walking to him she wrapped him in a warm embrace squeezing him tightly before thumping her hand on his stomach.

“First thing we’re going to have to do is fatten you up young man.” She said squeezing his face in her hands. “Tonight we’ll have pot roast.” Nick laughed planting a kiss on the woman’s forehead before she turned to walk back to her customers.

“Hey boy.” Kara’s Grandfather came over to him slinging an arm around Nick’s shoulder. “Tell me something. How’d you get that granddaughter of mine to come back for you huh?” Nick slung his arm around her Grandfather’s shoulder narrowing up his eyes like he was going to tell the old man the secret to eternal life.

“Let’s just say I gave her a line she couldn’t resist.”

“Oh yeah, what line?”

“I told her that I only had twenty-four hours to live and my last wish was to spend every minute of it with her.” Kara’s Grandfather threw his head back in laughter slapping Nick on the back.

“And she fell for it?”

“I told you it works every time!”

“You’re a character Nick,” Her Grandfather said shaking his head as he walked away “A real character!”

Looking up Nick saw Allie glancing at him over her shoulder a mock look of disgust on her face that quickly melted away as she walked towards him, tossing him a fat red apple that he snatched out of mid air.

“So, it looks like you’re going to be staying for awhile.” Allie said, hands on hips.

“Yup.” Nick took a big bite out of the apple holding it out to Allie as a peace offering. Taking the apple from him she polished it on her shirt before taking a bite.

“Well then I guess I might as well say it.” She said tossing the apple back to Nick.

“Say what?”

“Welcome home Nick.” A slow smile spread across her face. “I’m glad you came back.”

“Me too Allie.” Nick said looking out to the sea of welcoming faces that crowded The Market tents. “Me too.”

Nick gazed around the tent at his new ‘family'. Kara’s Grandmother and Grandfather stealing a quick hug in the corner of the tent, Allie wiping her hands on her apron as she stooped to fill a bag with some oranges, Toby making himself at home curled up by a box of Grapefruit at the back of the tent. And then there was Kara.......his angel.

And Nick felt, for the first time in his life, that he was truly home.

