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Baby Saga!!

10 years have passed since Dragonball Z ended. Goku and Oob are training at Kami's lookout. All of a sudden an old emperor Pilaf shows up with his trusty side kicks Shou and Mai. They find the Black Star Dragonballs created by Kami-sama when he was one with Piccolo. Meanwhile Oob leaves and they summon the dragon. Goku notices this and flies to where they summoned him. Pilaf upon seeing this slips and says something to the effect of,"Dammit I wish he was a kid again so I could beat the crap out of him." Son Goku then turns into a kid and they Dragonballs scatter along with Pilaf and gang. Son Goku tells Dende and Mr. PoPo goodbye and says he don't mind being a child. On his way home he stops to eat. Pan winds up being around there stopping a bank robbery. Goku goes there and tries to fight but she won't let him because she thinks he is just a little kid. Turns out after the robbery that he is Goku and they leave to discuss the Black Star Balls. Kaio-sama tells Son Goku through telepathy that the only way he can restore his size is the black star balls and he says that even worse is that the balls spread across the universe and the earth will explode in one year if they don't collect them and bring them back by then. Son Goten and Trunks are told to go with Son Goku in a space ship around the universe because it would be good training for them. But Pan tricks everyone and sneeks in and blasts off when Trunks and Goku arrive. then there are many boring annoying episodes about them collecting the balls which I will not talk about. After all the tiny adventures they discover an evil doctor named Myuu. He is the creator of a huge robot named Luud. After they battle Luud, Myuu escapes to another planet. He then radios his top warrior General Rirudo and tells him to find the dragonball gang and to bring them to him alive. Giru (a robot that swallows the dragon radar and hangs out with them forever after that)asks Son Goku and the gang to go to his home planet M2 for a day. Turns out Giru works for Rirudo. Rirudo rewards Giru because he led the robots to capture Son and Trunks. Then after a whole bunch of crap. Goku and Trunks escape and go back to the ship. Rirudo follows them. Rirudo sends captures Trunks in a weird ray and ships him to doctor Myuu. Then Goku battles Rirudo and it's very even but then Rirudo transforms and it turns out that he is planet M2. After all of that Pan finds a way to be teleported to Myuus layer and Goku's captured. Myuu plans to drain the life energy from Goku and Trunks. But Giru saves the day and it turns out the Trunks Myuu has is a fake and him and Trunks planned this. Goku is released and they go to in Dr. Myuus back room and find Baby. Myuu is sad because Trunks put a virus in Babys computer that keeps him alive. Everyone thinks he is dead but when Baby hears Son Goku he wakes up and tries to kill everyone. Goku and the gang kill Baby easily and leave to find the rest of the dragonballs. Myuu escapes in a ship to another planet. But it turns out Myuu, who has a dragonball, is killed by Baby, who is still alive. Baby then says he made Myuu and Myuu forgot that. Meanwhile Son Goku and the gang find Myuus ship. They go on board and find a young boy dying. They take the boy and his dragonball and go to a nearby planets hospital. It turns out that Baby is the little boy and that he takes over others bodies. He steals a doctors body and then gets Trunks alone and takes over him. Trunks' is too tough for Baby to possess though. Baby runs away to an airport and steals a womans body and takes to plane to earth. Goku and the gang then set out to recover the rest of the balls. They expect an attack by Baby. Meanwhile Baby arrives on the Earth
